Im so sick of this goddamn perk. Its for killers who are terrible at this game and need to rely on it. I had a match of a trapper who got destroyed but noed let him get a 2k. For those of you who say “well just do bones” do you know the how hard it is to find totems most of the time?
It's a last resort perk. I get that it's annoying, but it's part of the game.
If I'm that Trapper, I have only 3 perks the entire game until Endgame, and then you have one last chance to pull a comeback. It ends chases way faster and tilts the game in the killer's direction before it completely goes south for them. Even with its power, you mentioned how it was a 2K, so clearly it's not like a "bring-this-perk-to-win" type thing. I don't feel like saying "remove noed" is the solution, but rather try and actually develop counterplay.
Plus, I bet you could technically say the exact same thing about keys/DS.
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Detective Hunt is on the shrine, M1 little boy :)
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It can lead to frustration, that’s for sure, but it’s easily avoidable.
I’ve had many matches where the killer gets dominated, hard, then miraculously via NOED gets a easy 3k.
Players need to go cleanse totems first
Don’t even touch a gen.
All 4 survivors play the match like Corrupt is being run and stay off gens for the first couple minutes and cleanse the totems.
The killer may find someone, but the Hex threat is clearly getting cut down easily in the very beginning of the match. Even if Undying is on, all survivors on a totem and the killer can’t get to everyone simultaneously before at least 3 totems are eliminated. Especially if one of them is Ruin. Too many matches end in a 4K when players aren’t checking gens for Ruin before they start repairing them, then they get chased off gens that regress down to nothing.
As fast as gens go, there’s no issue with cranking out a couple or a few after cleansing the totems, before the killer gets 2 hooks in.
Preventing the killer from getting an easy win is all in the hands of the survivors; it’s a team effort that starts at the beginning of every match.
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No. I just lost a game because "I" didn't do Bone. I walked past a unlit totem and was lazy. NOED didn't kill me; I killed me. Take responsibility.
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"Survivors do not have to do bones, but can still complain about NOED" is legit the parody line from Samination's video. You are speaking as a living meme.
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Who is bringing back all these damn Noed posts?
Regardless of personal preference, it's in the game, it's not cheating, learn to counter it.
And honestly, what is worse? A perk in a video game, or insulting someone for using it? 🤔
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Don't forget that I didn't have the sense to make sure I was no where near the killer when the last gen pops, and not give myself the chance to see if they actually do have NOED, allowing me to go look for the lit totem.
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Do bones.
That's literally the solution, and it's not hard. There's literally perks and items that help you with it.
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If you are "sick of Noed", start running Small Game or Detective's Hunch and get rid of the totems. No, it's not too much to ask.
I play mostly survivor and Noed doesn't bother me. Yes, it's a crutch perk but many strong perks are. I would rather face a bad killer with Noed than bad killer with weak perks if the latter means I face no challenge at all.
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decisive strike Im so sick of this goddamn perk. Its for survivors who are terrible at this game and need to rely on it
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It's annoying, it's most definitely a bad killer's crutch, but it's really not that bad and can do more harm than good for the killer.
Say all the gens get done and a dude gets laid out with a NOED hit from full health. Dude gets picked up, hooked, and by this time, it's fully likely the doors are open. Seeing as this killer has NOED and going for the save is effectively suicide, a situation that you could have used to bait out rescues and more kills turns into a 1k while everyone does the smart thing and just leaves.
Totally sucks when you're on the receiving end of the surprise party though.
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If you lost to a trapper with ANY perk honestly you can't complain.
Dude played with only 3 perks as a very low tier killer all match; it's an investment that paid off.
You could run detectives hunch and just....never deal with it ever again. Also unless they camp the hook end game there is a lot you can do, borrowed time and dead hard come to mind. I've gotten a lot of people out by borrowed time unhooking and then dead-hardening through so they take the hit first.
It's basically a pub stomp perk; it's not really much good against any coordinated team or experienced players. It also tends to slow your skill growth as killer because you start relying on having it at the end instead of focusing on what is important in the "now".
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I just did a match. I recorded and watched it to see how long it took me to do all 5 totems on my own.
I cleared it in 2 mins 37 secs.
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I think I should just keep this link on a hotkey.
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People did raise a few valid counterpoints to some of those previously though; in all fairness.
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Please do, it's a nice reminder that you expect NOED to hand the killer a free kill for equipping it and then blame it all on the survivors for not performing an action that throws more games than it saves.
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I would say the problem with this argument is that survivors are then cleansing 5 dull totems on the off chance the killer has no-ed. The only other reason to do dull totems is for inner strength or if the killer happens to have undying. If you only do 4 totems no-ed still works and solo players will never know if they actually got all 5. I think there are more overpowered perks to deal with first, but I would say no-ed is still problematic.
(By the way thank you for the mori change and hopefully the upcoming key change! Seems to be moving towards more consistent gameplay! 😀)
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Just do totems whenever you see them and then even if NOED activates, you'll know the other spot or 2 it could possibly be at.
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I mean, if the killer got destroyed and it wasn't a close game until NOED went off... that seems like the problem NOED is intended to solve.
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The problem with doing bones is, you end up cleansing all the easy to find locations and NOED is forced to spawn in that one difficult to find location.
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"Just do bones 4head"
Seriously though, the perk is extremely annoying and needs a rework. I think my only problem with NOED is that survivors have absolutely no way of knowing the killer has it until someone gets the effect at endgame. Doing bones isn't a reliable counterplay because for all you know, you could be trying to cleanse all 5 totems to counter a perk the killer might not even have.
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Noed serves a legitimate purpose. I've had games where I have someone hooked and a swarm of people runs up, unhooks and bodyblocks the ######### out of you. That's incredibly frustrating as a killer, to know that you have absolutely no power. Noed makes sure that doesn't happen. If the people I'm playing against are playing a good, fair game, then noed isn't going to be an issue. It's my way to punish people for making me play a match that isn't fun.
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I try to cleanse in case of NOED but I swear a lot of totems lately are glitching inside walls or places where you can’t get at them. The hay baler on Coldwind Farm is just one of the more obvious places because you can see it. But I have circled a spot wasting close to 5 minutes using small game for a totem that simply isn’t there. Like literally SG is going off when I point in one direction and the only thing that is there is a wall and beyond that the outer wall to the edge of the map and absolutely no place for it to hide. No second floor, no hag traps or anything of the like. nothing.
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Small Game and Detective's Hunch would like a word with you.
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Hey, if you dont like NOED just Adapt and git gud, stop asking DBD to be insta babby ez win
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I will trade you one Noed Removal for the removal of D-strike or borrowed time.
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I always run hunch unless one of my swf does it to give me a break. What sucks is im also the best looper on the team so sometimes its hard to get er done while looping for three gens. But what it really boils down to is some killers are too good to spend the time finding and cleansing 5 dull totems. Thankfully most of those killers don't run noed, they use another perk that helps them more.
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By that logic, SWF is for survivors who can't play solo, and thus need the crutch to be carried.
Which is my general thoughts on it, but take that as you will.
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Detective's Hunch with a map makes cleansing the totems so easy. If it's such a problem for you then bring Detective's hunch and a map
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maps, detective hunch and small game. ez counter.
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Yes, i know. The answer is: Not at all. You are aware that there are just 1-3 totem spots on each tile, aren´t you? Its not very hard to memorize them. Yes, after a map rework they are changed, but those are not a frequent thing. Detectives Hunch, (currently in the shrine as i heard) is a great way to learn about those spots.
Basicly you tell us you destroyed the killer easily, but were not able to do bones. Thats just you being lazy, because if you outplay the killer, you have all the time in the world to do them.
Anyway, if you destroyed him like you say, for me its a sign that you should never have played vs him and you were just carried by the bad matchmaking. Noed is one of the bandaids killers have to somewhat counter that.
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Only bad survivors complain about Noed. I have never had problem with this perk since killer play with only 3 perks and if you lose because of Noed then yeah you did not deserve to win. You will stop complaining about the perk when you play a bit more and get better.
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Having to waste more than 70 seconds of your objective time, in solo queue, every game, just to counter 1 out of 78 potential killer perks that may not even be in the match is awful design, period. Something should only have strength if it exists in the match. In the same way that I have no idea a survivor could have DS, I also have no idea if a killer has NOED, and counterplaying either of these perks (slugging someone or even multiple survivors because DS is going to counter your pressure, or cleansing all 5 totems, wasting a minimum of 70 seconds total just for the cleansing time, not accounting for the time wasted traveling the map and finding the totems, possibly doubling the time or more), can literally lose you the game even if those perks, which are 1 out of 78-86, literally do not exist in the match.
This is also terrible for new players and low ranks, and just solo queue in general, which is already tough. Not tough by your statistic that it's tough, but from experience as one of your players.
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But hex perks are there to extend the objective time, because otherwise gens are too fast for a lot of killers. And the survivors are the one that choose.
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You're putting on hotkey a post where the arguments you bring directly contradict your thesis.
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I dislike NOED for all the usual reasons expresed by survivors. You've heard all of this before, so let me get to my main point: I hate the way there's no warning with these perks until the perk is used rather than activated. The exit gates are powered, but even though NOED is activate, you only get a warning when someone is downed, rather than when the last generator is repaired. This makes a huge difference, because you don't know if it's safe to dash past the killer who is camping the open exit gate, for instance. Hex: Devour Hope works in a similar way: you're only aware of it when it's been used to down someone, rather than when it was activated.
It would be much fairer if survivors were warned of a hex perk as soon as it was active. Contrast this with hex: Haunted Ground, which warns about the perk and exposed status as soon as the hex totem is cleansed and activated.
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Maybe the killers here can relate to a match that was going well suddenly ending for a BS item or perk. NOED feels exactly the same for survivors as keys due for killers. Sure the killers should get good. Franklins would like to talk to you. Sound familiar?
Of course those "counters", don't fix the inherent design problem with keys. In the same way that asking every survivor to patrol the map for dull totems isn't a fix for NOED. Just because there is a technical counter to the problem doesn't reduce the problem at all, it is simply a band-aid to a problematic perk.
The sooner we stop making excuses for bad design the faster we can have the game that we all want to continue playing.
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Still reaching there almo. Love your definition of 'earning' I should keep this on a hot key too.
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Lmao why do you rely on ADR, BT, SB, DH and DS? I am so sick of those goddamn perks. Its for survivors who are terrible at this game and they need to rely on those perks. I was playing a match with 4 survs who bring any combination of those.... and i am not going to go on.
Detective's hunch is on the shrine btw.
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I feel like people need to know a little 'trick' if you expect no ed, and you're cleansing bones.
If you see a bone near an exit gate: do NOT cleanse that, ever, try finding the others first, so if your teammates would finish gens a bit too early, you'll have a chance of no ed spawning at that location near the exit gate, so it wouldn't be that hard to find. Because if you do cleanse it and don't do the others, that's probably because the bone location was a very tough one it spawned in, so you can't do that save on that last guy that got hit by it.
Just a little tip people need to remember. (Of course this can all be for nothing if you're in solo Q and a random teammate cleanses it, but I never blame them, we ain't a SWF).
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You don't even need to do all the bones.
Just do a couple and remember the position of others and chances are very high you can find Noed after it triggers.
If you do one and remember 2 that's already a 50% chance to find and destroy it as a single survivor with only delaying the gens by 16 seconds.
And that's assuming all the others didn't do anything.
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I’ve one hook died to NOED many, many times in the past and yes that can suck but I’ve also gotten other survivors off the hook and out on borrowed time and vice versa way more times then I’ve seen NOED used throughout years. There is also the BT bodyguard into dead hard at the exit gate type situations that happen.. with DS it is literally impossible for the killer to stop you.
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If the killer isn’t pressuring gens as he should then I take that as a sign that he is relying on NOED. If the round seems to be going lightning fast you should start getting worried.
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