Moments from matches you think about often?

Hey everyone :)! Hope you're all safe and doing well!
I have seen lots of upsetting posts lately, and I want to spread some cheer (tis the season!) SO... Do any of you have a moment or moments from matches that you think about a lot? Mine is when I was playing survivor and I was facing Charlotte and Victor and they were having a hard time getting any hooks. I motioned for her to hook me and she kept nodding her head at me and at the end of the game I led her to the hatch to close it and sacrifice me (I was her only hook) and it made me smile from ear to ear! Also, that same night, I had a huntress follow me around the map and we ended up dancing together (since I am on console and do my lil 'happy feet' move lol!) It's the little things that make matches sometimes, so what are yours? And let's try to stay positive, we could all use some joy right now <3
When I whiffed, the survivor was right in front of me... had to mori him to erase the stain on my honor.
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I said stay positive, but maybe the mori made you happy so good on ya lol!
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When I got a 4k with Buuba in 1 minute and 56 seconds.
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Playing KYF and I trap 3 of my friends in the exit gates, my friend shouts "OH GOD HE'S GOT BLOODWARDEN! NOOO!"
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Just yesterday I faced a team of obviously not very experienced Survivors (still all red ranks lol). I was playing Trapper, we loaded into Coal Tower and I was very hyped to play a match on my favorite map.
As soon as I find the first Survivor, I immediately realise they´re acting strange. She didn´t run, and a Dweet appeared around the corner.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn´t bring myself to harm these precious little things more than I had to. We ended up farming 8 hooks, 2 each, and goofed off a bit. These guys also had a Key, and I realised I just gifted them the "Where did they go?" achievement. A shame they were on console, they seemed so nice, but I like to think they were grateful :)
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When I get a myers to mori me it makes me happy.
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Awww!!!! That's so sweet of you :)! I'm sure they were super grateful, fun trappers are my favs because you can all step in traps for memes <3
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On Hawkins, I was being chased by a Deathslinger and ran to one of those catwalks with the vault that goes over the stairs up. He was on the other side and we had a fun shooting gallery game for a little bit.
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Here are some positive ones.
These two I was playing as pig for.
Any time I've opened the gate and I watch watch people run out with active traps.
In one match I had a Steve pinned between me, a barrier and a closed exit door. the other had been opened and the EGC was active, I kept matching his moves and held him there until time ran out. and no he was not cornered. he could have ran the other way.
I was playing a match as a killer and it came down to the hatch and I didn't see the last person going for a door, and it clicked I knew exactly where they were going. I reached the hatch just as they rounded the corner in front of it and closed it.
as a survivor I was going for the hatch opened in front of me, the killer and myself were racing for it and I just beat them there and jumped in right in front of them. it was pretty cool.
all those match moments were.
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When I was still pretty new, I was the last survivor in a really close match against a wraith. Hatch was closed and I watched him patrol an exit gate before I went to open it as he left. He got back when I had the gate at 99% and downed me just before I could get it fully. He picks me up and starts carrying me to a hook, only for me to wiggle free right before getting hooked and run back to the gate for a surprise escape. It went from "Yes! I made it!" To "ahh nevermind, well played" to "Oh my God wait a minute!" It's that kind of rush that makes this game so much fun to me
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I was playing GF earlier and I was losing pretty badly. I'd brought a Mori for a challenge, and one of them let me down them in the Exit to Mori them. The other 3 photobombed me as I mori'd, but it made such a funny screenshot. We were all on PS4 and we all had a good laugh about it, and they even asked for the screenshot too. It was a pretty fun time, and a screenshot I now have set as my PC's wallpaper.
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I think a lot of my poor chainsaws with billy, Idk why but after the nerf I can't get used to curving etc I crash on the minor stuff or walls very often now it's as if I was never a billy main before just a random billy user
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Getting crushed by obviously bad survivors just because I want to try something new. The after game chat was "What's wrong little buddy" and bullshit like that.