ngl I'm getting pretty tilted with the amount of keys recently.



  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited December 2020

    "Getting effortless, undeserved escapes after a bad game" isn't an issue. It's part of the design of the game. The hatch exists to give hope, no matter how slim, in an otherwise bad game where things went horribly wrong. The hatch mechanics have already been nerfed enough.

    This game requires a "catch up mechanic" so to speak to allow survivors a chance even when they are outclassed. Killers have the same mechanic and it's still in the game after all this time, it's called NoEd. The hatch is for Survivors and keys are simply an "add on" to that for lack of a better term.

    Keys aren't an issue they aren't easy to use like you claim and forcing yourself to get to use them results in suboptimal play, which is actually beneficial to the killer as it means playing selfishly and letting your teammates die. The circumstances to use keys are very narrow and to get into a position to use it means you are often playing badly.

    That said I get why they are going to get nerfed, but they shouldn't be totally obliterated the way Toolboxes were. They should still work somehow just differently from how they are now.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Although, if im being honest, most of the times I was referring to were more like ties. I'd have 2 dead and the other 2 would key out with 1 or 2 generators left. It just robbed me of what would have been ample opportunity for a 4k

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It's really lame bringing them all the time, brought in like 5 a day and those matches just felt boring. But you know, and it can't be just me, but keys cause a problem too so I don't think the devs were right in only updating one at a time. But solo survivors with keys tend to get way less altruistic, and may even hide letting others to die while not doing objectives. Saying moris were worse because of quick kills I think is wrong, when keys cause terrible teammates or bullshit escapes. So endgame with a key is a key is fair right? Especially when that survivor got there when just hiding? Yea, moris were the bigger problem, sure.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Yes, the advantage of the solution of the vid to mine is prevention of hatch camp / dc for hatch. That's also why I would prefer that solution over mine ^^.

    It wouldn't make the achievement much more difficult as it is already, imo. If you are in the position to being able to open the hatch and jump out with all, you are heavily in advantage over the killer. You would like all get out through the gates in this situation, so opening one of the gates would be easy. Or you could just wait for the killer to open it out of boredom ...

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    just bring franklins 4head

    in all seriousness though keys are tilting me, and i'm a survivor main.

    my teammates will abandon me because it's convenient and then laugh at my expense, forcing the killer to kill me and only me because they need to points and don't want to depip.

    I can't even blame the killers, cause keys are just obnoxious at this point for both sides of the realm.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    You're right about those tendencies ins olo survivors, at least in my case. That was how I had many keys saved, since I rarely used them except to get escape rifts done faster regard;ess of how douchey I had to be. It is pretty boring bringing them too much which was why I stopped using them, i I got chased even once not even hooked I'd suddenly become the biggest poon in the match or even out of my whole night's worth of matches waiting just to use that key lol. Which was the main reason I stopped using them, it changed the game too much for me each time I brought them too much especially with addons to preserve them after death and use. It didn't feel as fun for me, and became either stressful or led to me playing in ways that was probably stressful for others and was for certain boring for me.