Using Blood Warden turns 99.9 of the survivors I go against into potatoes.

Like why do they hide behind the damned pillars I SEE THEIR ######### AURA. Only a few actually run away from the exit so I can't see them.
Shhhhhh, don't tell them!
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Most survivors I face are smart enough to 99% the gates just encase I'm running Blood Warden. Still is one of the funniest moments in the game when they teabag at the exit and then realize they can't get out.
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A good portion of survivors either don't play killer, or if they do, don't use Blood Warden enough to know that it shows auras. There are a lot of perks in the game and BW isn't really all that common. Not enough for it to be super common knowledge that you can SEE them.
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yeah lol, why actually?
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Man I played some survivor last weekend to knock out some rift challenges I had handing around from the first 3 levels and I had 3 games in a row where the killer had BW. I hopped on the forums to see if there was some sort of call to arms for killers to start running it because what are the odds. Just didn't expect it not 3 in a row.
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Hell, I play as a killer primarily and there are still plenty of perks that killers have that I don't fully understand.
So it's not shocking that there are plenty of survivors who don't realize everything Blood Warden does, especially because I've found killers using BW is incredibly rare. Hell, I use BW and I've considered plenty of times to pull the perk because it's just too dang niche to be that useful (but when it is useful, it's usually VERY useful so I just can't bring myself to pull it from the lineup. Especially when it becomes useful against that group of A-hole survivors who are in for a very sad surprise when they realize they just got themselves all killed taunting me instead of leaving when they had the chance T-Bag at me all you want guys, I can see the EGC timer is going to expire before BW goes away; you're all literally dead men buttdancing!).
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Shhhh duuuuuude! Just.... don't!