Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What's the point of Moris now?


as in title, what is the actual point of bringing mori as killer? Don't get me wrong, I'm all in into changing it, but this change was simply lazy, and it puts it as offering even below bronze blood points offerings. To be honest it makes more sense to remove them out completely at this point, rather than have additional useless pick in bloodwebs.

Only use of it I can think of is if you get daily, or archive challange to kill someone by hand.

Why can't we get some option to dunno, for example fuse few other offerings that just sit there into 1 other from particular category? For example transforming 3 offerings of your choice into 1 random from categories of map, bloodpoint, or mori(as if anyone would use the last one now though).

And do we really need offerings/items to be limited to particular character? And don't get started with "it's unrealistic" or "every character has what he found". How comes they can learn other's characters perks? Do they have random chit-chats at bonfire to teach each other their skills? Do they have shed full of toolboxes/flashlights/medkits, ready to pick items from before match begins?

While we're at it, why isn't eq shared between all survivors for example? I can get the issue in killers, as they have killer specific addons, but then again offerings could be shared.


  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Other offerings only change the game slightly/give bloodpoints, and now moris function the same.

    And yes. The whole point is to level up those characters, not have a complete pool of items. Otherwise you could use all the items and bp offerings on the survivor and use that survivor because they could be low leveled or have a limited pool of perks. But if you have all the perks unlocked on every survivors, you may ask, then what's the point of not pooling. Why would you complain then?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Moris are only a cool killing animation.

    Even though they were nerfed, it will still be the first thing people want to see when a killer is announced.

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    My point is we all know how tiresome the grinding in this game is. I have most characters lvled up just to 40lvl so I have theirs sharable perks, but I'm rarely playing Nurse for example (let's guess why). So I put over 1kk bloodpoints just to have her perks, but could use her 100% BP Offerings for example, as they're not ever gonna be used at this point.

    And why would it be bad if you had 1lvl character, but with all items? Survivors are basically just reskins anyways aren't they. Also if we're going by this logic, why aren't BP's connected to particular character you obtained them with? Second also, nowhere in my earlier post have I said anything about shared perks.

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    Yea I agree, but I'm talking about whether it's really necesary to have moris as offering, instead of some award for particular action or something. We already have tons of useless offerings in bloodwebs as it is imo, where most people play 100% BP or particular map offerings from time to time. 75% and 50% BP are basically played only if you don't have better options, if at all :p

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I'm all for getting rid of Moris on all my bloodwebs at this point. The bloodpoint grind is already hard enough with how many killers are in the game that I don't want to waste any of my bloodpoints on Moris.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
    edited December 2020
  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    Ivory mori should have been Ebony and these things should have been legit hard to find and not something you can hold in your inventory in mass.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    That was to give a point, not everything has to align with your original post. And if you have all the survivors with all their perks, what's the problem with swapping survivors if they're, and I quote, "Just reskins." I understand why you may not play Nurse (I know why, she's too hard to play for you) but if you never planned to use her, why try and get those items in the first place?

    And bloodpoints aren't tied to a character because they're earned on an account, not a character. That's like asking, "Why can't I use Iridescent shards on the character I earned them with?" or "Why can't I only spend Auric Cells on the character I had equipped when I bought them?"

    Here's a good example:

    You can give money to people. They get their own stuff with the money. Another person they don't know also receives money from you. Why would they share those items they bought?

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    Yea, they're just reskins. As I said, I put quite a lot of BP's into characters I'm not gonna play, be it I don't like their appearance or in terms of killers I don't like their playstyle or as you claimed, being too hard to learn. Not gonna disagree, Nurse is pretty hard, and in DBD as it is now it's not really pleasant to try to learn her is it? With all that teabagging and sht going on.

    You see, to get to higher levels with character you kinda need to grab more or less useless things on way in bloodweb too. And as I said, earlier, I've put BP just to get shared perks.

    And there you completely missed the point. I'm not about connecting BP's to particular character, as it would make grind even bigger hell, but to counter the argument about items not being shared. Why letting BP's be shared, but not items then yea?

    In terms of this example, so you can give people money, but you can't give people items? Where's the logic in that reasoning honestly? And additionally following this, why would killers give money to survivors and vice versa?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd say it's still good to have as an offering. Just look at how good Pyramid Heads final judgement is. Avoiding that late DS is pretty big.

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    Are there really a lot of people waiting on purpose with DS to 2nd hook tho? Especially when they can see killer bringing mori with them? I'm not 1000h pro dbd player, but I don't think his Final Judgement is that good. It requires particular condition to be met, and then again, how many cases of DS after 2nd hook there are?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Final Judgement is extremely good. At red ranks avoiding DS is important since sometimes getting stunned by it can snowball into you losing the game.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    just reroll by hand ignore those int he rifts unless devs were dumb or douchey enough to place one at an intersection with no viable waya round in the survivor branches anything stating "by hand" needs to be changed to sacrifice now and there should Never be a sacrifice all 4 at an intersection on a rift ever again now that mori are gone it should ONLY be on a Dead End branch off now. unless you want people afk wraithing down tor ank 16 to do a kill all 4 and afking when it feels like they're all gonna be too hard to catch until they get enough ptoatos to do it without a lot of effort if they're only doing killer for the rift and don't like playing it any more. That could be avoided by simply making no more than sacrifice 3 on a rift at least as far as an intersection on it goes. "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

    Either way I'm never paying for a rift again no matter what they put on it. They could put that rift on an onlyfans and I'm still not paying for it any more since only half it I'd be interesting in playing through (the survivor parts of them) especially with the killer parts being super grindy just to keep you having to play killer often and provide entertainment in queue. hook 20 different survivors can lead toy ou not being able to get half of it done in a single match and needing to do it over 5 different matches at a minimum provided you hooked each different player in each of those 5 matches at least once apiece for example. too grindy for me on the role I don't want to play.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    What was the point of them before the change?What benefits did you have with the old Mori's.

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    Oh come on, benefit with old mori was visible on first glance. It wasn't exactly fair, nobody claimed that.

    And the benefit was (drums) ending game faster.

    Once again, it wasn't fair. I personally used them only when I had archieve/daily quest with killing by hand, or was frustrated by frequent teabagging or being placed against much higher ranks than I was.

    And again, I'm not saying anything about bringing old mori back. But keeping them in this state as an offering is simply stupid. Maybe if grinding wasn't so long and boring I'd consider picking moris just for the fun of watching that animation. But imo almost always it'll be better to bring some BP offering, unless you have unlocked everything you needed on other characters.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited December 2020

    They serve no purpose besides being cosmetic now.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    It is now simply a cooler alternative to killing survivors rather than a cheap removal gimmick. Pretty much like Pyramid Head's Torment Status playstyle.

    On a plus note, it requires more hooks to perform, so your sacrifice points shouldn't be too low by any means.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    They should not be an ULTRA RARE if cosmetic. This needs to be fixed as I am tired of my lvl 50 webs only containing an Ebony.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Clutter your bloodweb and potentially trick you into wasting an offering.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited December 2020

    The old mori's love and hate ,it was a great strategy tool when facing tough opponents,you could use it to eliminate a survivor from the match and take some of the swf power,sometimes complete strangers play efficient and could feel like an swf but sometimes its all solo's mori's hurted them the worst unless there really good 👉💨,But man was it disgusting being tunneled after unhooking,or to run the killer for an entire match only to get downed at the end.Hate this change but I welcome it. They could make it to where one survivor was vulnerable to the one hook state picked randomly that would also cause a little more fear for because survivor's play extra hard now when you bring an Ebony Mori,they literally throw it in you're face now.

    I'd be fair to killer's also in the face of strong swfs,hackers,Yui's and Cheryl's.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    You missed the point in my example.

    When someone gets an item, you can't force them to give the item to another person just because you gave them the money.

    And it kinda just feels like your saying the same thing but just speaking with a higher vocabulary, so I'll do the contrary for you.

    You spend money on character, so you get perks. So then you get items for character, so it forces you to take you out of your comfort character with all perks to spend time on other character with less perks and so less availability. It's a great system BHVR has that could also encourage you to level up that character, too. And maybe buy cosmetics for them.

    From a developer standpoint, it makes sense to have a pool of items set to that character.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    how useless they are now they need to be cheaper in the bloodweb like get rid of the green and yellow one make the pink one green the end.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    But object players have low survival rate and object sinergizes well with sole survivor! /s

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Dam, I always forget about that, dummy me! This HAS to mean the perk is completely fine, especially when used by a 4man vs Trapper with a Map offering.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Most people are avoiding a topic, or they simply haven't realized it yet. The Mori is to encourage Survivors NOT to let people get to the 2nd Stage, i.e. they must get that rescue (or else). What it means is that if (and I'm not advocating this, merely clarify) they are lazy and let a person go to the second stage, or if you purposely keep them away long enough for that to happen... you can then allow the unhook and immediately Mori bypassing DS. On any given day, I see lots of people hit 2nd Stage and I'm not even working to make it happen. Imagine if I were?

    So the point of the Mori (and I have so many I could take one every game if I wanted) is to simply punish any team that is lazy, or to be extra nasty and cause that 2nd Stage with a bit of pressure, and then take a 4v1 to a 3v1 early. Have I tested this theory? You bet your sweet patootie. It is horrific but it works.