How the hell do you adults finish the rift?

I honestly feel like this game is geared towards young people who have buttloads of free time on their hands and completely neglects the rest of the community with the grind. I was unable to finish the last rift and this one looks like it is going to end the same way. I'm currently level 36, despite playing DBD in all my free time. I'm slowly losing hope ya'll lmao and subtly hating the developers for their overhanging theme of "the grind needs to be unbearably long"


  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I figured there might be some tricks outside "do all the challenges" , but guess not. Oh well.

    Ifthey extended it by 15-20 days, that would be fine.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    afk wraith lol

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2020

    Do you actually? I wouldn't mind doing it if it doesnt get me banned. But how much would I have to do this? I'd assume a couple hours each day for the next whatever days left

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    I've finished previous rifts last 10-20 levels much of the way like that, and gave it noed and blood warden since it's boring so that sometimes if people are ducking around I'll kill a couple or few on their way out for wasting my time. A few times I also used the brown addon that gives him a threat radius while cloaked with distressing for the lulz. I spawned right in the center of middlewich once and it was hilarious seeing a bill right up in my face trying tof igure out what was going on, he asked in end game chat was the killer bugged LOL./ All of that can be done while doing something more interesting, watching tv, or playing another game.

    Don't do it all at once, and don't spend all night doing it. Like what i said about the noed/bloodwarden moments, something like that or playing for a match every couple or few doesn't look so bad and I also threw in a couple or few survivor matches after 3 to 5 afk wraith matches if I was only active for one of the matches or none of them. They can look at all the data, I don't believe they care as long as you are not a Survivor afking often since then you could get others killed and make it impossible to escape in some situations for them even... but as a killer you aren't impeding anybody at all so it's morally acceptable especially after bad patches pop up out of the blue and you've already paid for the rift and it's the only reliable way to finish it between long survivors queues and not feeling enthused about playing killer. Just spread it out and don't overdo it. And skip a night after a couple in a row. only did it for the past two rifts, but hadn't been banned for it so far. If I got banned it would most likely be for end game chat lol.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    By way of 3-4 hours of matches a day, increasing 2 tiers on the Rift, cutting the overall time of 70 days til completion in half.

    I’m a bit behind however, having taken a week off playing. Still on target to complete the Rift with 13 or so days to spare before it closes.

    It used to be much easier before they intensified the grind last time around.

    Tough to do with a full time job or a family to take care of.

    Would be really helpful if devs, choosing to keep it grindy, would loosen it up just a little to especially help these specific players.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    How long did it take to grind the last 10-20 levels that way? I'm seriously considering this right now lol

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    What is "on time"? What level are you at? I just hit level 36 and feel like it's hopeless. I'm only 1/2 way...

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Yeah, I was asking myself the same question on the previous rifts, so i decided to change my ways and see if I could maximize the amount of shards with minimal play time.

    So far, I made sure to:

    1-play at least one game a day to get the bonus xp.

    2-focus on the challenges instead of piping/escaping/3-4k.

    3-As a survivor main, I go friendly as a killer. Survivors are far more cooperative to friendly killers than the other way around. I've never played billy before and Country Livin' would take me ages to achieve playing seriously.

    4-The exception to point 3 is when the challenge demands sacrifices, then I go full sweaty doc.

    So far, I've got to level 48 of the rift, 6 pages completed with an average of 2 pages per tome level. Following that trend I should have up lvl 64 investing roughly the same time I invested in the previous rifts where I reached around 50-55. The remaining levels might not be worth the time investment tho.

    Have fun

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    oh dude if it's on xp alone even with killer lobbies in seconds it's gonna take like a week to do that for hours on hours on hours and a huge chunk of the weekend too. depending on how many levels you need you still might have some levels left youc ould just use the auric it all gave you to straight up buy if the rewards are worth it or those levels give you auric back to compound the last 5 or 6 levels which I've done. When you want something over with , you're tempted to just it over with and without handing them even more money for inconveniencing you which only encourages it to be worse the next time. I'm certainly not doing killer challenges any more and this is the last rift I'll buy even if they put pam anderson naked in the next rift.

    If you're 36 now you're probably not finishing it without buying 10 to 20 of those levels btw even if you play non stop. The next rift is tomorrow I think,a nd the last rift iirc you only get about a week to finish. Plus certain killer challenges that may come with it might have just become much more tedious, even if not too much more difficult in the typical matches you get. I'd say afk a few here and there. but let the last 20 levels or so go. This rifts rewards are ######### anyways for the most part and not worth risking a ban on a 24/7 afk. 24/7 is a whole notha level of afk. And they will know even if not a single person reports you for it, but mostly since reports don't matter anyways unless there is a massive amount of them against an account.

    They'll just probably have something setup to detect the patterns if you afk all day and night, and flag you for review and probably think you're botting it. They haven't said much definitive about afking occasionally on killers since they know alot of people do it to derank who otherwise would remove themselves as a killer out of the pool, but they have said more than once if a killer is using a macrro to do it they will ban them. The last thing you wanna do is get somebody to assume you've set up a queue macro or something, basically botting afk and requeue, though whent hey mentioned macros they were talking about the M! macro afk killers but they dislike macros period whether survivor or killer uses them actively playing or just doing it to queue. And if they think you're a bot, you could be in trouble. Imagine ana ppeal being, "but I wasn't macroing I was deliberately putting myself back into queue so I could afk every moment I wasn't sleeping." With a killer shortage coming they'll probably not like hearing that as a ban appeal if you overdo it.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I could just run the game in the bg while I do my work (so from like 11am to 7/8pm lmao)

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't finish the rift. I pretty much knew i would never have the time to finish it.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I imagine the absolute of “on time” would be sometime before it closes.

    The rift closes in 21 days.

    I’m currently on Tier 53.

    So, at 2 tiers advanced per day, I’ll reach tier 70 in about 8 days, completing the Rift 13 days before it closes.

    At tier 36, you need 34 to complete the rift. You can finish in 17 days if you level up 2 tiers per day.

    Not sure what time you are available to play, but it’s more beneficial when wait times for lobbies are less than 3 min. Insta-queue’s are the best... straight into each match, get your rift fragments, then right back into the next.

    A few hours of that a day guarantees you reach 70 before it closes, possibly with 3-4 days to spare, if you level up 2 tiers per day.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146
    edited December 2020

    Yeah, grinding XP is how I do the Rift. If you can have the game running in the background while you do other stuff, it helps immensely. Just don't AFK 100% of the time, do some bare-minimum interactions at the beginning or end of the match. I'd recommend using a normal killer and not AFK'ing as Wraith, it annoys survivors and is more likely to result in reports if you use a killer they can't at least try to farm chase points off of.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    If I do like ~1hr of AFK killer a day should it be okay?

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Couple things that are important:

    1) Obviously play 1 survivor and 1 killer game each day.

    2) After step 1, focus on playing whichever role has the shorter queue time (you should generally know this or figure it out via your first 2 games)

    3) Turn on your phone and open whatever app you have that can set a 10 minute timer. Once the game loads and you see the character pan around, start the timer. Once the timer is over you should look to be getting out of that match as quickly as possible. As survivor this is easy; go run to the killer and just beg for death. As killer, you have less control of simply ending the match right there, but if the match is dragging on to the point that you think its going to take too long to hunt every one down, then just AFK till the gens are done; then open the doors.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    If I thought the rewards were worth it I'd just buy the levels. $1/level isn't a lot IMO. Fortunately the rewards are junk compared to the normal skin offerings in the store so I've never felt the need to buy levels.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    I don't, I do some now and then but it's too grindy. The whole game is too grindy.

    I had to give up on playing a variety of killers, I just don't have enough play time to support their blood points needs for perks and such. I only play like one survivor (dwight) and I only play 3 killers.

    The grind is too much for me to branch out anymore. I wish it wasn't so grindy, I want to play the twins some but I just can't drop that many million in Bloodpoints trying to make them viable.

    Given the devs don't really talk about how bad it is and the level of changes that would be needed (Something big at this point, like removing perk levels or something so perks are just unlocked at whatever their best tier is), and that the holiday event this year is just giving out 10k bloodpoints a log in like....that is so unbelievably skimpy I can't even fathom.....I don't expect any changes to the grind anytime soon.

    The devs seem to think bloodpoints are worth far more of our than they are.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146
    edited December 2020

    If you're trying to finish the current Rift? Probably not.

    You have 34 levels of the Rift left. Each Rift level takes 10 fragments. A fragment takes 800 XP, so each Rift level is 8000 XP. So, not taking into account any challenges you do, that's 272,000 XP you need to grind. If you get both XP bonuses for first killer/survivor match every day for the next 22 days, that's 13,200 XP. That leaves 258,800 XP to earn via time spent in match.

    Anyone know how much XP is generated per minute in a match? How long would it take to earn 258,800 XP?

    (If my math is wrong, I apologize and feel free to correct it. Personally, I earn on average about 500 XP per match, probably. So, earning that much XP would take me about 518 matches.)

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I finished the rift ONE time, which probably comes down to whatever my client situation looked like at the time (I tend to play more when business is slower). I play a little bit each day, and I tend to aggressively target tome challenges.

    That said, I'm not hell-bent on finishing rifts. It's just cosmetics, the game is overflowing with those, and it's not going to be a big deal if I don't get every last thing.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I’m finding that it takes about 4-5 hrs to complete 1 tier without doing any of the challenges. I’ve been trying to do at least that much a day. I started the rift about a week late, and now I’m 5 days ahead of schedule (tier 54). This time around I haven’t been doing all of the killer challenges, because I don’t have the Clown and I’m just not good enough at chainsawing people as Billy.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited December 2020

    Going off the wiki:

    • Time played in the trial (1 XP = ~1 second)
    • Highest Emblem Quality
      • 18 XP for obtaining at least 1 Iridescent Emblem
      • 12 XP for obtaining at least 1 Gold Emblem
      • 6 XP for obtaining at least 1 Silver Emblem

    I think I remember hearing though that at a certain point exp gain from a single match gets reduced heavily or something, not sure on that however. With how much xp stated in your example (272,000), that would be the equivalent of getting from devotion 1 to ~81 (if if did values correctly).

    Even just a 3 shard challenge is worth 2,400 exp in terms of conversion, 5 shard challenge being worth 4,000 exp, and completing a tome levels final node is worth 8,000 exp. So that's roughly 5 matches, 8 matches, and 16 matches respectively for each challenge type worth of shards/exp going off a 500 exp average.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Quarantine helped a lot.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't. Never cared much for battle passes or other timed challenges.

  • SheKIndaSucks
    SheKIndaSucks Member Posts: 46

    Also don't. Have a fulltime job which sucks up most of my time. I can't imagine how much harder it'd be for parents of small children. The silver lining at least is that this one was pretty bad anyhow.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Lol not i pressume. All i want is the new Legion skin and i feel that I'm running out of time.

    And that's with getting lucky and getting most challenges done in a single match.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I bought 20 rift levels just to complete it. lol

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I finished the rift 2 weeks ago.... But I'd rather have a job :(

    U can buy the pass then 1 level is 100cells which is less than a dollar if u buy a 1000+ bundle

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Lol don't know. I still haven't gotten to tier 30

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I’m on level 26 LOL I have always completed the rifts this one yeah I highly doubt it

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Rifts are easy as hell, forum is full of people to advise you what perks can help you. I managed it just fine.

    Being intelligent about the games you play can speed it up.

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 112

    As someone who also has a full time job and a couple young children, I've been able to finish the rift every time. The average playtime I get per day is probably around 1.5 to 2 hours. Right now I'm at level 60 and should be able to wrap things up once the next set of challenges are released. Here's how I prioritize:

    • Try to play at least one game as killer and survivor per day, you get a bit of a bump for those first games.
    • When new challenges are released focus on finishing them. I try to make it to the end as quickly as possible, then go back to finish up any grindy or more difficult ones later. I haven't found any challenge to be overly difficult, and if things get bad enough you can try farming. For this rift I've completed every challenge within a week of them being released.
    • Play killer as much as possible since the queue times are pretty much instant and you don't waste as much time.
    • In between working on challenges try to get one level every other day. Occasionally I can knock a level out in a single day but that's not too common.

    Even with all of that some rifts are worse than others. I found this one to be a bit easier than the last two which I completed right at the end. The other thing I've found is that these tend to burn me out as well, so I'll take a break in between just to recharge.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Wrong..... it’s geared towards having people PURCHASE the completion. Nothing more, nothing less

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,380

    I'm at T69 right now and I haven't really played the game that much besides a few hours each night before I switch to play a different game with friends.

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    This will be the last rift pass I buy, I am barely at level 37 and its just not worth the grind, life gets in the way, no way can you finish it with 'casual' play.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    You should turn on the news and see the goofy ######### adults are doing every day. It's a little foolish to think there are not plenty of them with too much time on their hands.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I got to about 55 before I was able to head back to work. I'll definitely be able to comfortably finish this one.

    I've only completed 1 page of challenges so if I was working and just played for them I'd probably be around 45 or so. It's doable but like most battle passes they want you to exclusively play their game if you have a life.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    That's the thing, I usually don't finish the rift hence why I don't buy the rift passes.

    I cherry pick the ones I want to do and then pick stuff that may inadvertently get done at some point. If I finish I finish if I don't I don't.

    I guess the cosmetic rewards are for those who put in the time to get them all done, but I'm not fussed.

    I think the best way to deal with the rift is to only buy the pass if you have already unlocked a tier/cosmetic you were going for. Otherwise its just a waste of money.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Personally I've given up. I reached tier 70 for the first couple rifts and it burned me out. The only rewards are skins anyway, not a big deal.

  • RE2LeonS
    RE2LeonS Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    I know this thread is a couple months old, but I'm trying my hardest to work on this rift because I'm in love with Felix and he has cosmetics in this rift that I'm trying to get...but my god, it's so difficult. I work in a hospital and I take a class online during this pandemic, I have been practically working myself to death during this outbreak while also adding 500+ COVID vaccine shots I have to help draw up daily to my list, so by the time I'm able to game I'm completely beat. I manage to get through a couple games before the stress of toxic teammates and tunneling killers just kills my motivation and joy to continue. The few times I've attempted to play killer to work on the challenges, I was disconnected twice during the Steam updates and lost my offerings and became tempoarily suspended for "leaving early". It's such a flawed system, all that work I put into those games, just to be kicked, suspended, and lost all earnings.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't

    I just look up the lore reveals online and convince myself I didn't want the cosmetics anyway

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 370

    The rift is far too grindy as it is. I suppose that's intentional so that they gain more money by causing players to buy out the remaining tiers. I'd prefer if they removed the auric cells gained while making the rift actually enjoyable. Other games have season passes you can finish in a week by grinding. In Dead by Daylight you'll end up grinding for months.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2021

    Yeah, between writing, marketing, community building and maintenance, then add it in the little man being in virtual school, my weeks are booked pretty solid. I realized early on that the Rift was not for people like me, so I gave it the attention it deserved: I ignored it.

    This is one of those games where I ended up not caring one bit about cosmetics. As for the lore, I just look it up online and get it all.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Yeah 100% this. Remove the auric cells you get from it and make it so purchasing the rift gives a 500% increase in fragments or something.

    The way it is now is so broken.

    IIRC they are making changes with the next Rift. 500xp instead of 800xp for a fragment and an extra page of challenges... But even that doesnt seem like enough

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't finish.

    I use it for extra points here and there, but I see it for what it is.. a cash grab that I can exploit for extra blood points. Nothing more, nothing less.

    don't let it suck you in.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    the pandemic and not having children.

    battle passes are generally for people who play the game a lot to have something to constantly grind for. i agree the grind for dbd's battle passes is not worth the reward. they should either lessen the grind OR add stuff to the battle pass to make it worth it. recolors are trash and lazy.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    You either stop caring (recommended)

    Or you pay for it.

    I'm rank 10 atm, guess what I did