Platform does NOT equal skill



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2020

    Understandable but don't expect BHVR to ever get the game performing well on anything but PC/Series X/PS5. Now that new consoles are a thing there is 0 reason to fix the problems on the old system.

    Series X is so much more powerful than One X it's literally not even funny. Borderlands 3 went from a 10 minute startup screen to ######### TWENTY SECONDS. Bro it's 1 and 1/2 Claptrap dances. That lil MF'er used to dance the entirety of Footloose before the game would start up. My load time in DBD is measured in single digits. Bar is full in like, 8 seconds not even, up to 99%. That last 1% is me waiting for everyone else LOL.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Dude no matter what I definitely think console survivors extremely trash. In my own experience they just don't know how to loop or be optimal. If I turn off cross play it's easy stomps 1 game after another. With cross play on I face way more sweats. If you aren't joking about sweats at red ranks I am gonna grind rank 1 blight tonight to see if I can find xbox sweats. Only good PC players turn off crossplay for the sweats. Console players do it for easy game.

    Also your pc issues except for 2 and 3 are subjective.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Thats weird on the one x make sure you constantly restart because of the memory leaks.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It doesn't matter my reasons though. Being on Series X I am forced into crossplay if I want to play the game. I could have the most subjective reasons in the world, if I want to turn it off I should be able to but I'm not. And that's great you have this experience, I literally get nothing but idiots with crossplay on. I rarely get decent survivors or SWF that can actually challenge me (note I've been mostly playing Freddy and Pig since I got my Series X).

    FUNNY THING THO the mods here have said it's because Xbox One and Xbox Series X are different platforms. WRONG, and I have the proof.

    • First, there is the fact that LITERALLY NO OTHER GAME requires crossplay. Some it's not even an option. Yet I can still play with all other Xbox players just fine. In some games crossplay exists, but I have it off and still get matched with Xbox One players. Gears 4/5 are like this. If I was actually on a different platform I would need to use crossplay in these games too.
    • Second, new generation =/= new platform. This isn't 1996 anymore, a new console does not completely split the playerbase. The fact all these other games work and that I can be in a party with other Xbox players on Series X suggests it is in fact the SAME platform, just a new console. MS said with the Xbox One they are moving away from the old model (new console = new platform) and keeping everything on one platform (Xbox), just on different hardware. Like I can literally go play some Xbox games on my PC and it still considers me on Xbox. I'm not crossplaying, I'm playing on the Xbox app on PC and therefore it is Xbox.
    • Third AND THIS IS THE BIGGIE, since the last update I can actually play with crossplay off. However it is janky. I can't do it by myself. But I can turn off my crossplay, join an Xbox friend's lobby and we can search with crossplay off on Xbox only and get matched with Xbox players (One or Series X). However if I try to do this myself I just sit in a lobby forever. So I can only play without crossplay in a group. But just the mere fact this is a thing that happens means that I don't need crossplay to play with Xbox One players, and thus we are on the same platform. It is BHVR that ######### up the crossplay, because they want to eventually FORCE everyone into it. The fact that this is how Series X is treated and the fact that crossplay is on by default, AND by the fact that the system actually puts you in a separate pool and doesn't simply prioritize your platform and use crossplay to fill in the games is the evidence they are doing this.

    Sorry I know you didn't ask but I needed to rant. Points being I'm forced into crossplay when I don't want, and my experience is no where near what yours is and I hate it. If I got good survivors (both as killer and as survivor) then I wouldn't have a problem with it. But since I don't, it's insanely frustrating to deal with.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,198

    I would reckon that most people still play on PS4 and Xbox One. So, I really hope they don't abandon us.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,198

    I know I shouldn't, but I'm hoping BHVR finally makes good on their promises.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    I caved and enabled crossplay occasionally even before PS5, mainly because then there was less survivors that spin and also less SWF's. Now that I'm PS5 you can tell the FPS difference immediately compared to PS4 and it's night and day.

    One very discernible example is that now I can actually avoid a pallet stun as Trapper by starting the bear trap animation instead of freezing. Also no problems with the deas hard. One thing that is still there sometimes is FPS drops when you get injured as a survivor and the killer has sloppy.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,198

    I would love to get a next-gen Console, but again, money is tight for a lot of people rn and BHVR promised 60 FPS on the Xbox One and PS4. I expect them to deliver.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I cant comment on everything you say and the rant is fine but the theory is highly plausible. I could even continue on to say they want to force crossplay because they foresee the inevitable future of this game dying and wanting to mix the playerbase. that's a huge stretch but I'm just throwing ideas out there.

    But once again I think what you said does hold merit and I kinda want to look into it so thanks for telling me fox.