Is there a chart showing how many people are in red ranks ?

If so where can I find it
No they have never said percentages of ranks.
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thats a shame would reall ylove to see that
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It's so easy to get there it really doesn't matter , if you play this game often you'll end up there whether you belong there or not , solo q can be total ######### show because of this problem, you never know what you'll get
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I think everyone is at red ranks. At least for survivor.
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I don´t think there is one.
My estimation is that around 90% of players are red ranks, though.
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Of which players? Players who did play since the last rank reset?
My estimation would be more like 30-40%.
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You need to factor rank resets and how long since they happened. More skilled players or players with more availability climb faster and the max % of the playerbase in red ranks would probably happen just before the resets.
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Well now that they made ranking extremely easy to do and the terrible rank reset change barely moving anyone, everyone is piling up at red ranks. Somewhat on killer, but extremely pronounced on survivor.
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It's so bad on survivor I partied up with a fellow rank 1 after a decent match and while we were in the next game I called out that the killer had tinkerer and his response was "what does that do? 🤦
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Not sure it would matter, because the amount of people that quickly climb to Red Ranks vs the amount of people who climb to Red Ranks slowly over time because of the Emblem mechanics
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That isn't quite relevant though. That also counts people who bought the game and never played it, or bought the game and only played for a few hours and then stopped. I am quite guilty of buying things on a steam sale then never playing it and i'm sure it happens quite often, especially since DBD goes on sale usually for <$10.
What is more relevant is, what percentage of "ACTIVE" players are red each rank.
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The devs will have one but it will likely continue to change with people leaving and new people coming in.
Honestly rank doesn't really matter because even in solo if you try your best and don't give up in matches you'll get to red ranks if you play enough games.