New Player Here



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    Ooh a rein main, I always appreciated a tank on my team. I try to play most characters but I'd consider myself a sombra and reaper main. But back to Freddy, I love playing him because well its freddy. I loved the films and being able to finally play him in a game is fun but hey he's getting buffed soon so we can rejoice!!!

    I will always take a Reaper main on my team. Yeah, I tend to main Tank and Supprt. Reinhardt and Lucio are primary, with Winston, D.Va, and Zenyatta as my back-ups. I can also DPS as well, with my mains being Soldier 76 and Junkrat. If we're getting eaten, and I'm not the only tank or support, I'll switch to 76 or Junkrat when we're against a wall. I will eat some people with either of them.

    I've been in OW since launch day, but I need a break. So, had DBD and all the DLC up to Clown sitting since the Steam summer sale. Figured I'll give this game a whack for a bit and see what happens.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    Ooh a rein main, I always appreciated a tank on my team. I try to play most characters but I'd consider myself a sombra and reaper main. But back to Freddy, I love playing him because well its freddy. I loved the films and being able to finally play him in a game is fun but hey he's getting buffed soon so we can rejoice!!!

    I will always take a Reaper main on my team. Yeah, I tend to main Tank and Supprt. Reinhardt and Lucio are primary, with Winston, D.Va, and Zenyatta as my back-ups. I can also DPS as well, with my mains being Soldier 76 and Junkrat. If we're getting eaten, and I'm not the only tank or support, I'll switch to 76 or Junkrat when we're against a wall. I will eat some people with either of them.

    I've been in OW since launch day, but I need a break. So, had DBD and all the DLC up to Clown sitting since the Steam summer sale. Figured I'll give this game a whack for a bit and see what happens.

    You'll have tons of fun!!! I hope your experience here is most enjoyable. But just a heads up some people in our community get mad at each other and act all toxic for simply playing the game. So if anything happens in terms of people acting childish and such just report them if it's really serious as in telling you to die irl or being extremely toxic and rude. Most of the time though it's just that they're mad and probably had some bad games before so they let it all out. If you play on pc just say gg and leave the match and if you're on console set your messages to friends only as it's very annoying receiving salt from some players. Just enjoy yourself and play how you want to play. See you in the fog!!!

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    You'll have tons of fun!!! I hope your experience here is most enjoyable. But just a heads up some people in our community get mad at each other and act all toxic for simply playing the game. So if anything happens in terms of people acting childish and such just report them if it's really serious as in telling you to die irl or being extremely toxic and rude. Most of the time though it's just that they're mad and probably had some bad games before so they let it all out. If you play on pc just say gg and leave the match and if you're on console set your messages to friends only as it's very annoying receiving salt from some players. Just enjoy yourself and play how you want to play. See you in the fog!!!

    Oh hell, I'm 45-years-old, I've been around the block online gaming for about 20 years. Toxicity is nothing new. Usually, I just chill and ignore it. I knew it was time to take a break from Overwatch, though, when I got a warning that I was being toxic and if I didn't stop, I'd be silenced in-game.

    Yeah, that was a sign that the game was no longer a place for me right now. I'm never toxic in a game, but Overwatch since Brigitte has managed to bring that out in me. Not Brigitte as far as she bothers me. I tend to win most fights against her even as Reinhardt. But it seems that too many teammates are afraid of her, run like hell, and we lose objectives.

    But that's what happens when you release a Hero with all the benefits and very few drawbacks. But that's Kaplan and Goodman. I hated their work when they were back on WoW, too.

    Right now, I'm just taking my time and finding out which Killers I click with. I'm partial to Myers and Freddy due to childhood nostalgia, but we'll see if I click with their play style. I'll find a few, no doubt.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    edited September 2018
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    You'll have tons of fun!!! I hope your experience here is most enjoyable. But just a heads up some people in our community get mad at each other and act all toxic for simply playing the game. So if anything happens in terms of people acting childish and such just report them if it's really serious as in telling you to die irl or being extremely toxic and rude. Most of the time though it's just that they're mad and probably had some bad games before so they let it all out. If you play on pc just say gg and leave the match and if you're on console set your messages to friends only as it's very annoying receiving salt from some players. Just enjoy yourself and play how you want to play. See you in the fog!!!

    Oh hell, I'm 45-years-old, I've been around the block online gaming for about 20 years. Toxicity is nothing new. Usually, I just chill and ignore it. I knew it was time to take a break from Overwatch, though, when I got a warning that I was being toxic and if I didn't stop, I'd be silenced in-game.

    Yeah, that was a sign that the game was no longer a place for me right now. I'm never toxic in a game, but Overwatch since Brigitte has managed to bring that out in me. Not Brigitte as far as she bothers me. I tend to win most fights against her even as Reinhardt. But it seems that too many teammates are afraid of her, run like hell, and we lose objectives.

    But that's what happens when you release a Hero with all the benefits and very few drawbacks. But that's Kaplan and Goodman. I hated their work when they were back on WoW, too.

    Right now, I'm just taking my time and finding out which Killers I click with. I'm partial to Myers and Freddy due to childhood nostalgia, but we'll see if I click with their play style. I'll find a few, no doubt.

    Briggite *shudders* yeah I'm not scared of taking her but even when I hack her no one gets on her to help me take her out I even call it out "Hey guys the brig is hacked come help me out a little." But back to Dbd, Myers feels good to play as. I've got some tips for you when you're Myers if you have the opportunity to hit then go for it but if they have distance in you stalk them to make them want to lose LoS and possibly change directions. Also stalk all the way until you are 99% close to evil within 3 (it will show you how close you are where your power is) so just hold it and once you're close enough to a survivor just tap the stalk button and instantly down them. Now for freddy, hes a tricky one but you can make him work. Leave a survivor on the ground when necessary and hook when you can. You can keep track of the survivor due to Freddy being able to see asleep survivors and if they do lose you try to ambush them from a direction they wont expect. Well I think this is it for tips right now for Myers and freddy. I may have forgotten something but if I remember ill make sure to tell you. Anyways I hope you have fun with Freddy and Myers anyways I got some studying and homework to do, I shouldn't even be on the forums right now lol. 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @PhantomMask20763 Had a difficult time with Freddy tonight. But I expected that due to mechanics and just starting with him. Did hook a couple, no sacrifices, but I'm fine with that just starting out.

    Really liked how Myers played. I had watched some vids on him over the weekend since playing Killer during double BP was impossible, and saw the Evil Within tips you also mentioned. I got three sacrifices one match, But averaged two most the time. Decided to level him to 10.

    (Thinking of trying The Hag and Doctor out more, maybe.)

    Now, a question: On my level 10 Bloodweb for Myers, I have the choice of the purple Save the Best for Last. The only difference between that and the normal perk is that you lose 3 tokens if you attack your obsession instead of 4. The other option is Deerstalker.

    Should I take the Save the Best for Last upgrade, or Deerstalker? I ask because this is level 10, so whichever one I grab, The Entity is nabbing the other.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @davidps4DBD said:
    I disagree with the above.

    i believe:
    [after that it doesn't matter]

    david king

    bond is a very good control perk. with enough game experience, the information provided by bond can give you near-to-absolute insight on solo or group.

    the perks provided by the spirit are underwelming, as is the spirit herself

    Spirits perks are mostly for better ranked. I see a lot of people running spirit fury, but it's useless at low level so you are correct for a new player it's not worth it. However, Haunting Grounds could be beneficial if you're going to use hag.

    Leatherface and David are definitely ones for their blood point boosts.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661
    edited September 2018

    @Kilmeran said:
    Final question.

    Will not rushing for Self-Care and BBQ gimp me? Before you answer, let me explain my expectations and play style.

    The reason I was going for Dwight first was because I liked his team-oriented perks. I always preferred a play style that could work with my team that way.

    I really don’t care for Leatherface, not from a film franchise or gameplay standpoint. I grew-up on horror, and never cared for the Texas Chainsaw films.

    I also am not concerned with hitting any of the red ranks. I honestly am not worried about rank in that sense. Hell, before I purchased DBD, I didn’t even know it had Ranked only outside of KYF. I assumed it also had a casual mode like I played in Overwatch, HoTS, and Paladins. I just don’t care about ladder climbing.

    I really bought DBD to play a hide-and-seek horror movie themed game that also contained some Hollywood killers that I liked or grew-up on. I’m much more interested in playing Myers, Freddy, Amanda (for the licensed) or Doctor and Huntress (for the originals, and once they fix her hatchets).

    So, will not rushing for those meta-perks gimp me and make the game non enjoyable?

    BBQ is great for racking up points. If you've hooked each survivor at least once you double your points at max rank and whenever you hook someone you can see anyone at a certain distance for like 3 seconds.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @TheHourMan said:
    Watch Tru3Ta1ent sometime. He gives a lot of good advice. 

    My advice would be "Ignore people calling you toxic for just playing how you want to play." Unless you used exploits, bugs, or were going out of your way to ruin the game experience for a certain player, you did nothing wrong. Enjoy the game and have fun. 

    Also if you get stressed out from a match, there is no rule saying you can't just take it easy and farm the next round as long as you don't force other people to farm with you if they don't want to.

    Face camping at low ranks is toxic as hell considering most of them are as bad as you are much less face camping is toxic in terms of NOBODY gets good points including the killer.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @purebalance said:
    Face camping at low ranks is toxic as hell considering most of them are as bad as you are much less face camping is toxic in terms of NOBODY gets good points including the killer.

    I agree with you completely. I've no interest in face camping. I wanna have fun, earn some bloodpoints, et cetera. The survivors do, too. Just like I do when Survivor. I'm all for everyone getting out of there with some BP.

    I have very little interest in climbing the Rank ladder here just like I didn't for the same reason in Overwatch: The higher you go, the more damned toxic it gets. I'll be quite happy staying around the low ranks. It's why I stopped playing ranked in Overwatch and Paladins a year ago, and stayed exclusively in casual mode.

    Since Behavior had the insane lack of wisdom not to include an unranked/casual mode, I'm just treating every game as casual. Let's all get some bloodpoints.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Kilmeran said:
    @PhantomMask20763 Had a difficult time with Freddy tonight. But I expected that due to mechanics and just starting with him. Did hook a couple, no sacrifices, but I'm fine with that just starting out.

    Really liked how Myers played. I had watched some vids on him over the weekend since playing Killer during double BP was impossible, and saw the Evil Within tips you also mentioned. I got three sacrifices one match, But averaged two most the time. Decided to level him to 10.

    (Thinking of trying The Hag and Doctor out more, maybe.)

    Now, a question: On my level 10 Bloodweb for Myers, I have the choice of the purple Save the Best for Last. The only difference between that and the normal perk is that you lose 3 tokens if you attack your obsession instead of 4. The other option is Deerstalker.

    Should I take the Save the Best for Last upgrade, or Deerstalker? I ask because this is level 10, so whichever one I grab, The Entity is nabbing the other.

    Well I would personally take save the best for last because it allows me to end chases much quicker due to all the tokens you can have but if you think you'll be leaving survivors on the ground a lot take deerstalker. I personally don't use it because I find it to be very situational but when you do need it it comes in handy, I'd still pick save the best for last though. Plus deerstalker might show up in your bloodweb again if you would still want it, it's all rng really.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 That was my thought as well, especially since Deerstalker is a base level perk, and Save the Best for Last is a Tier 2 version.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Kilmeran said:
    @PhantomMask20763 That was my thought as well, especially since Deerstalker is a base level perk, and Save the Best for Last is a Tier 2 version.

    Perks are always personal preference anyway, so just choose what you think would work for you or your perk build.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Perks are always personal preference anyway, so just choose what you think would work for you or your perk build.

    I'm learning that. That's why I'm not worrying about Leatherface and BBQ at this point in time. I'm brand new. I'm not even finding survivors and hooking them consistently yet. I'll worry about BBQ once I have some hours into the game, know the maps and mechanics better, and can at least down and hook consistently. As it stands right now, the BP bonus for me isn't worth the effort to run Leatherface. I hate chainsaws. Tried him and Billy. We do not see eye to eye on play style.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 So far, Myers' play style works for me. I can see Freddy being a lot of fun once I practice him more. I haven't tried Amanda yet, but did watch a few vids of matches, and her stealth play style is something I might enjoy.

    Also going to try Doctor and Hag. I think I might like The Doctor. Not sure about Hag.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Perks are always personal preference anyway, so just choose what you think would work for you or your perk build.

    I'm learning that. That's why I'm not worrying about Leatherface and BBQ at this point in time. I'm brand new. I'm not even finding survivors and hooking them consistently yet. I'll worry about BBQ once I have some hours into the game, know the maps and mechanics better, and can at least down and hook consistently. As it stands right now, the BP bonus for me isn't worth the effort to run Leatherface. I hate chainsaws. Tried him and Billy. We do not see eye to eye on play style.

    Billy is one of the strongest killers on the game. But I can see where your coming from with leatherface. It took forever for me to get his perks on everyone because I just really dislike playing him. Billy is fun once you learn to control the chainsaw. Take it from me that only recently I've gotten better at him. But then again I rarely play chainsaw killers too lol, they're not my cup of tea 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Billy is one of the strongest killers on the game. But I can see where your coming from with leatherface. It took forever for me to get his perks on everyone because I just really dislike playing him. Billy is fun once you learn to control the chainsaw. Take it from me that only recently I've gotten better at him. But then again I rarely play chainsaw killers too lol, they're not my cup of tea 

    I come from a childhood heavy in horror. Halloween, Nightmare, Phantasm, etc. I was never a fan of Texas Chainsaw, though. I also write in the horror genre as part of my living as an author (I do several genres).

    I like the stealth and/or stalk play style. Just makes me feel more like a horror film killer. I might like Spirit, too, but that's the only DLC I don't own yet.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 So far, Myers' play style works for me. I can see Freddy being a lot of fun once I practice him more. I haven't tried Amanda yet, but did watch a few vids of matches, and her stealth play style is something I might enjoy.

    Also going to try Doctor and Hag. I think I might like The Doctor. Not sure about Hag.

    If you like Myers I think you'll like Amanda too. I personally love her. She is heavily rng reliant though which is a shame but her stealth can be pretty good early game and the reverse bear traps are decent at slowing down the game a bit. Just remember this the point of the traps is to give you more time to get hooks and prevent generator progress, they have the potential to kill but they're not meant to kill. Just a tip as shes my second main. Also (this tip will work more once you get to higher ranks) if you practice her ambush you can actually get a hit off of a survivor trying to run you around a pallet, it has to be well timed though. What I do is I pretend to go one way but immediately turn the other and that catches them off guard sometimes.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    If you like Myers I think you'll like Amanda too. I personally love her. She is heavily rng reliant though which is a shame but her stealth can be pretty good early game and the reverse bear traps are decent at slowing down the game a bit. Just remember this the point of the traps is to give you more time to get hooks and prevent generator progress, they have the potential to kill but they're not meant to kill. Just a tip as shes my second main. Also (this tip will work more once you get to higher ranks) if you practice her ambush you can actually get a hit off of a survivor trying to run you around a pallet, it has to be well timed though. What I do is I pretend to go one way but immediately turn the other and that catches them off guard sometimes.

    I was watching all the Meoang guides this weekend, and he said the exact same thing about her reverse bear traps and how best to use them: not for the kill, but to slow the pace down a bit and get more control.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    If you like Myers I think you'll like Amanda too. I personally love her. She is heavily rng reliant though which is a shame but her stealth can be pretty good early game and the reverse bear traps are decent at slowing down the game a bit. Just remember this the point of the traps is to give you more time to get hooks and prevent generator progress, they have the potential to kill but they're not meant to kill. Just a tip as shes my second main. Also (this tip will work more once you get to higher ranks) if you practice her ambush you can actually get a hit off of a survivor trying to run you around a pallet, it has to be well timed though. What I do is I pretend to go one way but immediately turn the other and that catches them off guard sometimes.

    I was watching all the Meoang guides this weekend, and he said the exact same thing about her reverse bear traps and how best to use them: not for the kill, but to slow the pace down a bit and get more control.

    Yeah shes a fun killer. Do you play on PC or console?
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Yeah shes a fun killer. Do you play on PC or console?

    I play on PC. Believe it or not, I've never played consoles. Most my kids are grown now (25, 20, 18, and then an 8 year old), but when those guys were younger, I tried Xbox with them. Too many damned buttons and sticks. I'll stick with mouse and keyboard remapping.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Yeah shes a fun killer. Do you play on PC or console?

    I play on PC. Believe it or not, I've never played consoles. Most my kids are grown now (25, 20, 18, and then an 8 year old), but when those guys were younger, I tried Xbox with them. Too many damned buttons and sticks. I'll stick with mouse and keyboard remapping.

    Yeah I'm personally on console as my PC couldn't run the game. So I'm stuck with low fps, plus I could never get the hang of mouse and keyboard 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    @Kilmeran said:
    @PhantomMask20763 Had a difficult time with Freddy tonight. But I expected that due to mechanics and just starting with him. Did hook a couple, no sacrifices, but I'm fine with that just starting out.

    Really liked how Myers played. I had watched some vids on him over the weekend since playing Killer during double BP was impossible, and saw the Evil Within tips you also mentioned. I got three sacrifices one match, But averaged two most the time. Decided to level him to 10.

    (Thinking of trying The Hag and Doctor out more, maybe.)

    Now, a question: On my level 10 Bloodweb for Myers, I have the choice of the purple Save the Best for Last. The only difference between that and the normal perk is that you lose 3 tokens if you attack your obsession instead of 4. The other option is Deerstalker.

    Should I take the Save the Best for Last upgrade, or Deerstalker? I ask because this is level 10, so whichever one I grab, The Entity is nabbing the other.

    Well I would personally take save the best for last because it allows me to end chases much quicker due to all the tokens you can have but if you think you'll be leaving survivors on the ground a lot take deerstalker. I personally don't use it because I find it to be very situational but when you do need it it comes in handy, I'd still pick save the best for last though. Plus deerstalker might show up in your bloodweb again if you would still want it, it's all rng really.

    Deerstalker is also a very bad player oriented perk like Unrelenting and Iron Grasp. Being used to the normal game and able to use good perks makes you get better.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Yeah I'm personally on console as my PC couldn't run the game. So I'm stuck with low fps, plus I could never get the hang of mouse and keyboard 

    Oh dear lord, that means you played Overwatch on console? I am so, so sorry for your pain.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @purebalance Believe it or not, that was my initial impression of Deerstalker. I was just afraid that, being new, I was missing something.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said: 

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Yeah I'm personally on console as my PC couldn't run the game. So I'm stuck with low fps, plus I could never get the hang of mouse and keyboard 

    Oh dear lord, that means you played Overwatch on console? I am so, so sorry for your pain.

    Yeah, unfortunately I still haven't even made it to diamond I've been stuck in plat since forever now
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @purebalance and @PhantomMask20763 I'll ask both of you since you guys seem knowledgeable and have been posting to me regularly: Is it a bad idea, once I try them out and see who I like, to just focus on two, maybe three at the tops, killers at first? Or even one killer? I don't want to spread bloodpoints so thin that I never really level anyone.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Yeah, unfortunately I still haven't even made it to diamond I've been stuck in plat since forever now

    We left Comp midway through Season 7 and never went back. We got sick of the toxicity.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Kilmeran said:
    @PhantomMask20763 Had a difficult time with Freddy tonight. But I expected that due to mechanics and just starting with him. Did hook a couple, no sacrifices, but I'm fine with that just starting out.

    Really liked how Myers played. I had watched some vids on him over the weekend since playing Killer during double BP was impossible, and saw the Evil Within tips you also mentioned. I got three sacrifices one match, But averaged two most the time. Decided to level him to 10.

    (Thinking of trying The Hag and Doctor out more, maybe.)

    Now, a question: On my level 10 Bloodweb for Myers, I have the choice of the purple Save the Best for Last. The only difference between that and the normal perk is that you lose 3 tokens if you attack your obsession instead of 4. The other option is Deerstalker.

    Should I take the Save the Best for Last upgrade, or Deerstalker? I ask because this is level 10, so whichever one I grab, The Entity is nabbing the other.

    Freddy is considered one of the worst killers in the game from the perspective of the good players. He's not so much hard as his mechanics are not conducive without the right add ons. Nurse on the other hand has a high skill cap, but is amazing once you get good with her.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @purebalance and @PhantomMask20763 I'll ask both of you since you guys seem knowledgeable and have been posting to me regularly: Is it a bad idea, once I try them out and see who I like, to just focus on two, maybe three at the tops, killers at first? Or even one killer? I don't want to spread bloodpoints so thin that I never really level anyone.

    Well I would try focusing on one or two killers as the grind can be very real sometimes but what I did was once I got all four perk slots and some good addons I moved on to another killer and leveled them up and once I got all four perk slots for them then i moved on to another killer rinse and repeat. Then once you have all the killers that you wanted to level up leveled up you can start playing the one you want to play for fun and stuff and unlock teachables for the other characters. Sorry if it didnt make sense (I'm sleepy and I dont make sense when I'm sleepy lol.)
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Well I would try focusing on one or two killers as the grind can be very real sometimes but what I did was once I got all four perk slots and some good addons I moved on to another killer and leveled them up and once I got all four perk slots for them then i moved on to another killer rinse and repeat. Then once you have all the killers that you wanted to level up leveled up you can start playing the one you want to play for fun and stuff and unlock teachables for the other characters. Sorry if it didnt make sense (I'm sleepy and I dont make sense when I'm sleepy lol.)

    That made perfect sense, thanks.

    And yeah, I feel you. It's 1am here. I have to be up at 8am for the 8-year-old's school, so about to head to bed myself.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Kilmeran said:
    @PhantomMask20763 Had a difficult time with Freddy tonight. But I expected that due to mechanics and just starting with him. Did hook a couple, no sacrifices, but I'm fine with that just starting out.

    Really liked how Myers played. I had watched some vids on him over the weekend since playing Killer during double BP was impossible, and saw the Evil Within tips you also mentioned. I got three sacrifices one match, But averaged two most the time. Decided to level him to 10.

    (Thinking of trying The Hag and Doctor out more, maybe.)

    Now, a question: On my level 10 Bloodweb for Myers, I have the choice of the purple Save the Best for Last. The only difference between that and the normal perk is that you lose 3 tokens if you attack your obsession instead of 4. The other option is Deerstalker.

    Should I take the Save the Best for Last upgrade, or Deerstalker? I ask because this is level 10, so whichever one I grab, The Entity is nabbing the other.

    Freddy is considered one of the worst killers in the game from the perspective of the good players. He's not so much hard as his mechanics are not conducive without the right add ons. Nurse on the other hand has a high skill cap, but is amazing once you get good with her.

    Yup nurse has a high skill cap but comes with a great reward which is being able to dominate when you get good with her 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    purebalance said:
    Nurse on the other hand has a high skill cap, but is amazing once you get good with her.

    Yup nurse has a high skill cap but comes with a great reward which is being able to dominate when you get good with her 

    Yeah, she was on my list once I got some hours into the game and the general basics down to a reflex.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Well I would try focusing on one or two killers as the grind can be very real sometimes but what I did was once I got all four perk slots and some good addons I moved on to another killer and leveled them up and once I got all four perk slots for them then i moved on to another killer rinse and repeat. Then once you have all the killers that you wanted to level up leveled up you can start playing the one you want to play for fun and stuff and unlock teachables for the other characters. Sorry if it didnt make sense (I'm sleepy and I dont make sense when I'm sleepy lol.)

    That made perfect sense, thanks.

    And yeah, I feel you. It's 1am here. I have to be up at 8am for the 8-year-old's school, so about to head to bed myself.

    Yeah I think I'm signing off for the night. It was a pleasure speaking with you and if you ever need any more tips feel free to ask me in a post or something. I hope to see you around on the forums as I visit here frequently
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 I'll be around. Beats the hell out of the Overwatch forums. At least here, we don't have thread on thread asking for Killer or Survivor sexual orientation reveals.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 I'll be around. Beats the hell out of the Overwatch forums. At least here, we don't have thread on thread asking for Killer or Survivor sexual orientation reveals.

    Yeah but what we do have is some joke posts and posts asking for a bikini cosmetic  pack for survivors (sometimes they mention killers too)
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @PhantomMask20763 Well, at least they're still clothed. I mean, in some of these slasher horror films, it was inevitable that it would degrade into soft-porn. >_<

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 Well, at least they're still clothed. I mean, in some of these slasher horror films, it was inevitable that it would degrade into soft-porn. >_<

    Yup the friday the 13th films are the best example of that
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Kilmeran said:
    Hey there. So, here's the thing: looking for some typical newbie advice.

    I've owned the game and all the DLCs since the summer sale, and just got the Spirit DLC. But, I haven't had time to really jump into the game until now.

    I plan to play both Killer and Survivor. Are there any specific Survivors or Killers I should focus on as a newbie? I'm not too concerned about climbing ranks per se. After two years in Overwatch and Paladins, I'm more than a little done caring about Rank. It'll happen as it happens. I'm just looking to have some fun.

    Also, I hear HybridPanda has good videos. Are there any other YouTube channels you guys would recommend for getting familiar with the ins and outs of the game?

    Having not read any other post I may be repeating things but:


    Tru3talent - Plays both Killer and Survivor equally and gives strong opinions on his idea of balance for both sides. Uploads what seems like 1 billion videos a day.

    Monto - Plays both Killer and Survivor equally and mostly does gimmick builds and simply has fun.

    HybridPanda - Plays both Killer and Survivor (seems slightly more killer) and honestly just plays for fun. Very calm in nearly every game.

    Puppers - Plays Killer and Survivor (mostly survivor) and is the splitting image of Dwight. Plays for fun and can sometimes be slightly toxic (more in a "fun" way if that's possible)

    Noob3 - Plays Killer and Survivor (mostly survivor) and does lighthearted toxic builds. Mostly calm/chill in his videos and mostly does gimmick builds.

    PaulieEster - Loads of long live-stream videos that are both simply for fun (mostly survivor) and informative with patch/dlc/update information.

    TydeTime - Plays Killer and Survivor equally but is getting rather "bogged down" with DBD. You will get the impression this guy isn't enjoying the game as much as he use to and you would be right. Post informative videos on game mechanics/numbers and does a ton of videos talking about balance changes he would like to see. He also hosts DBD tournaments and has a grab bag of other DBD oddities.

    I've no doubt there are other out there but these are simply some of the ones I tend to watch from time to time.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Kilmeran said:
    Here's another question:

    Say I'm not that pressed about self-care. One of the reason I looked at Dwight to start with was because I liked his teamwork oriented perks. That play style interested me: something that could help my team out when we worked together.

    Say, I'm not that pushed about BBQ because, honestly, I don't really care for Leatherface from a film franchise or game play standpoint.

    Now, I also am not concerned about reaching the red ranks. Until I bought DBD, even though I had looked at some game play videos on it, I didn't even know it had ranks. Well, I did, but I didn't realize it only had a ranked mode outside of KYF. Even over in Overwatch, HoTS, or Paladins, I played casual. Never was interested in worrying about climbing a rank ladder. So, ranks aren't a concern to me.

    I bought DBD to play a hide-and-seek horror movie themed game that also contained a couple of my favorite Hollywood killers. I'm much more interested in playing Myers, Amanda, Freddy (licensed) and Doctor and Huntress (when they fix hatchets) for the originals.

    Will not rushing for SC and BBQ gimp me?

    Self-care is vital if you're going solo. Never trust the other survivors to help you if you need it. I wouldn't say it's an absolute necessity but it'll definitely help out. BBQ is a really strong perk but in the upper ranks, a lot of survivors know how to mindgame it. On any killer but the Nurse and Billy, it's more for bloodpoints. As for the licensed killers, I've had a lot of fun with Myers and Amanda. Myers is in a pretty good place and his add-ons allow all kinds of ways to play him. The Pig's a little weak but she's a lot of fun to play. Freddy... well, he's getting buffed soon so let's hope that puts him in a better place.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @ShrimpTwiggs Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I'm not going to worry about BBQ until I get more hours into the game, know what map is what, and get my game play to where I can hook survivors with some consistency. At this stage in my game, still learning everything, finding the right mouse sensitivity to control my Killers better, and so forth, I'm not hooking consistently enough yet for BBQ to be a BP benefit.

    Once I get there, I'll likely get it, then.

    Myers is by far my favorite so far. Good to hear Freddy is getting a buff soon. He and Myers are my nostalgia. I grew-up going to the theater for those films. I was 5-years-old watching the original Halloween when it first came out.

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    As for survivour perks, I'd reccomend Urban Evasion and Balanced Landong from Nea (free), Adrenaline from Meg (free) Self Care (it's the best perk in the game, and it's in ~80% of surviovur builds), Empathy from Claudette (free), Unbreakable and Borrowed Time from Bill (free), Lithe from Feng Min (paid, but unlockable with shards). Maybe also Laurie's Decisive Strike, but I wouldn't recommend it, snce it doesn't reall help you with geting beter.

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355

    @Kilmeran said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    Ooh a rein main, I always appreciated a tank on my team. I try to play most characters but I'd consider myself a sombra and reaper main. But back to Freddy, I love playing him because well its freddy. I loved the films and being able to finally play him in a game is fun but hey he's getting buffed soon so we can rejoice!!!

    I will always take a Reaper main on my team. Yeah, I tend to main Tank and Supprt. Reinhardt and Lucio are primary, with Winston, D.Va, and Zenyatta as my back-ups. I can also DPS as well, with my mains being Soldier 76 and Junkrat. If we're getting eaten, and I'm not the only tank or support, I'll switch to 76 or Junkrat when we're against a wall. I will eat some people with either of them.

    I've been in OW since launch day, but I need a break. So, had DBD and all the DLC up to Clown sitting since the Steam summer sale. Figured I'll give this game a whack for a bit and see what happens.

    I feel this in so many levels. Been playing Overwatch since the beta and man, I needed a fresh new game for me. Been playing a lot of shooters as well like PUBG, CSGO or Fortnite. I needed a break and since Im kinda done with OW and the devs they dont fix Rein and Brig can solo kill tanks and stuff I think Im gonna stop playing that game for a long time.

    The thing is Im having a blast in this game. Tested since this last weekend and Myers if my must go as killer. Im a noob and learning the basics and yet I dont find annoying the toxicity of the community like ppl whine about it lol I hope you are having fun in the game as well!

    PS. Let me know if you want to add ppl to play with tho. Im meeting a lot of new fellas. SWF ftw ^^

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @chococri What platform are you on? I'm on PC

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355

    @Kilmeran said:
    @chococri What platform are you on? I'm on PC

    Same! You can look for me in Steam with this same name. Im tryharding as Myers right now lol

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @chococri Ha! Myers here as well. I'm also the same name on Steam.

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355

    @Kilmeran said:
    @chococri Ha! Myers here as well. I'm also the same name on Steam.

    Sent friend request. I hope thats you.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @chococri Nope. But I'm new to Steam. Never used it before a few months ago, though I had an account lingering for a while. So, maybe my display name wasn't what was needed. No worries, next time I login to it, I'll just send you a request.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    On second thought, forget this original reply. I'm staying. Having fun so far.

    Post edited by Kilmeran on
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    Just out of curiosity, I'm getting Killer queues on PC, at around 11:30pm at night, of around 3-4 minutes. Is this good? Is it normal? Not complaining, mind you, it's actually a faster queue than I get in a lot of other games that time of night.

    However, I do notice that I get a lot of 3 or 4 man SWF teams at that time, too. They all load in at the same time, and in many instances they all chose the same survivor. I'm leery of these matches because, especially if we're all new Rank 20s, if they have voice comm than I am at a serious disadvantage.

    Post edited by Kilmeran on