Why so matchmaking so bad (sorry for bad quality)

This just really pisses me off 5 years of this game and matchmaking is this bad


  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    I'd say its unfair for red rank survivors who are paired with low ranks and have to babysit them the whole game, I had this match and I don't know what a rank 16 was doing in that game, but at the same time why am I being matched against red ranks? my advise is to take it as it is, going against tougher opponents will make you a better player faster than going against people who don't know what they are doing.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If it dosent wear out the killer player and they decide this isnt worth it and goes "I'm out" this role sucks. Rank might not mean a lot high up but low down its important for gradually teaching killers. Were it not for the slightly more balanced matchmaking of old I'm not sure i would have stuck with the role.

    You can't just throw new killers into the deep end. This applies for survivor as well. This kinda stuff is a massive detterent and hurts the new player experiance. Im getting 3 green one purple at rank 1 and suprise suprise "rank dosent matter" was massivley dissproven by them all getting slaughtered in the first 3 mins.

    Matchmaking needs to be revised and queue times need to better respect rank difference of at least 5-8 ranks with some short term killer incentives needed to be put in place to secure the new player base they gained and encourage survivors to play killer.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    the worst match up i ever had is when i face a level 5 19 14 11 survivors

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    No one is playing Killer.

    Its incredibly frustrating playing against higher rank survivors, half the killers have no pressure and/or are unfun to play and when you do have a successful game, you are told to #########.

    Devs can cater to survivors all they like, it does make sense. But I would not be surprised if queue times double for survivors in 3 months unless something changes with matchmaking and rank.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    oh it'll halve or get even faster for them around then briefly, when the next killer dlc comes out. How long they'll enjoy that brief period of quick queue times will depend both on how fun and interesting that new killer is and how much more killer role has been nerfed by then. It could last a few days, it could last a few weeks, but it'll be quicker survivor queues briefly and then it'll bounce back down a bit closer to whatever level it was at before the new killer came out once people lost interest or burned themselves out again.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,052

    This happened yesterday:

    I would not say that this was such a bad Matchmaking, since the Killer had two Players to capitalize from. And this Huntress clearly did that, she was smart and at some point did not waste time chasing my friend or myself.

    However, this Matchmaking should still not happen. And I cannot stress this enough - if this is happening, at least one Console-Player is involved, this time those two Megs who were clearly new to the game (Ranks and they only have general Perks and Megs Teachables). And they played like they were new at the game.

    My guess would be that those two searched quite long for a Lobby, which made the Matchmaker throw something together at some point. And like I said, this is not the worst solution, giving a green Rank Killer two Red Ranks and two brown Ranks, but I would prefer to have full Red Rank-Lobbies again.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Pretty much.

    Queue times were fine when Twins first dropped. But after 2 weeks it went right back to 10-15 min queues. I am sure this has nothing to do with how unfun slugging is.

    Matchmaking has been extra bad lately and someone made a post about it. I can only hope they are doing some internal tests.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    yeah the past few months had a slew of factors involved with matchaking muckups and discouragement for playing both roles in the game so it's tough to guess whichever were the most impacting. the game is a mess right now and it's because of many different big changes in a short few month period. stuff they should have and could have taken all year to do and not shoved all in just since september. and for the love of god they should let killers swap in the lobby again, we all know Mm isn't coming back any time soon and that even if it does they're only gonna have to remove it again lol. Letting killers swap in lobby rather than tediously dodge them all night might bring a few more kilelrs back to the game for a while.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    I'm not saying match making shouldnt be fixed, All I'm saying is that there is nothing we can do until they fix it so in the mean time you may as well use that time as a learning experience.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Maybe if your a vetran to soem degree or even experianced but for a new player whos grasping the basic I like many others would suggest holding off on new players playing/purchasing this game. Its new players experiance is abyssmal and it shows in its god awful matchmaking.

    I would pripritise the matchmaking first nad if red rank players like myself have to wait longer thats fine. I want to see dbd continue to grow and not shrink.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Yeah, but again there's nothing we can do about it, just wait for the devs to fix it.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    I wish they would add the color of the ranks to the survivors in the lobby. As a rank 8 killer, I get reds from time to time and it really sucks getting 4 of them as a swf. But I feel terrible when I get near 20's with only perks from the toon they are playing... When I go into a match, I expect it to be difficult and I play accordingly. If I knew they were less experienced survivors, I would not take them down so quickly. Having only played for a few months, I remember being a lvl 19 or 20 survivor, with my first person, and getting a killer that had perks from 4 different killers, only one of which was what he was playing. It wasn't fun and the game ended in miserable defeat and I didn't really learn anything other than thinking "I should NEVER have been assigned to this killer."

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Played 4 matches of killer today. I'm rank 3. Had at least 2 green/gold ranks in every single one of my lobbies. Matchmaking is totally fine.