I'm tired of killers who tunnel thinking of themselves as "good players"



  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    That's a good point. But in the past it used to be for years that killers had lower kill rate at high rank and higher at low rank when rank 20 killers butchered low rank survivors. Like i said the statistics are strange, once they released statistics, which said that rank 1 survivors have 80% escape ratio. How do you explain that?

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    I feel ultra powerful when premades Tbags at the door :)

    DS, Borrow, UB... The Game has a lot of perks to avoid Tunneling.

    Try to join private Game with friends, and just Chase 1 of them dropping all the palets, the rest Rush gens and see how gens fly and they still having palets to drop

    The problem is not tunnel, the problem is that survivors reach red ranks holding M1 and taking points loosing chases, and they think they are good and Killers are OP because they are red ranks and a purple killer Smash them.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    The problem is killers are so overpowered survs barely escape, so devs need to rank up survs so they could think they won something. No one wants to ply a game when 75% of times you lost

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    The problem is design flaw and refusing to address the elephant in the room with gen speeds and no real second objectives to complete, the problem isn't the killer tunneling it's the fact that if I'm playing wraith or clown and I pick the wrong direction to walk in at the beginning of the game let's say 25 seconds to find the first survivor, a short 25- 30 second chase occurs , and then hooking and traveling to where the gens are being completed 20-25 seconds at least and there should be three gens popping if the survivors are good , so you're down to 2 gens because of how long it took to get the first chase started but not because they ran you, what does the killer do now? Obviously 12 hooking isn't going to happen with those killers and unless they've screwed themselves on a 3 gen I'm going to be the one screwed in that situation. If it's a lower tier killer I don't blame them for tunneling but if it's a higher tier I have a whole different opinion about a killer with map pressure tunneling.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Maybe because as killers get to red rank they can actually play better and kill more?

    I escape most of my matches with 1 friend and 2 randoms and I'm not that good as survivor neither is he..

    adding 2 more gens for red ranks would be better but again I seen so many smurfs.. (smurf story){I was looped for about a minute at asylum(made me hate the map) on a 4 window loop, even with bamboozle I was screwed instead of catching up he was actually getting more distance, luckily he didn't see one of my traps and got caught 4 gens were done by the end of the chase around 3minute ingame.... }He was a rank 20 smurf with 15 accounts on his friends list with the same name... now he got unlucky with the trap but game is done way too fast against a team and that's a fact, kinda boring playing survivor when I escape 9/10 times, 10/10 when we bring key and map so yes kinda OP...

    About survivors barely escaping? Don't make me laugh like lmao I never seen a good survivor team die unless they made a mistake, obviously gotta react fast enough as killer to use their mistake to your advantage but until key factors in the game change(pun unintended) such as infinite loops, keys,maps and other issues I don't see why survivors complain about killers?

    I don't tunnel intentionally myself but I saw someone write this somewhere, why isn't anyone talking about survivors tunneling their objectives? And going for gen they were doing then getting back on it instead of finding a new one? Really opened my eyes that, kinda makes me wanna tunnel to hopefully bridge the gap between the power gap

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    that is basically why survivor getting "tunneled" by noed spirits all day..

    Dont pretend its not the survivors fault the remaining killer dont give a ######### about your fun.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    I saw an amazing Huntress today! She could fly and everything! Must be crazy skilled! /s

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    One up I had a survivor who blamed there ping for me getting them when they was wounded wasted 3 vaults had no pallets and I was in bl and saying I’m bad when I caught them mid vault and would have caught them no matter what happened.

    pluse ended that game with a triple basement sacrifice I mean 1 basement hooked catch another going for a rescue then last guy has the audacity to try without bt in front of me and I might play a 1shot huntress a lot but it’s the best counter I’ve found to red rank pc players

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    I'm tired of survivors who get hit by the killer and think he is cheating.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    My issue is with the first one, it simply works.

    Solo teammates simply give up when they see killers hard tunneling someone.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    Moris were used to slow the game?

    They ended the match early...

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    in red rank, you are not going to win getting 12 hooks every match, sorry, game is bad balanced, so suck it up while using your ds and unbk

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No doubts, it is effective. Especially those that do it and use Noed for insurance to get that second or third kill.

    And against 4 solos, it's almost broken.

    But, it is well within the rules, and something that is hotly debated as far as where it fits in with sportsmanship.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    I repeat again, the number of times that I HAVE NOT TUNNELED and that player at the end of the game if he escapes, "GG WP EZ GAME" laughs at you, when you have given him chanse and escape, I know, but we must all fall into the same trap?

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267
    edited December 2020

    Okay, I know the killer's goal is to KILL, but imagine that ALL killers in the game wear that goal ... will the survivors have fun? Imagine a match not ... ALL 1-3 minute survivor matches. funny?

    And do you know why killers tunnel? Because if the killer makes a "fair play" he will not be able to kill more than 2 because the game is super badly balanced.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    Why do killers need to tunnel? Because the game is super unbalanced and is not capable of doing more than 2-3 kills if playing fair.

  • sirfiretruck
    sirfiretruck Member Posts: 2

    I agree, ive played both sides for a long time now, when i play killer i dont tunnel anyone and i still kill everyone so its possible to win without tunneling and playing like a child

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't go easy on bad teams because those matches are not satisfying. I want them done and over with quickly and I beat them down ruthlessly so that the matchmaker will lower their rating and put them against a killer closer to their skill rating and I get put with people more worth my time.

    If you go easy on people all the time, you just make the matchmaker that's already screwed up even worse.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited April 2021

    If survivors are focused on... surviving, trying to play round robin with the hooks is basically impossible.

    I hate to say it, but if you're not playing a high mobility killer, tunneling the first survivor to death is virtually law for securing a 3-4K. It makes such a monumental difference when you're have to deal with 3 survivors versus 4. And mobility killers aren't even infallible to this. Even Spirit, Hillbilly, and Freddy can get crushed trying to "play fairly" with all hooks for everyone, and it's exceedingly common to see 3 generators repaired by the first hook if survivor spawn locations, generators, and the survivor being chased are all in favorable positions against the killer. How fast you get the first hook is a good indicator of how the game will go. If 3 generators get repaired, you're lucky to get 2 kills without playing extremely scummy.

    I almost fully anticipate NOED now, and as much as I hate tunneling, there isn't really any option for the killer not to do it when they're the ones being pressured by being behind. I really like Make Your Choice as a perk that disincentives tunneling, but it doesn't automatically fix the balance issue at hand.

    It was like a year or so ago that somebody did a Leatherface camping experiment, and he almost universally "won", even if the survivor he caught and camped first struggled the entire time.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This unfortunately. See a really bad killer tunneling and hard camping in red ranks? They're doing it because they got boosted by bad survivors who rewarded that playstyle.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I think the idea is you round-robin so quickly that there's rarely more than 1 person on a generator at a time. By the time the first pair gets healed, you already have another down and on a hook.

    Doesn't work in practice though, as you pointed out. And honestly, you can't expect people to not go for the kill when death permanantly removes hands from a generator.

    While it's technically true to say "you can if you are good enough do it without tunneling", it's unrealistic to expect people not to and they shouldn't be insulted for doing what makes sense.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    It could be argued that it's a skill issue, but it's not a killer skill issue so much as a survivor one. I absolutely try to draw out a game, but if I'm pressing for kills (which is secondary these days behind the archive stuff) I feel like I need to tunnel if the survivors are focused on repairs and escaping. Nothing pressures the survivors like one of their own constantly on a hook. Death just makes it even worse, since only one can be free to repair at a time, massively slowing repair times. Even then, this is no guarantee with a low mobility killer, or worse: a setup one.

    If survivors screw around and open chests, or go for totems, and I can get momentum, the game will play differently. However, that becomes increasingly infrequent at red ranks. Combine this with RNG of spawns and you've got a bad time if you're trying to "play fair". It wouldn't be such a big deal, but any survivor tries to rub their survival in your face, and it just creates a cycle of tunneling/camping them to death, and them just being pricks either way. lol

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Doc if he play fair he does 2-3k, so he tunnel and camper and he gets 4k. So fair

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Tunneling a player out of the game is like choosing between finishing a gen at 60% vs starting a new gen with 0%. I know which one is the easier one to get done so why wouldnt i.