Hit Validation Enabled?

Hey guys, i can't find information about hit validation - is it enabled? Im wondering because i always have a 30-50 ping and a lot of time i get hit by miles away. Hit validation should be in my favor with a ping like that? Its very frustrating bcs im on EU servers with a lot of russian players, and i dont think they have a better ping than me :o)
It's been enabled for I think 2 weeks now? Only killer I see as consistently being off with their hitbox, compared to normal, is Blight. Since I already know what his hitboxes are like (they seem dumb to people who are unaware as it is) as a Blight main, it's...something else, lol.
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Okay thanks for your answer. I just had a match were I was hit - again - from miles away with the weapon nowhere near me ( i had a 28 ping btw, so i should be fine). I do play a lot and since 2016, i know hitboxes are weird sometimes... :-( but when the hit validation is in favour of the player with the higher ping, i might have to quit playing. This is really, really frustrating. I would prefer the Killer hosting the game again because the hits were more fair -.-
(sorry for my english, not a native speaker)
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They say it's on but I haven't noticed too much difference.. they might've tweaked it to be more forgiving for the killer? I'm not sure. I've seen streamers with the lowest ping get hit from way too far away.
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Hi, Server sided hit validation is definitely in place...I've just created a thread in the Feedback section and would be interested in hearing people's experience of it.
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I think it's time the devs release a deep analysis and explanation of how the game handles hits, including hit validation. Blizzard did this for Overwatch and it was amazing to watch. It was very insightful, very detailed about what happens in different scenarios and it provided a lot of information. I know they've touched upon it here and there over the course of different streams but I don't think they've ever dedicated more than a few minutes talking about the details. I think the issue is they are way too generous with the validation. I would love to know the hit rejection rate, it must be like 5%? I know when I play killer none of my hits have ever been rejected.
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They already have. You'd have to go digging through the forums too find it.
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I've seen that post about the hit validation, they're still more information they could provide. Blizzard has done a few net code videos, one being 30 minutes another one 18 minutes and the third one was 15 minutes.
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I can't tell you how many times I've made a square hit on a survivor and it didn't register. How many times they'd be IN the window and I would just hit the wall. How many times I've hit, then they dead hard, and it wouldn't register. How many times I've hit a survivor before a pallet drops and I get stunned with no hit. Earlier with Nurse I hit a rock behind a survivor when the survivor was in the way. It's nuts.
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Thanks a lot!
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I don't think it's on. It's so refreshing to see the killer's attack from swing to follow through at air, but I still get hit somehow. Devs must've dropped it a percentage point so they could validate that they've adjusted it.