How good is Stridor without Spirit?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Everyone complains about Spirit-Stridor. It's like Oni-Infectious Fright, Huntress-Iron Maiden. Deathslinger-Monitor & Abuse. A perk that greatly compliments a killers power. Back to Stridor is it like Iron Maiden were besides being with Huntress it's garbage. Or Infectious and Monitor still good without that killer. Personally with Iron Will being common and that louder breath catching the stealth gamer. I think Stridor is good.



  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Iron maiden huntress isn't her best perk, it is mediocre but I love it, I just love reloading faster.

    Anyways, stridor on any other killer is really bad, probably legion can use it but I would say it's still bad on them.

    Monitor and abuse is great on most killers, same as infectious except on killers like slinger, hag, huntress with low TR.

    So to put simply, only spirit really benefits from stridor with other killers you will hear them closer than they are and most likely wiff.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Stridor is a perk that exists and stealthy IW gamers hate it and... Yeah, that's as useful as it gets. Countering Blendettes. Otherwise, it's only good on Spirit, because it allows her to hear people with IW while phasing.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It is actually one of my favorite perks. I found it pretty useful on Nurse and Huntress to snipe people in corn. I also like it on GF. Sadly it's just outclassed by other tracking perks. Spirit is really the only killer that can make more use of it because of how it synergizes with her power.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Never use it, my headphones are more than enough.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    Some killers has perks that makes them stronger yes..but Huntress-Iron Maiden that's a joke I guess.

    Stridor is ok if you have bad headphones.

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I actually think that Stridor is bad on Spirit. Because of how loud the survivors are when injured, you can't hear where they are exacly after leaving the phasing phaze. The only time where it's good is when the survivors have Iron will. Like nurse players running shadowborn and now can't play without it (limiting themselvs to only 3 perks), spirit players also become dependent on this perk. That's why i recommend every player who wants to learn new killer, to play without add-ons and in case of spirit - stridor, because it will be harmfull for you in the long run.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    Stridor + Bloodhound is very good on Nurse... Propably the most underrated perk combo in the game.

    -Makes Lockers unsafe

    -Replaces Deerstalker

    -Replaces Nurses´s calling

    -Makes you not losing chases (especially when you lose LOS)

    -Makes chasing in corn fields easy

    -Makes you randomly find survivors everywhere, healty ones and especially injured ones.

    and alot of other stuff. Thank me later!

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,318

    Would it make a difference on Spirit with the tv speakers across the room, or really only if you have headphones?

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
    edited December 2020

    Nurse and infectious is pretty fun

    Also im all ears and phead.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,831

    I'd rather run Bloodhound than Stridor to be honest. If you're trying to find an injured person, the blood trails will last longer than their scratch marks.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Useless other than spirit