A tale of love through dead by daylight

Hello everyone, since the day dead by daylight launched on xbox one i have played thousands of hours. I have purchased the game on ps4 and PC. I play both roles but a tad bit more survivor.

About 2 years ago i met my best friend whilst playing dead by daylight. She is honestly the best person i know and i never would have met her if it wasnt for dbd.

Now 2 years later were in a relationship and i moved acrossed the country to be with her.

The point being

1. Thank you, to the dbd developers for making this game


2. Anyone can find love, even in videogames.

So lets stop with the bickering and hate to the devs. Release that whilst your match might have been frustrating, there are real people on the other ends of these threats and toxicity. Show some compassion and lets work together to make dbd a better place. Respect each other and the devs! The game is not balanced but that doesnt mean the devs arent Trying.

Also killers, if a survivor tbags you, don't see it as toxic, ignore it. I dont pay attention to tbags and get way less stressed

Survivors you got camped or tunneled? That sucks but its ok lets move on to the next match.

We can all be better then how we are, lets start today!


  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    "The game isn't balanced but that doesn't mean the devs arent trying"

    Could have fooled me lol

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    This is so precious!!! Congratulations and thank you for posting such a sweet tale :)! Keep having fun and stay safe!