Some Killers are actually "nice"
I was playing against pig and this killer was actually really good he literally got 3 ppl down soon as we started with no gens popped. I was rushing to save them but by the time i got there 2 of my survivors DC right when i got there. I guess the killer realized 5 gens , 2 DCs isnt a fair game. so he let me and the other survivor finish all the gens and he let us out. I feel like this should be an exception when you have bad teamates not saying you should give us an automatic win but realizing teamates should help each other not DC just because u got down soon as it starts...the killer was just really good & nice in the end lol
Shout out to all the Killers that pick you up and drop you at the hatch.
The ones that don't just slam the thing shut to spite you, that is.
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Look, I shut it but not to annoy you, I just want my extra bp. I will direct you to the exit gate afterwards.
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A lot do this specifically to spite survivors, regardless of the actions of the team that killer went against. This most definitely wasn't aimed at you, since you probably also hook before closing it, which isn't really BM. If you spent a long time looking for it, though, that's just a waste of both your time anyway.
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I've tried that a few times always results in the same thing the remaining Survivor having adrenalinn taking off and hiding or trying to run to every remaining palette or Loop until the EGC ends. If I down them I'll carry them to the exit gate but it's another five or so minutes that the game was extended so I usually just dropped him at the hatch and let them go
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I had a farm game with survivors yesterday when one of their teammates were afk and I could tell if I pushed hard on them they were gonna quit on me lol.
I'm notoriously capricious/whimsical when I'm playing killer. Can I play seriously? Yes. Do I? Not often. We exist in red ranks. We're there.
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When I play killer and 2 people DC before the 3rd gen is done I generally speaking just make that a farm game as its usually not worth playing normally at that point.
I say generally speaking because if you were stalking me with a flashlight all game I might not be kind to you.
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Two things awaken my inner Tunneling Camper. This, and teabagging. A teabagging flashlighter doesn't get to play. You get camped on first hook.
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I like to think I'm one of the nice ones. I've had many matches where 2 or 3 suddenly just DC because they're losing, and there's always that one survivor whos left either decides to give up or die trying to get some points. I usually let them do whatever they want. I refuse to take an easy win because others left them in the worst possible situation. The same goes for when I've bulldozed a team and the hatch has spawned. I'll always take them to it, or just let them go find it. I'd prefer people leave on a good note than go to their next match angry.
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I'd say I'm typically very nice. If I enjoyed myself, I'll 100% give hatch unless the last survivor was a douche bag. However, if 2 people DC at 5 gens, I'm just gonna end the game quickly so we can move on to the next. I don't want to waste people's time farming when it's ultimately not worth the time spent to farm.
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I love when killera do that usually because its funny to see them acknowledge they cant beat me or just because they got mad and felt the need to waste time chasing me at end game to bm me
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My least favorite thing is when a killer picks me up and drops me near the hatch and nods yes up and down so I start to crawl towards it then they pick me up again and drop me away from it and keep toying with me until the close the hatch.
And then they let end game collapse kill me. Or sometimes they hook me and hit me on hook if they're smart for more sacrifice blood points.
I don't get these kinds of people because it's purely disrespectful and a waste of time and I don't do anything even remotely douchey as a survivor aside from work on gens (Some killers find this a heinous offense).
I'm not expecting hatch to be given to me by any means but I'm also not expecting to have my time wasted by someone who seems to have a power complex lol.
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I've been toxic towards killers a total of once ever.
Last night, I was Bubba on Badham, using the add-on that removes the Chainsaw instadown. There were 2 survivors left, 1 gen.
I patrolled the gens for FIFTEEN MINUTES. Not a single gen was worked on at all and I never saw or heard any sign of survivors. Eventually I came to the conclusion that the game had glitched and removed Survivors so I go to farm points on the other end of the map and BOOM a gen finishes. I find both at the exit gate, unopened, and the Dwight pallet stuns me in a chase then teabags. I down him, go to the Meg who was opening the gate, down her, hook dwight, and facecamp him, hitting him on hook, and once he died I closed the hatch and let the Meg bleed out.