DBD Matchmaking
I don't mean to complain too harshly, but the way this game does matchmaking is sadistic at times. Every other game today has been like this, full of red ranks, the occasional purple or green thrown in for good measure. I'm not a good Myers to begin with and really only played him for a daily ritual, so, when a red ranks SWF ( I know they are because some of the names have the same word, the planned hatch escape for 2 of them, and the extreme coordination) stomps me like this, it really salts the wound. I'm not a very good killer and don't think I should be getting red ranks every other game as a yellow, sometimes green rank killer. Does anyone else get these types of game as a low rank killer? Do the devs know that there is an issue with how players are matched? I was pretty helpless against these guys, and its not about the bullying, its about having a tremendous skill gap.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Yeah all the time. I've deranked back to the low greens after a long break and get matched like this at least every other game.
The only real bonus is that as a former red rank killer groups like this get really salty when you detsroy them. I wish such things weren't necessary and not every match up like this is toxic its just bad match making but it speaks of a greater problem, which is a lack of ranked killers.
I don't think I'd want to go back into red ranks because man its too sweaty for my casual taste.
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It's terrible. I think it depends on how frequently you play killer I think. It's also to do with the poor mmr, if you get a 4k with brown rank survivors then the next game you'll get put with red rank survivors.
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There are to many survivors and to few killers.
Which results in matches like this. Because the matchmaking priotizes faster queues for survivors over fair (same rank) matches.
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Anyone who thinks the game isn't dying needs to play killer. They will see the shortage of players pretty quick.