Controversial opinion: Clown is really good, you are just playing him wrong.

Clown is probably one of the best killers in the game. Discuss.
Edit: Fine. Ill give reasoning.
I think he is one of the best killers in the game because of a few reasons.
1. His anti loop is severely underestimated. If you are good with him, you can get a hit at every loop. I do this effectively by paring ether volume 15% and flask of bleach.
2. People underestimate him altogether, giving you an easier time as people aren't trying as hard.
3. His mind games are great, as you can fake someone out by throwing a bottle at a window or pallet, then cut them off when they run away.
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How do you play Clown wrong lmao you throw a bottle at a loop, double back, eat a pallet then repeat the process until you lose.
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Contraversial opinion: you're extremely wrong.
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you throw a bottle
If you honestly think that's how you're supposed to play Clown, then you don't know the first thing about playing card games.
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Clown can be really strong with ether and bleach. Helps him get Downs extremely fast they still has trouble getting around the map to apply pressure but getting down so fast definitely helps. I a purple ether and a purple cigar box the other day and got a favorable map (size) I also have a Max brutal strength and it really seems unfair but you should not have to have certain add-ons and certain perks to make them that way he is complete butt without add-ons or with certain add-ons and without special perks
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He might not be the worst Killer in the game but he's nowhere near the best.
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i personally think clown is actually pretty good for a killer like him. he does struggle a little bit here and there, but he can make for relatively fun games.
i wouldn't exactly consider him the best killer, however, but in terms of being fun? yeah he's one of the best killers in my fun list. :D
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BHVR nerfed the awesome power of his post-game jiggle physics a long time ago, so no.
Clown is bad.
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You created this thread way too early. Should have waited for his upcoming rework.
Maybe he will become the strongest 1v1-M1-chase focused killer? Who knows. I'm excited for the midchapter anyways.
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I mean what else would you call it, because the wiki calls it a bottle, and he definitely throws them.
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Maybe if you run Brutal and STBFL.
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Well,i've seen a TON of clowns just spamming their bottles like crazy without a thought to it,because most think they can reload on the spot so it doesn't matter.
You should treat your bottles like huntress hatchets.Every bottle should equal a hit or at the very least an early pallet drop.
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You can't just throw out a controversial opinion with no supporting reasoning and then say "discuss" you troll.
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Would be nice if the OP would explain how everyone is playing one of, if not the most, straight-forward Killers in the game.
As is this isn't even an "opinion". It's just a statement with no meaning.
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Any killer can be good but you need to be taking in factors of the survivors you're up against, how well you are with playing that killer, the map, pallets, etc. Have to take in to account everything then decide rather the killer is fine how they are or not.
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All of those three are better than him, the only killer I'd say is worse is wraith, and that's without decent addons
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oop someone took this thread personally (as well as seriously), I think the OP was joking
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Jokes, and sarcasm, don't translate well in text. Also, this is the DBD Forums, it's not unreasonable to take this thread seriously around here.
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true, however you can sometimes detect sarcasm in text.
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People say this a lot but even played well he's weak because
A. If the survivor is smart and drops the pallet at the right time you'll either need to break it or use another bottle to get a hit around the loop or
B. Have to slow down and reload because you're out of bottles basically resetting the chase
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Can you join us for this discussion? What are your arguments that support your conclusion that he's one of the best?
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Idk, I want to feel the same because of the games I've had with him, but common belief makes me think otherwise. I could've gotten lucky just all those times, but with certain builds I feel really good with clown.
I throw bottles often to where they might go, or throw them where i dont want them to go since they mostly avoid them.
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Clown's belly and gas is the most underrated aspect of DBD.
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oop i'm pretty sure i say "you troll" in my comment actually. duh
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With that kind of mentality, you'll never improve your board game skills.
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I agree with Myers and Trapper being weaker, but pig definitely isn’t. RNG doesn’t equal bad. She has built in stealth and looping powers along with her slowdown with the bear traps. Sure her dash and stealth aren’t the best, but that’s because she was given multiple tools to help her. Clown is ok in the 1v1. That’s all he has.
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You should explain, if you make such a statement. I dont think that Clown is that bad, you can play him at Red Ranks, but he is the weakest Killer.
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"She has built in stealth"
Don't be Helen Keller. Or just equip Spine Chill. You have now punished her for using her power.
"looping powers"
Run away from the loop when she crouches. You have now punished her for using her power.
"slowdown with the bear traps."
Me after doing a gen with the trap on my head and then getting it off on the first box: s t a l l
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Do you think none of the stealth killers are good? Because spine chill and paying attention counters them all... Wait not all maps are wide open.
Her dash isn’t amazing, but there are loops it shuts down that you can’t just run away from.
RNG isn’t always bad. For everyone that gets the hat of first try someone gets it off on their last.
Clown’s power is to eat pallets. Pig is better.
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"Do you think none of the stealth killers are good?"
" Wait not all maps are wide open."
Don't be Helen Keller.
"there are loops it shuts down that you can’t just run away from."
So when she crouches, you just W key on over to the next one.
"RNG isn’t always bad."
Pig's is.
"Clown’s power is to eat pallets. Pig is better."
Pig's power is to slow herself down and pretend to stall. Clown is better.
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and your point is?
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The only way you'll ever win as clown is if the survivors are garbage, so no.
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I’ve been saying this for a long time, and it only falls on deaf ears.
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This bait? You provide no evidence in your post to support your claim. Nice try but not falling for it 😂
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Feels good that apparently by magic every single survivor I’m up against is garbage 😒
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I wouldn't say he's really good but he's definitely not the worst killer in the game.
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Can you add as to why we are playing him wrong? That is like me saying, trapper isn't weak since I mostly 3k or 4k with him.
I play clown the same way I play Freddy but with double reload speed since that is what I hate about playing as clown.
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Underrated but not top tier
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Ah yes the weakest killer in the game is just being played wrong
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The hell do cards have to do with bloody bottles
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If you don't understand what the Clown throwing a bottle has to do with cards, then maybe you are not cut out for the cutthroat world of competitive Tetris. ;)
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I play clown with the goal of making dead zones as fast as possible
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Omg so many good points
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I fixed it. Happy?
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Is it really that hard to understand that I might be good with clown?
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Most likely. It's kind of a thing that the vast majority of players are way behind the bell curve. Being "average" at DBD is not good because the average player is absolutely terrible.
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You are completely wrong. As a clown player in the top 70 on dbdstats. If you time your bottles perfectly they won't have time to drop the pallet in the first place. I literally can't remember a time where I've lost a clown game. If you know what you are doing unlike most clowns who spam and miss their bottles like crazy, you won't have a problem getting immense pressure. Weirdly enough he is the only killer that I seem to have zero problem getting pressure with even against decked out squads.
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If he is the hands of a 6000hr killer main then yeah he is probably pretty good.
ln the hands of a 60hr killer main the meh not so good
You could say that about nearly every killer
except maybe Freddy
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We need bottles of a wide variation of colors to make beautiful clouds of rainbow delight.