Is there any discussion about the modders in this game? Any plans to take action?
this is just a question that i've had raised for many months now. ever since a few months ago, there's been a massive influx of modders coming into lobbies and ruining the game experience for everybody, both killer and survivor. games either involve the generators flying by and exit gates randomly being opened, or more intricate mods that are used to make the killer's game as painful as possible (increased stun time, increased run speed or no collision/removed hitboxes, permanent blindness and max flashlight range, noise notifications that appear at every interactive spot for survivors, max wiggle strength, etc.).
i, unfortunately, have had a few games ruined in a row when trying to play demogorgon, and have been forced to take a break from the game or disconnect entirely because games have been borderline torturous. i used to be one to create and use mods in games myself, but only for the sake of having fun with others in the lobby and changing games up in a fair manner. however, i only do that in games i feel that are reasonable to use them. dead by daylight is not one of those games, and its clear that these mod menus and scripts being ran are used only for gaining advantages and making things unfair for others.
attempts at recording these situations are also rather hard because games can instantly end before i can even hit the record button, and i don't think i can constantly be on top of it and catch every single person doing this. i, at most, report through steam to try and give devs a chance to look into matters despite the lack of video evidence, but this is becoming such a prominent issue that i don't think that requiring concrete evidence for everything is as efficient anymore.
to note; easy anti-cheat has become a rather weak system at preventing cheats from being used in-game. it can easily be disabled by a simple method that stops it from scanning and reading checksums. this is horrible for games that require both sides to play fairly, as anybody can do this and get away with it and EAC wont be able to activate until everything is reverted. DBD is also able to be live-manipulated through script injections into the game's engine, which is also yet another exploit that either can't or is difficult to be fixed.
my sympathy goes out to survivors or killers that have had their games collectively ruined time and time again by people who maliciously use cheats to time torture or gain advantage of things the way they do. while i'm unsure if the report system is efficient enough with catching these people because of the requirement of video proof (and i know some people simply cannot do that), i do urge that you at least try to describe the situations as best as possible when contacting staff and seeing if you can even provide some form of screenshot of things that are blatantly obvious cheating (all generators popping at once and exit gates opening at 5 gens for example).
if you have any experiences you'd like to share, feel free to drop them here, as it may help prompt a dev response as well as notify people that this is a serious issue. please do not name-drop or be uncivil, however.
Had something like this happen a little before we got cross play (xbox). Had a dwight that was for sure faster than me. I thought it was strange and then he proved it by running straight through a box wall.