Why are there so many freddy players today

I played this game for about 2 hours straight earlier and never in my life came across so many freddy's.
Not one, two, three, or even four but five! Five different freddy's with different playstyles, perks and skill.
But why?
Why has the freddy population gone up?
It's a mystery to be solved :0
My guess is that people are trying to rush to red ranks with him because rank reset is in a few days. Also, I haven't looked at them but maybe some of the new tome killer challenges are a reason too?
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Much like keys popping up much more, I'll hazard a guess it has to do with the fact that they're looking on changing Freddy and keys soon.
So naturally, everyone will play Freddy and use keys while they're still strong.
I do hope they won't butcher Freddy but, make some changes that make sense.
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Who knows. Somedays I get none and have fun. Others I get 5 in a row and just quit and play another game.
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Perhaps they're playing him as much as possible since he will get nerfed.
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They won't give Freddy reasonable changes given their track record with Nurse/Billy.
No reason to expect them to do anything different if they have clearly shown that they didn't learn from the last 2.
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I was playing Freddy earlier. I used him to do some archive challenges because he is easy to use, fun to play, and scores a lot of points. I just wanted some chill games while I grind that rift.
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Because he puts the game on easy mode and some ppl can't be bothered learning the real game.
I find it funny when ruin undying swingy chain freddys get stomped by a 4man and proceed to complain about them for using meta perks and abusing coms, ngl one of my favourite things to see in this game atm.
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2 perks that can be rendered useless 30 seconds into the game vs 16 meta perks and comms
which one is easy mode?
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I haven't seen a single Freddy today on PS4.
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I assume it's survivor mains doing their killer challenges, the tome challenges are all mixed together so people are forced to do at least one challenge for each role. I understand that when survivors have to play killer for whatever reason they unironically run meta killers and perks. This happened a lot during the 2018 Halloween event where you had to use pustula plants to fill your vials to earn rewards.
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Because majority of games survivors just happen to find the two totems and pop them in the correct order...
At least you always get value out of ruin undying. DS unbreakable and bt all require the killer to be tunneling, slugging or camping. That's literalyl the point of those perks, to punish scummy plays. If you don't play like that as killer, you will run into these perks far far less, not saying you will never run into them, just the amount of damage they will actually do to you is far less than what ruin undying will do in an average game.
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Be happy you did you face Freddys with diffrent perks In red ranks you will mostly see nurses and spirt using the same built since red ranks can be broken
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Freddy has the largest amount and passive stall.