Weird Crap
Was playing a Kate yesterday and some really weird stuff started happening.
Every time some other player got whacked, I would fall down briefly. Every time they got picked up, I would suddenly start floating in the air like I was the one being picked up... every time they got hooked , Kate would go through the animation of being hooked even though I wasn't anywhere near the killer.
At one point I guess the killer had to walk a ways to a hook... so i was suddenly being carted across open space by nothing and then went through the hooking animation.
This would last for 4-5 seconds and then everything would return to normal.
Also not sure what's going on but been seeing my own scratch marks for a split second or so and I'm not using Fixated or whatever that new perk is.
Kinda makes me wish I streamed or recorded matches just so i could show the weirdness.