New Killer Idea: Freddy Fazbear/The Animatronic

Scoted Member Posts: 57
edited December 2020 in Creations

Speed: 4.6m/s

Heartbeat: 32m

Height: tall

Lets talk about the physical animations first: Freddy's footsteps will be loud pneumatic stomps (like Demogorgon's). His weapon will be his hand (with metal claws) and, his weapon cooldown after a successful hit will be his claws flexing mechanically to spray the blood off them and then retracting back to their original position. There are already multiple skins in the Fnaf games for Freddy (nightmare, toy, withered, sister) so customisation, if allowed by law, will be easy. When picking up a survivor, he'll clamp down on their back and lift them onto his shoulder and put them on a hook like the trapper.

Power: Press the power button to place a mini Freddy on the ground. The mini Freddy will remain chattering at a proximity of 10 metres, however survivors will not discern the direction of the chattering. When walking within 4 metres, the mini Freddy will jump on the survivor's face, screaming and causing blindness for 2 seconds as it fills the survivor's screen. It then is thrown off by the survivor. The capacity of mini Freddies allowed at one time is 10 and they get refreshed. Mini freddies cannot be placed within 8 metres of a hooked survivor or gen.

Press the active ability button on a gen to plant a golden Freddy mask on it. The golden freddy mask is invisible to survivors. When survivors interact with a gen, there is a 2 minute cooldown until another mask can be placed on it, and a replica of the killer erupts from the gen, filling the camera and screaming. This triggers a visual notification and blows up the gen. The capacity for golden Freddy masks is X-3, with X being the number of unfinished generators on the map. (Eg. the only time it can't be used is with 1 gen left on a 3 gen). 3 gens can be on cooldown at a time. Any more than that, and the cooldown for the earliest one is overridden, ensuring the killer can use his masks effectively.


Hex: Late Night Shift - Once a survivor has contributed 60/55/50% progression to a gen, the skill checks for them become halved, with the good skill checks contributing a -5% progression and great skill checks providing 0% progression.

Springlock failure - When failing a skill check, the gen doesn't progress for a further 5/6/7 seconds.

Security Camera - When a survivor runs 15 metres away from the gen, up to 10 seconds after they've failed a skill check on it, see their aura for 3/4/5 seconds.

I'd like his map to include rooms from the Pizzeria from the first game, although not brick by brick. I'd want the entity to have warped the rooms, making them more nightmarish and maybe adding in some DBD style scenery along with FNAF to show the entity taking it over.

I don't know whether a survivor would be necessary with this chapter, I feel it could be like ghostface with a singular killer, however a possible survivor would be William Afton but I don't know what his perks would be.

I want Freddy's ability to mimic the style of the original games. Jumpscares. People should be scared of playing Freddy for the same reason they're scared of FNAF and I think these powers do that. I don't know how powerful he will be, he's sort of like the hag, using his traps to blind survivors in chases to get quick downs but without the bore of crouching everywhere, which some people don't like. If these need tweaking to make it more balanced then I'm open to ideas but I'd love to see him in the game and this is what I thought of :)

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