Hoarder an already outliner perk that doesn't fit any build is now better for survivors.

AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Now the range increase is fine and a good choice as the problem i had with it was you could easily not have that trigger due to the range, my problem is the 2nd change. Hoarder no longer decreases item rarity but it still gives them 2 extra chests now i don't know about you but that was the only saving grace of this perk it is now better for the survivors since it makes finding a key easier with all the chances they have.

I believe the devs simply gave up on trying to get the item rarity decrease to work as there isn't a reason for it not to do that. If they got rid of it because of the range buff that's pathetic even with the increased range and item rarity decrease this perk wouldn't be worth using. I truly believe the only reason they buffed its range was because they couldn't get hoarder to work.

Sure there will be moments where you see a survivor in basement interacting with a chest but even if that happens once a match i don't think it is worth using this perk as the risk of a survivor getting a key and escaping outweighs a survivor getting hooked in basement. As for finding a survivor in the open interacting with a chest it won't do you much it will just start a chase on a survivor not doing a gen when you could be stopping gen progress that another survivor is doing.


  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    If the survivors are searching every single chest on the map looking for a key because I have Hoarder then I’ve already won.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    yeah... using hoarder in this state is just begging for the survivors to find a key

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    but did that perk help you win?

    And what survivors don't loot chests in between doing gens or right before they do a gen near a chest.

    the only good chest is the one at basement all others are in the open and going after that survivor isn't better than chasing survivors off gens.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020

    Yes getting a few notifications throughout the game at the expense of other massively impactful perks is a good trade-off. I know for a fact you would get more location notifications overall with spies from the shadows.

    They are not wasting their time if they are running a chest looting build. And two extra chests? That's barely any time added into your game, less than a single pop goes the weasel.

    I already felt neutral about this perk. Now it's meme tier only and probably will only ever be worth anything if you get a basement hook from it.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    At that point you already won my question was how impactful was this perk? how did it help you win? You can't seriously tell me you would run this perk over others if it's info you want there are way better perks. whispers does what this perk does but better for cleaning up survivors.

    Also as said they loot chests during the trial not only when they are losing and because there are more chests that means more chances for a key you can't deny that a survivor can find a key before they are at a point where they need one. Also if you are going for survivors doing chests in the open unless you have already won your kinda dumb, getting survivors off gens is a higher priority, if your going for the guy looting chests the other 3 will get the gens done and you'll lose for not pressuring them.

    Also keys are not that hard to find, i get one in every few games like 1/5 and that's if im not using anything regarding chests and there is the normal amount of 3.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Searching is a huge waste of time, if someone among survs dedicated to it. Hoarder just makes it so that survs have more opportunities to search. Which is buff for survs.

    Not to mention, design of the perk is bad. it creates condition to make self viable by buffing other side. It's as if Clown was something like 100-105% movement speed and relied on his bottles to catch up.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    That survivor which is already not doing gens can now serve as a distraction with this perk, literally unless you catch a survivor getting the basement chest this perk helps the survivors in more ways than one.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,049

    How? The chances of finding a key when the killer is using this perk is normal, by that I mean that it is rare to find a key without Plunderer's Instinct.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Well, with more options, you have slightly higher chance of finding a key.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 364

    Run the Cut Coin and remove that part of the perk then.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    you have more chances to find it which increases the likelihood that you will find a key, also it's not that uncommon i usually find a key every 5 or so matches when their is only 3 chests and im not running any chest perks.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    that indirectly nerfs the perk and doesn't solve why it sucks.

    simply going after a survivor basically doing nothing compared to getting a survivor off a gen is why this perk sucks, it isn't worth using it's info the majority of the time unless its at the basement.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I’m not saying this perk would be better than whispers or BBQ I’m just saying in a scenario where there are survivors actively searching chests Hoarder would help you win. Probably not more than BBQ would help you win, but it would help you win. I never said Hoarder was better than the other options, but you don’t always have to run the meta. Running niche perks can be a lot of fun :)

    Looting chests is a waste of time. 10 seconds of doing nothing is wasting time even if it’s only 10 seconds. The only way searching a chest cannot be a waste of time is if you get an item that makes up for the 10 seconds of wasted time like a purple med kit or a commodious toolbox and you use the item.

    You have about a 7% chance to loot a key without Plunderers and a 14% chance with plunderers according to the wiki. It is still unlikely a survivor will loot a key with 5 chests in play, and it is even more unlikely that the key will see play within that game. I rarely ever find a key without Plunders.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    "HA! I can see you looting chests practically anywhere on the map now! Sure, I gave you 2 more chests to loot... and with Appraisal, technically 1 of you can search all 5 chests for 10 items... and you have a higher chance of escaping if one or more of those items ends up being a key... but I can counter this by using a VERY RARE OFFERING... that, actually shows up less often than the ultra rare offering I get... man..... ######### Twins? Why did you teach me this again?" - Every Other Killer

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    I mean i get your logic but simply using it's info to get a survivor doing nothing and getting there more than likely after they looted the chest is why this perk was never good in the first place. While your right they are wasting time looting it isn't much and the same is said for the info you get and acting on that info the majority of the time won't be worth it as putting pressure on survivors doing gens is the higher priority.

    Also the items they get will help them, the risk of them getting a key alone is enough to make this perk not worth running even if it is only a 7% chance which to me feels higher since i get them pretty often.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    You guys forget that chests are a secondary objective for survivors. This perk gives them more stuff to do besides rushing gens.

    Also let's be real, keys are not so common. I regularly search chests and without Plunderer's Instinct I find them once every blue moon, and most of the times they are Broken Keys.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020

    Ok now I think I got it. So the chest looter has 8-9 times to loot a chest. 3-4 default chests, 3 appraisal tokens, 2 hoarder chests.

    Plunderers 3 is a 14% chance for a key.

    The chances of NOT looting a key is 86%.

    So the chances of not looting a key with 9 attempts is (86/100)^9 = .257

    So the chances of getting a key is 1-((86/100)^9) = ~74%

    The chances of not looting a key with 7 attempts is 1-((86/100)^7) = ~65%

    So you statistically buff the chances someone loots a key by around ~9-10% And it only is more the less attempts there are.

    That assumes the key is not green, and the plunderer gets all the chests.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    At this point I'm ######### convinced they're doing it on purpose.

    I really wish they'd just bring the AI from the mobile game and make this a ######### PvE game with how much they want survivors to bullshit their way through every trial.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yeah I thought that was weird. why did they do that? It makes no sense because of the changes they made to moris but not keys. Can the devs or a mod please explain this change?

  • warcrafter3001
    warcrafter3001 Member Posts: 57

    This is literally a 5th perk for survivors.