What is the point in Moris now?



  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Honestly, the way I saw them, they were insurance against what may have been a super sweaty group of survivors, or some easy points from DC.

    I never really cared to use them, personally since I'd rather dodge and save the headaches all around.

    Now, it's pretty useless, and only really useful in a more fair fight which is going to get rarer and rarer with matchmaking being godawful.

    Oh, wow, cool animations. We almost never saw them anyhow.

    I don't see much point now, aside from lolz. Easier to throw away, and waste now, I guess.

    If you've hooked someone twice already there's not much need in it aside from saving time hooking them again since a third can't come that hard.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    The so called uses (which there are some niche ones) do not make the offering worthwhile still. In terms of WORTH, it has less then none.