Why are there 5 Gens to escape; over all 7 Gens?

I play for quite some time; thinking about how to Buff any Average Killer when it comes to Slowing down the game; instead of Nerfing Gen Speeds! I do understand that the Defs are supposedly working on possible 2nd Objective in the future update; but that begs the Question?
Why does Survivors need to only compete 5 Generators, instead of all 7 at a time? Is there a reason, for Survivors to not have extra Gens to do; besides proving their point that they can Gen Rush and win insane fast; or would they create a Imbalance in which Killer can easily Puppy Guard the Last 3 gens or last single Generator and hold the game hostage!
I would like to hear a positive feedback about this.
or would they create a Imbalance in which Killer can easily Puppy Guard the Last 3 gens or last single Generator and hold the game hostage!
You answered yourself big boy
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It would be impossible. If there was only 1 gen left that could be repaired, the killer would never lose.
No, more like nobody on either side would win.
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Very much agreed.
I've had games where I didn't get a single hook for 4 gens but had a really decent 3-gen with Pop and managed to pull a 4k. Even just repairing 6 of the 7 would make it nigh impossible to win as survivor.
The only way something like this could come close to working is maybe if they lowered gen repair time and made it so they don't regress anymore but that's only assuming 6 of 7. Unless you put in long range repairing somehow, you'd never beat a killer that just sits on it.
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If there were only as many gens as there are that need to be powered what stops the killer from guarding the last gen and/or trapping the ######### out of it?
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This isn't a gen rush thing it's just smart game balance.
Killers can guard 3 gens extremely easily and once there's only 1 gen left the survivors won't be able to do anything.
Also there are maps where a gen can only hold 1 person at a time (example upstairs in Hawkins). If the killer stands infront of these gens it is completely impossible for the survivors to win.
This is going to sound mean but I hope you understand what I mean by this. If the survivors had to complete all 7 generators it doesn't matter how good the swf are the killer will win every single time. You would need to be a rank 20 killer to have any chance of losing.
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I'm confused why you're even asking when you mentioned exactly why it is the way it is. The killer would guard the last gen. It would be impossible to complete it. It's the same reason we have 2 exit gates because the killer could just stand in front of the switch and prevent it from being opened.
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Because survivors would literally never win.
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Devs need to have a testing weekend where they put 1 extra gen, then next weekend 2 extra gens... but sweaty survivors would fake the stats and just kill themselves, if only they tested the game they make themselves :/
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There's 3 gen situations already that slow down the game a lot, and sometimes makes it's almost impossible for survivors to win if they are down 1-2 team mates, if you had to repair all generators it would be impossible for any group of survivors to win, even the most veteran ones would not stand a chance since all you would have to do is camp the last generator, In fact the game would be extremely boring since the killer can just choose any generator from the start and camp it without even patrolling other generators, survivors could repair all the other ones and the killer can simply win or stall the game indefinitely by just holding on to one generator.
And survivors aren't really ''proving their point'' when they do gens, the time it takes survivors to do a gen and the length of the game is mostly dependent on the killer's skills, survivors are just doing their objective and if they are ''gen rushing you'' its because you failed your objective as a killer by not applying pressure to them.
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Because fun players will glue themselves to 1 gen and the game will never end