Healer builds are underrated.

bkn Member Posts: 228

The power of immediately getting another health state is more powerful than running the current meta builds.

I think if people actually understood the power these kind of builds, there would be a meta shift away from the current one, which came into existence in a completely different state and time of the game.

You can run 3 perks dedicated to healing and still use an exhaustion perk. The current mindset is way to "technical", and doesnt even work the intended way most of the time.

Especially solo survivors could have a much easier time using builds that are designed to heal yourself and others.

And I also think many new players are getting tricked into the current meta builds (because everybody is running them) and can´t make them work properly anyway.


  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Agreed, I hate the current meta on both sides...Survivor meta encourages aggressive and toxic behavior and the Killer meta is just dull and uninteractive. Anyway, I like to run Self Care, Botany, Desperate Measures and Resilience for a healing build, when everyone is injured you can infinitely heal at the same speed of a normal medkit, which is awesome for 99ing to get that Resilience value on a gen until you find someone to heal.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Maybe we don't see healer builds run often is because Plague and Legion exist? I usually just bring a medkit and run Pharmacy if I want to heal myself and others and if I'm feeling generous, I'll run For the People instead.

    The reason behind this is that there are killers who can completely shut down this type of build and dedicating too many perk slots for it can backfire. Have you tried running a stealth build against a Restraint Doctor? That's how playing a healing build against Legion and Plague feels like.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    I love healer builds. I usually run a green medkit + charge addons with Botany, We'll Make It and Desperate Measures, if I feel like playing a support role. Though it doesn't really help if the killer is camping/tunneling. If the killer stays around hook, then you won't have time to heal the person before the killer downs them again. There BT and DS just help a lot more. With how campy the killers I've gone against lately, I just can't afford to not to run my DH and BT.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    As long as people understand that Self-Care does not count as a "healing build".

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Healing fails against quite a lot of things. Chainsaw brothers, expose perks, ew3 myers, Plague who just says no, Legion who will laugh at all the free pressure you'll give them

    It is very strong against some killers but the current meta almost always works, no matter who you are facing

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    You don't need a healing build if you bring a decent medkit with 32 total charges. Chances are you will not need to heal yourself numerous times to the point that it justifies bringing Self Care+Botany+Desperate Measures. It's better to bring perks that will help you end chases and give you a breathing room to heal.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    Yeah they can be a lot of fun but every single time I run a healer build it's those two killers lol I really like autodidact when you have the five tokens, it comes in real handy especially during the collapse.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @lagosta It can be clutch running those perks against a Killer that's fixated on tunneling because you can afford to run in and take that protection hit and hopefully lose them in order to heal back up without the use of an item. Speaking of items, these perks free up your item slot to bring a flashlight or map since Killer's love their Ruin/Undying combo so much.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    As someone who runs sloppy butcher seeing people heal pretty fast with we'll make it sucks.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    @Dpooly protection hits are a nice plus that might give value on WGLV and MoM but the only way to get them consistently is taking hits while the killer carries the other survivor to a hook. It's a nice addition but if you other 2 teammates are coordinated enough to keep on doing gens, this becomes a win more strategy then something that may turn the tides of a match. To me, as long as my teammates are not self caring at 50% speed or healing vs legion, it's fine.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2020

    Healing vs Legion is totally fine with proper healing speed... You mend as always and patch yourself up in a matter of seconds. When everybody does that you turn him into an M1 Killer basically. Legions strenght is to get everybody injured and catch people off guard when they are on a gen or something.

    Plague is the only "problem", but still... after unhooking you rather get healed up instead of cleansing. This way you deny her as much power as you can. And i guess since Plague is not the strongest killer anyway, i dont see a problem in running a healer build against her.