Do survivors just not know how to play the game?

Been playing the bloodhunt and almost every single match I have been in, survivors gen rush and then run straight out the exit gates. I literally was in a match today where all 5 players brought bloody party streamers and then everyone gen rushed and got a score around 12000. 

So what is it? Are they scared? Do they not know how to play the game? It's rare that i see survivors with more than 20k points and then when I say something, their reply is usually "I played the game." Well I'm sorry but if you got less than 20k, no. You didn't. 

As survivor I almost always get just under 30k if I survive. Especially if there are bloodpoint bonuses, I will be opening chests, cleansing totems, antagonizing the killer and doing altruism.

Do survivors just not want the points or do they not realize that there is more to DbD than just getting out alive?


  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    And before someone asks why they are getting out of the exit, I am not trying to sacrifice anyone, I just get them to death hook then leave them down without finishing them off so they can get the 5k for survival.
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    I'm not trying to farm. I am trying to actually have a good match. And my definition of a good match is that it was challenging AND every single player got over 20k, regardless of who won.
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    And see, that misunderstanding is kind of my point. When I say survivors should get over 20k before leaving, people think I mean farming with the killer. No. It is not hard to get that much but nobody tries. Everyone just rushes and accepts a much smaller reward, which is no fun for anyone who actually wants an engaging match that was worth their time.
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    And you know, it really REALLY does not matter if you survive or not as survivor. I have gotten 28k and died plenty of times and that is what I would call a successful match. Survival is not the goal, especially not during a double bloodpoint event. Pips and bp. Rushing barely gets you one pip and often nets you less than 15k bp.
  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I dunno why we've gotten to the point in the game where playing for objectives is considered "not knowing how to play the game". Just because someone doesn't want to farm with you doesn't mean they don't know how to play. It's just like survivors complaining about camping or tunneling.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited September 2018
    I never message anyone directly to ask them why they play a certain way. It reeks of salt.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    JoannaVO said:

    Lol, and I get the complete opposite in my matches.. Survivors end up dying because they are way too altruistic and want their unhook points so bad during the event.

    Same happens to me. I wish everyone just do gens even if I'm on the hook. 
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    scerckan said:
    because that cleaning unlit totems type of players are the idiots that makes the whole team lose
    They usually run spine chill too lol. It's funny when they are doing a gen with you then dissapear in the corner of the map because killer looked in their direction without coming over.
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @Eveline said:
    JoannaVO said:

    Lol, and I get the complete opposite in my matches.. Survivors end up dying because they are way too altruistic and want their unhook points so bad during the event.

    Same happens to me. I wish everyone just do gens even if I'm on the hook. 

    Well it would be nice to get unhooked before going to the next stage or dying but there shouldn't be more than 1-2 survivors that go for the unhook. Now I just see people running after the killer that is in a chase and then quickly hiding behind something near the just hooked person so they can be the first one to unhook. So annoying. I mostly just go and try to fix generators myself but it's very boring to just hold M1 and press spacebar from time to time in a trial.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Yeah so often there's a race between three survivors to get to the one who's hooked. So silly.
    And @TheHourMan : the goal of the game as survivor is to get out alive. Devs use a lot of mechanics to make it more exciting and diverse than just holding M1, but in the end of the day, if you got out, you played well. If you haven't, you didn't. You're just too obsessed with BP/pips.
  • Amelia
    Amelia Member Posts: 84

    lol, their objective is to Escape, that's something, really is

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  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited September 2018

    Escaping is not the only objective in the game, and what irritates me is when players do nothing but escape. To put it into words that a survivor main would understand the frustration of: Imagine if there was an event where you got triple points for escaping and every single match you went into that day was a triple-blink Nurse with an ebony mori. That's what it feels like for a killer to encounter nothing but gen rushers. It feels like you wasted your time even going into the match.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited September 2018

    As a Survivor main, no, I don’t know how to play the game.

    If I did at all I would be in rank 1 because Survivor is literally just that braindead.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I mean, I COULD run Doctor with Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Overcharge and Ruin if I really wanted to force the game to be slowed down, but I would like to actually have a decent 10-15 minute game most of the time without having to force it with ######### that is going to wind up making the match no fun for anyone.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @scerckan said:
    because that cleaning unlit totems type of players are the idiots that makes the whole team lose

    Then you blame them when you get NOED'd to death.

    Yeah I get chewed out by ppl who died since I go for totems whether their lit or not because they might just have NOED. Then I get the same ppl that flame because they got nailed by NOED in a later match and wonder why you didn't cleanse it.

    Well probably because i was either dead, dying, on hook or being tunneled non stop because the killer saw me doing totems lol.

  • @scerckan said:
    because that cleaning unlit totems type of players are the idiots that makes the whole team lose

    I'll tell you what can make the team lose. Ignoring those dull totems and then realising once you have all the gens powered that the killer has NOED.

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    I'd say 4/10 killers use noed so I'd take my chances on not wasting precious seconds cleaning totems and investing that time on gens unless you're aiming to be a greedy fck looking for totems, chests, hoping for your team to do at least 2 gens while you look for totems and pray to be the last survivor to get that hatch escape, so yeah fck those cĺeaning unlit totem players
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited September 2018
    Killer is the one where every second matters. As survivor there is zero time pressure. You can take as long as you want to finish the game and there is nothing a killer can do to punish you for taking too long. Survivors control the pace of the game. I am of the opinion that all matches should be 10-15 minutes long. Some people like 5 minute matches. Almost no killer does though. 
  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    tell that to the TheHourMan said:
    Killer is the one where every second matters. As survivor there is zero time pressure. 
    oh yeah you're right because theres no time pressure with hillbillies 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    edited September 2018

    That sounds like they know JUST how to play a Survivor.
    It's right there in the name, no? Survive.
    BP is great to have, but earning a lot isn't the main goal.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @scerckan said:
    oh yeah you're right because theres no time pressure with hillbillies 

    There really isn't. He doesn't get stronger the longer you are in a trial, does he?

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    its not about if he get stronger ir not its about the time you got between the hillbilly patrol between gens or did you forget hes an insta downer and if hes high rank you know he got steering add on so damn right i would say the seconds matter a lot on that type of match
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @scerckan said:
    its not about if he get stronger ir not its about the time you got between the hillbilly patrol between gens or did you forget hes an insta downer and if hes high rank you know he got steering add on so damn right i would say the seconds matter a lot on that type of match

    Fair enough. What about the Killers who aren't the Hillbilly or the Nurse?

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    I'm a solo survivour and I think that my teammates are ALWAYS dumb. They do things that sentient creatures would never ever do. Example: you have a survivour that doesn't have BT running to the hook with the killer. He unhooks and now there are two hooked sruvivours, YAY. Another one: I'm running with the killer ~for two minutes now. No gens done in that time. After I finally end up hooked they manage to repai one single gen. Another one: You've got Myers Tier 2, and a survivour t-bagging in the middle of nothing in his LOS. He'll be dead in a second. And I'm not aven talking about Hag... They manage to crawl on UE to the hook area, stand up, start unhhoking and get interrupted by the Hag that just've teleported here. Hag puts a trap next to the pallet? Let's just loop here and get downed, YAY!

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @TheHourMan What do you want them to do?

    The ONLY objective that survivors have is to do gens, cleanse totems (maybe) and exit. Anything else counter productive to the actual objective of the game. If you're playing to get blood points, then you're playing the wrong game, because thats not the objective of the game.

    I can kind of understand your argument in the sense that playing Mario isn't only about finishing a level, but also collecting the coins. BUT if you collect the coins and STILL don't finish the level, you've failed.

    Also, doing anything other than gens and escaping is a one-way-ticket to toxic/troll-ville. "Well, I've done a few gens and the exit gates are open, guess I'll go taunt the killer and get him to hit and hook me a few times." No thanks.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited September 2018
    Boss said:

    That sounds like they know JUST how to play a Survivor.
    It's right there in the name, no? Survive.
    BP is great to have, but earning a lot isn't the main goal.

    So if you sacrificed yourself to save another survivor and they got away and you got sacrificed, does that mean you failed the match? No. Of course not. The name "survivor" is misleading. Survival is only one way to "win" but I wouldn't say there is a win state or lose state in DbD. It is not "you win if you live and you lose if you die." It is "How good did you do throughout the match?"
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @TheHourMan said:
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.

    This. Yes, I am brand new to the game, but not new to PvP games. I've watched a ton of vids on this game before buying, which I rarely do, but have learned to do for PvP games.

    Anyway, there are bloodpoint categories for a reason. The Devs constantly speak of looking for ways to make it more engaging, as opposed to more ways to hook or do gens faster. Yeah, there's an objective (gens or hooks), but that's one category of what you get rewarded for.

    I don't know. If I simply want to play the objective, I'll just head back to Overwatch. After all, that's the sole point of that game. Here in DBD, I'll do what I can to create fun, engaging matches that reward us all bloodpoints, if possible.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheHourMan said:
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.

    This. Yes, I am brand new to the game, but not new to PvP games. I've watched a ton of vids on this game before buying, which I rarely do, but have learned to do for PvP games.

    Anyway, there are bloodpoint categories for a reason. The Devs constantly speak of looking for ways to make it more engaging, as opposed to more ways to hook or do gens faster. Yeah, there's an objective (gens or hooks), but that's one category of what you get rewarded for.

    I don't know. If I simply want to play the objective, I'll just head back to Overwatch. After all, that's the sole point of the game. Here in DBD, I'll do what I can to create fun, engaging matches that reward us all bloodpoints, if possible.

    Guess I'm just playing wrong. :(

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    Been playing the bloodhunt and almost every single match I have been in, survivors gen rush and then run straight out the exit gates. I literally was in a match today where all 5 players brought bloody party streamers and then everyone gen rushed and got a score around 12000. 

    So what is it? Are they scared? Do they not know how to play the game? It's rare that i see survivors with more than 20k points and then when I say something, their reply is usually "I played the game." Well I'm sorry but if you got less than 20k, no. You didn't. 

    As survivor I almost always get just under 30k if I survive. Especially if there are bloodpoint bonuses, I will be opening chests, cleansing totems, antagonizing the killer and doing altruism.

    Do survivors just not want the points or do they not realize that there is more to DbD than just getting out alive?
    I think they did a pretty good job. 
  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    @TheHourMan said:
    Escaping is not the only objective in the game

    Sure it is, for the survivor side. But yeah, it's true if you play killer but maybe you want to do that in some matches xD

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    Ok, so after a few days of replies, I have determined that survivors indeed do not know how to play the game. At least not how to do it well enough to consistantly double pip or get over 20k points.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @TheHourMan said:
    Ok, so after a few days of replies, I have determined that survivors indeed do not know how to play the game. At least not how to do it well enough to consistantly double pip or get over 20k points.

    Yeah because double pip usually requires going for unhooks which when you've got a killer hard camping isn't happening. You also have to do a lot of healing which requires someone getting hurt and doing gens.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    powerbats said:

    @TheHourMan said:
    Ok, so after a few days of replies, I have determined that survivors indeed do not know how to play the game. At least not how to do it well enough to consistantly double pip or get over 20k points.

    Yeah because double pip usually requires going for unhooks which when you've got a killer hard camping isn't happening. You also have to do a lot of healing which requires someone getting hurt and doing gens.

    Don't forget about escaping chases without being hit, or being stealthy within the killer's terror radius.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheHourMan said:
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.

    This. Yes, I am brand new to the game, but not new to PvP games. I've watched a ton of vids on this game before buying, which I rarely do, but have learned to do for PvP games.

    Anyway, there are bloodpoint categories for a reason. The Devs constantly speak of looking for ways to make it more engaging, as opposed to more ways to hook or do gens faster. Yeah, there's an objective (gens or hooks), but that's one category of what you get rewarded for.

    I don't know. If I simply want to play the objective, I'll just head back to Overwatch. After all, that's the sole point of the game. Here in DBD, I'll do what I can to create fun, engaging matches that reward us all bloodpoints, if possible.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheHourMan said:
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.

    This. Yes, I am brand new to the game, but not new to PvP games. I've watched a ton of vids on this game before buying, which I rarely do, but have learned to do for PvP games.

    Anyway, there are bloodpoint categories for a reason. The Devs constantly speak of looking for ways to make it more engaging, as opposed to more ways to hook or do gens faster. Yeah, there's an objective (gens or hooks), but that's one category of what you get rewarded for.

    I don't know. If I simply want to play the objective, I'll just head back to Overwatch. After all, that's the sole point of the game. Here in DBD, I'll do what I can to create fun, engaging matches that reward us all bloodpoints, if possible.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheHourMan said:
    No matter which metric you use (pips or points) doing ONLY generators and exit gates is not enough to have done a good job.

    This. Yes, I am brand new to the game, but not new to PvP games. I've watched a ton of vids on this game before buying, which I rarely do, but have learned to do for PvP games.

    Anyway, there are bloodpoint categories for a reason. The Devs constantly speak of looking for ways to make it more engaging, as opposed to more ways to hook or do gens faster. Yeah, there's an objective (gens or hooks), but that's one category of what you get rewarded for.

    I don't know. If I simply want to play the objective, I'll just head back to Overwatch. After all, that's the sole point of the game. Here in DBD, I'll do what I can to create fun, engaging matches that reward us all bloodpoints, if possible.