The "SWF" Solo Build
- Open Handed - Some say this perk isn't great but it's the basis of this build, besides buffing the 2 perks listed below and taking the info from good to SWF level, it's also a huge help to your team.
- Bond - 44 meter survivor aura detection radius when combined with open handed. (Greater range if more people bring Open Handed) Works like a reverse Empathy in that if someone gets hit and you can't see them with bond, you're safe. You WILL see a survivors aura running towards you before you hear the heartbeat.
- Kindred - Another huge help to your team, giving all survivors a massive 24 meter killer detection around the hook (That's like 1/4 of Midwich on the right hook) while you're hooked, as well as letting them see each others auras. Your solo team will act like a SWF anytime you're hooked, not to mention the easy safe unhooks you'll get. The killer detection caps at 24 meters.
- Any perk you want - DS, SB, Self Care, whatever. I'm running Prove Thyself here because normally I'll use Bond to find someone and gen rush but I just wanted to show how this build lets you see everything most of the time, especially on smaller maps. That is SWF level info for a solo player like myself.
Open Handed and Kindred detecting Killer outside of shack, from the basement!
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You might also want to check out Aftercare. Aftercare gives ridiculous levels of info to your team if you can do it right. Massively underrated perk.
I have had many killers accuse us of SWF just because of this perk. I replaced Bond and Open Handed with it. Aftercare is better because your teammates also get to see you, whereas Bond and Open Handed only benefit you (unless your teammates are also running Bond, but who does that in Solo Q).
The real Solo SWF build is Kindred + Aftercare.
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Aftercare would be great if it didn't reset upon being hooked, which is the doing it right part. As a solo I don't want more things to worry about like pulling a perk off, so Bond + Open Handed is better just cause the consistency imo
I guess I'm one of people that underrate it lol
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Yeah if it resets well. Hahha. But once you get unhooked that's already one person in your network. One person who can see you is worth more than you seeing everyone else IMO. Also you can supplement with Blood Pact or the wedding ring.
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It resetting isn’t a huge deal really though. When I run this perk I can pretty consistently have at least one person on aftercare by the mid game just by playing normally. That seems pretty bad in comparison to Bond but it’s important to remember that aftercare also provides aura reading for you AND your teammate(s) which already makes it better for increasing the teams efficiency. The increased efficiency that you gain from bond can help the team too but aftercare increases your efficiency as well as your teammates. One of your teammates is on death hook and needs a heal? Well they can come over to me or I can go to them thanks to Aftercare. That’s just one example but I think I’ve made my case. Aftercare is not the best perk in the game but I can say quite confidently that the perk is decent, sometimes it’s even insanely good but that depends on the game, lol. Plus you’re only taking up one perk slot rather than two with Bond + Open handed.
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Fair point. The extra perk slot is reason enough to switch them out IF you think you can pull off the perk which I don't think I could, or wouldn't bother, just playing normally like you said
I might give it a try but Bond + Open Handed has proved itself time after time for me and you gotta remember OH boosts Kindred too so if you're going to run it, might as well have Bond and complete the build
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That’s understandable but think of it like this, with aftercare you could run say... Aftercare, Kindred, DS and an exhaustion perk. Whereas with Bond + open handed then you have to make a decision. Do you risk decreasing the team’s efficiency and remove Kindred? Do you risk being tunnelled and remove DS? Or do you get rid of an exhaustion perk and risk going downed quickly if the killer is competent? With Aftercare, there is no decision required. I can understand that Bond + open handed may be a comfort pick for you though and it’s not a huge deal if you don’t have a jack of all trades build lol.
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Good build but when I get farmed and i don't have ds i just wanna go back to my main build ds dh ub bt
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I run love running bond and leader. The other two perks can be whatever, but I can't stress enough how bond and leader has helped me and the team tremendously.
Kindred is definitely a great solo queue perk so if I'm not running bond, I'm running kindred instead.
I'd use aftercare more if the majority of the time my team mates didn't sandbag me with it.