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Mori Changes

A lot of the post I'm seeing about the Mori Changes are either Killers just whining or Survivors cheering. And I don't get why, this change doesn't really fix anything.

The whole issue with Mori's people had was that you could tunnel someone off first hook and Mori them. But now you're telling me someone just has to tunnel me an extra time or camp me into the struggling phase before they Mori me?

The fix the Mori's needed was to hook everyone once before you could Mori them, this encourages, or more so actually forces the killer to go after the other Survivors if they want to use their Mori.

The only reason the Mori works in Pyramid Head's basekit is cause it requires them to not only be on deathhook, but they must be tormented too, so he can't just easily tunnel you into a Mori since there's two requirements he must achieve. But at this point Mori's serve no point as an offering, if they're just going to have the survivor reach struggling phase before a Mori then it should just be basekit for Killers.
