What are your most regrettable dbd moments

im playing as huntress and I find a match instantly. Everyone is already ready as I join. I am a green rank killer. The last 10 matches where extremely toxic rank 1-2s swfs. I see 2 flashlights and 2 medkits so I throw on lightborn and ire head and belt. Sick of toxic swfs I became the toxic killer before I hook the last person I msg them saying that was fun lol. Well it ended up being 2 rank 18s with the medkit and 2 rank 2s with the flashlights just trying to teach there friends how to play. I felt extremely bad about
Over a year ago, I played a hag game with poor matchmaking and ended up stomping the survivors. I felt bad and decided to give the last guy the hatch. Then, in the post game chat, the same guy I gave the hatch to started calling me slurs and stuff. I didn't give anyone else hatch for a good while after that.
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Installing it.
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Most regrettable moments are probably when I get so good at evading the killer that I screw myself out of the Perfect Escape achievement every time because I don't get enough Boldness points. I still don't have it.
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It's no secret, some people in the Dead By Daylight are not very nice people. So often I'd have people messageing me with the biggest, BS imaginable. I regret not being the bigger person and ignoring them.
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Hard to make a pick. Since it´s rather recent, propably buying the Krampus skin - as expensive as a couple DLCs combined yet visually bugged to be a huge detriment to play with. Kinda sad
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Deranking to not deal with red ranks (normally low purple killer). You can get The Game, which has (not exaggerating) like 20 safe pallets, and they will only throw ONE all game.
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I regret not learning how to play Nurse properly in time. I was too lazy to learn, so I completly ignored her. Then she got nerfed. Next archive gonna feature her, and I'm gonna have to learn how to play her in red ranks in her nerfed state. I have almost 2k hours, btw. Last time I played her... Literally 1 match to get the crown on 4-th anniversary, and before that... hell if I even remeber. Somewhere around Doctor release maybe?
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When i give into frustration over a boring or toxic match and just face camp the next schmuck i get, i ain't proud of it, but i need the catharsis after being taunted and mocked for not being instantly amazing at the game,
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>Crotus Penn Asylum, Trapper.
>Trap someone across the map, start walking through the main building to get there quicker.
>Another trap behind me goes off. First person escapes from trap.
>Turn around on a pallet, get pallet stunned by hiding survivor, other trapped person escapes.
>get to kick pallet.....yay.
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Deciding to play it
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I was bodyblocking for another survivor who was about to go down vs. the Oni.
Instead of swinging his sword at me, the Oni used his power and went into rage mode.
At least the guy I was blocking for didn't go down...
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Dude exactly the same thing happened to me. I've been playing Huntress recently (I'm at rank 7 and was often playing teams of rank 2-5s), it's a lot of fun and challenging, but it can be extremely demoralizing when you play a game and jump through all the hoops of the survivor rulebook for the Killer (e.g. you don't camp, you don't tunnel), you end up with a pretty intense battle with a few slugged near the exit gates, with people sabotaging hooks, flashlight stealing your kills etc. Maybe you end up with 1 or 2 kills, and then you get a "gg ez" in the match lobby. People bad mannering you like this when you're playing a Killer with a high skill ceiling just makes you want to tunnel next game, or play someone for an easy 4k like Legion or Basement Bubba.
So I play the next game with Iri head + the belt, but its literally rank 18s and I walk through them with not one gen done. Felt super bad.
I wonder if the game would be better if you could see the ranks of people in the lobby, at least then you would know if you need to put your try-hard add ons and perks on. Perhaps that would just make more people leave pre-game?
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One time, I didn't dodge a lobby when I saw Scoops.
I should have dodged the lobby.
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Wait, why? What's the story behind your post, I MUST KNOW 👀👀👀
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I float between green and purple rank (never further than rank 8) as killer. I had 4 matches where I was just set up to play casual for bp. So bbq and 3 random perks that were more for testing how they work together.
All 4 matches were against rank 1 to 3 and most seemed to be teams of 2 at least. Very toxic teams that were flashlight stunning, saboing hooks and body blocking in tandem running breakout usually. Not doing gens really at all just bullying and teabagging every time I couldn't make a hook. Matches were LONG and eventually I'd lose with at most 1 kill. And then the usual "gg ez" type messages.
The next lobby had 2 David's with a medkit and a flashlight. And 2 yuis with a flashlight and a toolbox. I was using freddy.
I equiped: lightborn, mad grit, Agitation, and NOED (I know, but I was genuinely sick of the bullying).
His iridescent add-on that starts everybody in the dream world and nullifies missed skill checks to wake up and purple rope addon. Also an ebony mori.
They were indeed trying to flashlight save and kind of bully but in retrospect they were sloppy and probably trying to protect each other.
Ended up using mori on two and hooked two with 5 gens remaining.
THEY WERE ALL RANK 18🥺. And sent messages telling me how terrifying I was and asking if I was a pro gamer.
I regretted it so bad I friended them and ran hours of custom matches with them teaching them how to play more effectively.
Matchmaking is pitiful. How do you go from facing people with thousands of hours one match then a 4 man team that just bought the game a day ago?
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You’re kidding?!
What an ungrateful jerk whoever that was.
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Kept seeing this Zarina's aura throughout the match, so i thought "Uhoh, OoO user." So when i got her, I tunneled her pretty hard to make sure she died. Afterwards I see that she doesn't have OoO, and am like "Wait, why did I see her Aura then?" Turns out I had bitter murmur. She just said GG afterwards, and I apologized for going after her so hard. OoO tends to get me playing more toxic than I usually like to. But she didn't even have it!
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Not starting on pc is my worst regret.
I had all killers up to demo P3 all perks at the time on ps4.
At the beginning of 2020 I moved to pc and have to re do everything again.
Same goes for some survivors, I had like 3 P3 survivors all perks and most had all perks but with no prestige.
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One that sticks out in my mind was completing an archive challenge as Doc. I needed to kill three survivors for it. These guys didn't go down easy, matchmaking usually screws me with survivors quite out of my league, so I did work for it. I close the hatch, find the final survivor about to start opening the door, and she puts down her item. Okay, fine, I don't actually need to kill her anyway so what's it matter, she can escape. She opened the door, then picked up the item, teabagged like mad, and ran out.
That'll never happen again. Unless I feel bad because the match went to hell or I just really like the final survivor for some reason, I'm taking that fourth kill.