They finally fixed some killers' lobby animations, huzzah!

A few killers in the pre-game lobby have had bugged lobby animations for a while; Wraith, Hillbilly, Huntress, and Doctor have been sharing their idle animation with the Trapper, who slowly looks from left to right.
This bug has been in the game for nearly 2 years, and I have never seen anyone talk about this bug other than myself, and the devs have quietly fixed it! Now Huntress keeps her eyes focused on the prey (as a true hunter would), Wraith has has creepy stiff posture back, and Billy has once again become our favourite chainsaw-wielding hunchback!
Alas, it seems the Doctor is still suffering from an identity crisis, and still mimics the DBD Poster Boy. Perhaps with further treatment from the developers, he too can find his own spark. Merry Christmas Devs, this has been a nice gift for the new year!
For a while hillbilly wraith and trapper all used the same carrying animation. They changed that recently so I hoped they would changed this.