Not a big fan of the mori nerf...



  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Well, as other people have said, offerings aren't supposed to be overly powerful. They can help give a slight edge or do something silly, but never give you a sheer edge. Moris shouldn't either and they weren't balanced. Now they are.

    If people are so upset about Moris being weaker, then they're just not a strong killer player if they actually had to rely on them to secure kills. Any good killer player/killer streamer I know has no issues with this change because they either never used Moris or knew they were broken and see this as a positive change. It still has benefits for death hook.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Everyone all of a sudden complaining that they reduce BP gain despite it doing the exact same thing before the nerf.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    lol i mean uv got bubba in your name for a start off, yes u cant camp and tunnel mori people xD doesnt mean there worthless now wow, this is what killers think like bro, if its not completely bullsh*t then they not into it

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The solution is BHVR needs to release more mori animations for the killers, because Trapper and Wraith have really crappy moris. If a mori offering is now mostly meant to just show a cool death animation with minimal effect to gameplay, then the mori animations should damn well be worth the BP spent on the offerings. Killers need multiple moris. Give them out in the Rifts, maybe instead of those twenty recolors of the same charm.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    i get 100k a match as killer why do i care about 7k ;DD

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Mostly, I just want new mori animations and this seemed like a good excuse to bring it up.

    However, the comment about moris needing to be worth the BP spent on them was inspired by this thread:

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    fair enough fair enough , but whats the point xD like the animations are what they are , and they are all different , it started off simple and got better, thats how this game went why change trappers now i mean xD what wud it be? him manually putting a trap on their head or? it wud be buggy as hell haha

  • slayer565745
    slayer565745 Member Posts: 31

    The fewer "win buttons" this game has the more balanced it will become. The devs have been moving to more consistent gameplay where you should feel that your actual skill is what gave you an advantage. This game is more balanced than ever, and if we give the BHVR a bit of time, I'm sure this nerf will be no different. The devs have already announced a key nerf, so we just need to be patient and see what that nerf brings.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Actually, Trapper using one of his traps in his mori has been requested by other players previously. DbD has no environment kills to make things more interesting, the least it could do is have more than one mori animation per killer. Even the cool animations lose some of their shine after seeing them over and over again.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    more than 1 per killer, now thats an idea , but its a lot of work u understand xD , they are too busy bringing out untested updates with broken killers

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    Huh? 1. I have bubba in my name because he's the first killer I bought. 2. Why do you think I camp and tunnel? 3. Be respectful.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Thats actually a pretty recent change overall from the devs, originally offerings where supposed to have a large impact on the game. And some still do, like map offerings. And in my experience are usually used by survivors to get a map favorable to them.

  • Alicex4
    Alicex4 Member Posts: 10

    Moris and keys have the ability to end the game prematurely and with the mori nerf its not possible anymore to do it since a mori execution equals a sacrifice because they would have died after that hook, but survivors still have the ability to end the game prematurely, so keys should be nerfed too in my opinion, because this makes the game more survival sided and takes away the ability from the killer to push back and pressure survivors more, since they can just do a gen rush anyway, mori was the perfect item to stop survivors from body blocking, using borrowed time over and over and over again and wasting time in the exit wounded or near the exit since they couldn't just crawl out.

    Old Mori was very good because it had a nice balance with borrowed time (which still has no cooldown) and smart survivors could outplay even that easily.

  • I too am displeased with the new Mori change. Before I found it would help in slowing down a coordinated, gen-rush team by eliminating one or more of the survivors.

    Now I find in most matches that the Mori goes completely unused, since it now relies on a second hooking, which many survivors have been able to avoid when gaining help and/or playing cautiously enough.