Just once, can I get teammates who don’t throw easy matches?

Seriously, killing yourself on first hook against a Clown at 2 gens left?
Running around cleansing dull totems for the first 4 minutes when the killer has no visible hex perks and the other two on the team are being chased and chasing the killer respectively?
Being unable to coordinate an unhook between three of you when I have Kindred so I go into struggle in the first few minutes of the match?
Yes this post is a product of tilt. Goddamn my survivor matches have been frustrating today. Time to play killer I guess.
you can't
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Clown op I guess.
The pain of Solo queue. You missed the part where they have to run to the very corner of the map to heal.
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I’d rather they run to a corner to heal at this point tbh, I’m getting teammates who will do even dumber stuff like heal right next to where the killer just hooked someone else and then go down and kill themselves on hook. Like maybe don’t heal in the thick of the killer’s terror radius? Sheesh.
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I feel those struggles. 2 days ago I had like 6 out of 8 matches that were deaths due to teammates who were morons that let me go to 2nd stage, open the gates immediately, just escape immediately, I'm the one in chase when the last gen pops, or they're just bad and die extremely early or kill themselves on hook for no reason.
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I hate to be this guy, but this is the result of no MMR system.
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I'm all for cleansing totems in case of NOED, but when you have more important stuff to do go do it! Hopefully your next matches aren't so frustrating. I'd take god pallet dropping without a chase over a suicide hook any day
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I really wish they hadn’t changed the rank reset system so you only drop one colour. Red ranks are absolutely filled with people who have no idea what they’re doing - and having no idea what you’re doing is fine, but you should be playing with and against others who also have no idea what they’re doing.
I get red rank teammates who will do stuff like run in front of me and accidentally bodyblock me at the exit gate when I’m injured and being chased by the killer. You have to be pretty new at the game to not understand taking a hit for a teammate.
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Yeah. I’m not opposed to cleansing dulls when the situation calls for it, but running around the Swamp searching for bones when the killer has hooked multiple people and one gen is done is really not the time.
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Yup, basically. I had another match and this time got good teammates, but the killer was obviously struggling and gave up halfway through. I just want balanced matches, man. The tense ones where it could go either way, not one-sided stomps.
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Welcome to the solo queue experience. Enjoy your miserable stay.
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I left work early yesterday to work on survivor challenges (because I'm responsible) and I was horrified by my first couple of matches (purple rank).
Survivors are legit worse before 5pm PST or so. I see this over and over. Weekdays, I might just play killer from 2pm-5pm or so.
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I wish I could say it was a new experience but I’ve been solo queueing for a long time, hahaha. Solo queue never changes. Sometimes I just have to vent about it to avoid going nuts. 😇