PS4 Killer experience/ how usable a killer

This is my observation/ experience with killers on PS4 base model.

Trapper- he is quite okay, maybe the trap pick up animation can lag sometimes.

Wraith - sometimes there is a lag when you come out from cloak. This can make the first hit hard sometimes

Billy -I don’t really use him, but curving isn’t easy with controller

Nurse -after blink her turning is pretty bad, I don’t know if it’s a fps issue or controller limitation

Hag -currently unplayable since only 20% of the traps can be placed, most of the times the trap disappears if its close to an object or window. Also quite hard to hit after teleportation

Doctor -sometimes I experience lag when I chase survivor and she goes through a pallet projection

Huntress -I barely use her, maybe because it’s quite hard aiming also, I am confused about the hitboxes

Myers -stalking sucks, sometimes it drops back the meter. This can cause some surprises

Bubba -I find it difficult to go around object when I use his chainsaw, this maybe requires practice or it just hard to do precise movement with controller

Freddy -sometimes I experience lag when I place a trap, fake pallet or teleporting

Piggy -sometimes lagging when I play a trap or I try to do a dash attach

Clown -I can’t recall anything. Maybe precise hits aren’t as easy

Spirit -quite okay, her hit box is pretty weird after phasing, most of the time I hit an environment object

Legion -quite hard to use his fenzy, issue to 360 also the fps issues and he can be disorinted easily

Plague -her poking is lagging, also the hit box of the puke is weird to me

Ghostface -quite okay, very minor lag when i try to crouch or lean over an object

Demo -his shred hit box is weird sometimes it aims besides the survivor, sometimes I hit survivors when i shouldn’t. Hard to find the logic, also I think his hit animation can cause some lag

Oni -i feel like his turn rate is smaller than on PC, whenever I am playing him i feel he has huge blind zones, while I am watching streamers they can easily hit those blindzones

Deathslinger -aiming is lagging, actually its terrible, also hitboxes are not consistent

Pyramidhead -His judgement strike is quite slugging hard to track survivors I don’t it’s just me or controller limitation

Blight -FPS issue, also I can’t do the same flick what PC players can, and also he can get disoriented after dash quite easily.

Twins -I don’t know how other people are able to do the pounce but tracking wiggling survivors quite hard, I miss 50% of my pounce attacks, so I get destroyed.

This is my experience so far Your experience might be different. PS4 players how do you see it?
