i can get survivors dont like me because of my build and killer but why mention my family :/

just survivors in a nutshell
Friend you should stop caring about what they do or say, just focus on your game and have fun
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its really toxic and uncalled for tho
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I know it sucks, but jerks will always be jerks we can't change that. The best way to deal with it is to be what you want then to be.
Example? Shoot them a gg wp after a game, or compliment a good play. And if they start with they're usual toxic methods, then don't bite. They love the sound of they're own voices and giving them the timeof day is what they want. Honestly friend? It's best to pity these players then scold them
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Toxic people are toxic.
Words are the only way small people can lash out, so deny them that and move on-- they can't do anything to you that you don't allow.
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Hopefully they get hit with a ban.
The faster trash like this gets removed from the community, the better.
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It’s for when toxic people run out of excuses to be mad at you. They just start saying things in hopes of getting your attention. I’ve had people message me about my trophies and games before when they couldn’t come up with a reason to be mad at me (really scraping the bottom the barrel there). I either ignore them or just say something like “lol” and leave. In addition to making your messages private, you can close the chat on PC, meaning nobody can send you toxic messages.
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I always get people that say stuff like "Well, at least you'll always be stuck in (Purple/Green/Brown) ranks" depending on what I am at the time.
'Weird - I was rank 1 before you even started playing the game - check my profile.'
Some people just need to say something to make themselves feel better for losing a game that is, for most people, just a fun distraction.
The only reason I don't minimize the chatbox or whatever is to help clean up the community when someone goes full psycho.
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People just say these things to get under your skin. The best thing to do is report it and move on. Hopefully they will get a well deserved ban.
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do they let you know when so one is banned ?
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I don't know. Sorry.
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Report the one wishing death on people. Simple as that.
Also realize if you are playing in unfun or scummy ways and if you get your feelings hurt easily on top of that... maybe you shouldn't be such a jerk in gameplay yourself? If you're flinging poopy gameplay experiences for the other side into the match, don't expect honey in the post game chat. That goes for both sides.
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The match didn't last 10 minutes because you tunneled, it lasted 10 minutes cause they sucked at getting away. If you tunnel good survivors they will waste tons of time while gens get done. Bad survivors deserve to get killed quick
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Imagine being these nerds, lol
Stop caring what survivors think. Learn to embrace the salt. It really is the way forward as killer, because survivors will ######### and moan no matter what you do. They expect you to play by this unwritten honor code where you don't use specific killers/builds/addons/tactics, while they'll hump main building, exhaustion crutches, DS and unbreakaskill. Literally, to hell with them. Curb stomp them. Every game. Remind them who the boss is.
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Aaaand there's the one guy.
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This times one hundred.
But if you happen upon a nice Claudette, who doesn't t-bag, but crouches at you while looking up into your eyes like a puppy, show her some mercy.
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There are no nice Claudettes. Claudettes, Neas and Quentins all die.
A nice Bill on the other hand? He might get to live.
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ye they where dive bombing hooks like crazy
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so your saying that by me playing the game normaly with out hacking or cheats i deserve death threats and stuff seems legit
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tbh idc what they think of me but they brought my family up i got doxxed before that ######### sux
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In that case, if it bothers you when survivors say things like that (and it happens quite often, even to me), just close the in game chat. Don't offer them a GG or anything, just click "continue" and ignore all end game chat.
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It do be like that.
This is one of the only games I've ever played where one side has this overwhelming entitlement that they believe they deserve to escape, or deserve a second chance at all times.That they can run whatever the hell perks/items/addons/tactics they want but if the killer does anything to help them win, the killer player has literal death and disease wished upon them, among other things. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a few killers behave this way too, but it's FAR more prevalent on the survivor side.
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I told you to report the death threat. Neither side has the right to say that.
But I'm also saying if you play like a jerk to the other side as many salt mining players like to brag about, maybe you should have thicker skin. The death threat is unwarranted. But there's too many players in this game that seek that attention in the first place and try for that type of reaction.
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And now, class war talk.
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Hey don't talk trash about my nea ok!?
There are nice nea's.
I for 1 give my life to get other survivors out and never t-bags, not even if they deserve it 😉
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First rule of killer, ######### what survivors think.
Second rule of killer , ######### what survivors.
It's a long list, but you get the point.
We all might not like everything we face. We may choose to run what we want, and maybe not run other things out of individual preferences. Don't hate on someone for doing what they find best for them.
In the end it's a game, and just as I will do everything in my power to survive. I will also do everything in my power to 4k.
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Nea is basically a gremlin.
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Wait till I get my nea to play killer.
Your ass is mine 😜🤣
She can't help she's just the next evolution of gremlins
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I am the sole nice Claudette. She was what was recommended when I first started and I fell in love with her. I even go so far as to role-play with her sometimes. I do my best to never be toxic, I try to help my team when I can as long as they've shown they're competent and as long as its not endgame and they're not being camped by Bubba in the basement. I avoid t-bagging, I leave whatever item I have for the killer at the exit as a present for them as long as they weren't sweaty from the start. I have even gone so far as to let the killer kill me if I suspect matchmaking has screwed them over.
I will t-bag and flashlight click if it is obvious the killer is constantly tunneling someone, or if I haven't been hooked and the person they're chasing is on death hook.
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Tho tbh i would love to see that one in the game honestly 😬
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They hook swarm to flex. If you try to flex on someone in real life you get smacked down. Why are they so surprised in a game?