Does anyone have fun playing against Legion?

The most boring Killer in my opinion. I do not care about the skewed stats that are always touted when this is brought up. Also the first Killer to introduce the mending action to their kit. Coincidence?
I played against a Legion matching my rank (8) earlier, and I have to say it was an absolute blast! One of my teammates got cocky at the start, likely because it was a legion, and got absolutely slaughtered! They played like a proper killer and there was no bullying involved! Three of us got a close escape after a risky EGC hook save!
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Tbh I find I only have to mend a few times a match against him and it takes about as long as it does to do a totem....given that's like his own power I don't really have a problem with it. I mean dealing with a pig bear trap takes far more time than mending does all game I find. It's just a more interesting way of going about it; so in that sense I find him more boring too of course.
Overall though he is an underwhelming killer.
"But statistics put him on average for a killer" Okay yeah because if survivors group up or the map is small he is great; but if everyone spawns on opposite sides of Shelter woods or mother's dwelling or something it's basically GG.
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If my teammates know how to counter him by working alone and staying out of his terror radius, he is okay. Its when everyone and their mother wants to work on the same gen, knowing that the killer is using discordance.
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Pig trap at least has some fun interaction, limited traps, etc.
I agree, there is counter play and option. Just a very unfun experience as a survivors versus optimal Legion. Least with Nurse or Spirit, the pain is over quickly lol
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Three escaping means the Killer lost, on any other Killer that'd be a de-pip.
I'm on Xbox and people will DC as soon as they realize its a Legion.
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If Legion is boring, what do you feel about Plague? She's just Legion on steroids.
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Playing against plague is boring too but at least you don't have to mend all the time.
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Yes but when I mention pig I am accounting for all of that, the amount of time total if you have one on you is quite often more than all the legion mending you will do in one game. It's just a more interesting delay mechanic, Legion's is far less interesting.
A good nurse or spirit though is overwhelming because they are the strongest killers in the game, that isn't the case with Legion. He is actually kinda fun to play as when the map isn't totally awful.
I really wish he would be re-visited later down the line, but there are also legion mains who will get VERY angry if he is changed too much so idk what is going to happen or what should. However given what BHVR has said- I don't expect much if any changes at all, ever.
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Trust me, most of us want him to be less clunky and punishing
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DCs are cheap, I feel dread the moment I see spirit but like anyone with a brain I dont DC lmao, also,he had us on a string for most the match, the only reason we all got out is because of a clutch ass party starter my other team mate dropped
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Exactly like @OniWantsYourMacaroni said. Yeah, it's similar to Legion but there is also the fountain mechanic. You can choose to heal or just do gens injured.
There is no option for Legion. Mend or go down.
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It's not even like Legion is good, he's annoying so people just yeet out the match.
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Exactly. This is not a discussion about "Legion is in the middle of the pack". He is simply unfun to play against with the very tedious mending mechanic.
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still cheap and stupid, you don't always like stuff, hard truth there, and it sucks that its that way but ruining people's games because they chose a certain character as well is just low...
also, never said Legion was good, I said its not worth the DC over.
Conclusion: Only fools DC
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I don't even have a reply that differs from the one to the person you quoted, so read that if you don't mind
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I wasn't even talking to you? Ahaha calm down.
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Yes, in my opinion Legion is a very fun killer to go against and it's always nice to face them. I get more chases with them, since they occasionally just stab with frenzy and then go to stab someone else. Losing a chase means getting hooked against other killers, but Legion usually doesn't hook you after every lost chase. In other words, doesn't kill too fast.
As for mending, it doesn't bother me. it's 12 seconds, I don't get bored in that time.
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He's fine. I get lot's points from mending and the game is typically long, giving me chance to pip. He's not Oni fun to play against or anything, but I'll take him any day over Doc or Plague.
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I'm not saying they should, just poking fun at them.
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As long as I see most survivors make the stupidest plays against a legion I'm not gonna take the he's boring seriously. Despite what people write on the forum; it's not like that many people dc at the sight of legion and they also don't massively give up.
Most survivors just make awful plays you just can't get away with against this killer. To name a few; dropping pallets while healthy, deadharding frenzy, jumping in lockers against frenzy. I can make a large list to be honest.
I have loads of fun against legion since I know how to counter effectively. Even mending isn't a brainless mechanic although it feels like most just stop thinking after getting hit and start mending.
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stab stab run away man, my lease played killer. chase interaction, can be very boring when it doesnt exist. When they do commit your in deep wounds and its hard to see. I think its more of a deep wound issue than a legion issue for me though.
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Absolutely love facing Legion. I understand why some dislike them but I just can't hate facing them.
Here's my reasons:
- Julie 🤤
- If I lose I don't feel bad about it. I just have to say "Fair play you earned that".
- Making them miss is funny
- Suits my play style of staying injured the whole game
The only thing I don't like is the baby players will constantly heal against them.
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Legion matches are always tedious for me. Mending simulator is no fun.
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I disagree with your #2... SUSIE ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!
I find it fun and continue to work to get better against legion and i've gotten some what better, as I'm dodging more of their hits.... what gets me is people saying it's pointless to heal against legion i laugh.... well it is mostly if you have iron will 3!!!
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Nah too young
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I find Legion mains to be annoying, because, and from my experience I'm sure you other legion mains are lovely, they act like winning against them is a disservice to their status of being a legion main, and they'll get angry and toxic. On the opposite side, if they win, they get all cocky and gg ez and pat themselves on the back for a job of mindlessly chasing and stabbing for 20 minutes well done.
Legion as a killer is subpar and ultimately harmless but most of my hatred for him comes from his initial launch back during his PTB and the people his character design attracts.
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Against legion I find it boring; the power design removes all the pressure on chases and puts it solely on unfound survivors which need to be close by.
As legion I have a blast. Ignoring the hooks and continuously rotating survivors between stress free chases and my slug farm.
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too young to be a serial killer??? were you thinking sexually? I wasn't WOW.... I was thinking how people would underestimate her and she'd be the best! plus most of her skins are better than julies (save the day of the dead outfit!)
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When I said Julie I meant she's my favourite because she's cute. I assumed you knew what I meant the first time 😂😂 Susie would be easily underestimated but I feel like she would be too gullible and easily manipulated.
I always run the Rift skin for Julie (basically normal clothes) except I run a different mask. I don't remember what it's called but it's the mask with one half being covered in blood the other being a smile.
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You can describe literally any killer as unfun and boring. Demo is boring because of his window shred zoning. Myers is unfun because you get instadowned with his stalk 99ed because of your teammates. Blight is boring because of Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer, and his hitbox on his lunge is "broken". Billy is boring because of backrevs, same with Bubba. Even clown is boring because you can't traditionally loop him.
Every killer has "unfun" elements to them, because they're designed to kill people and not to be safely looped continuously. Unless you're an M1 killer like Legion, but *obviously* he's unfun and boring too, and should be nerfed/stigmatized accordingly like Methsnorter or Triangular Tim.
It's the most irritating buzzword that's being used in this community. There are other things to this game then epic toxic noob3 looping the baby killer for five gens.
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I really don't like to heal, so legion giving me incentive to not heal is pretty fun. That is, unless I get 3 blendettes self-caring in the corners of the map.
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Yes because at least it isn't PH/Slinger/Hag/Spirit.
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Nah sis, the most irritating buzzword is "toxic." Breathing is toxic in DBD.
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Like, I know how every legion match is gonna go from the beginning. She's gonna stab me and run off, stab everyone else, then one person's probably gonna go down after we've all mended and started doing stuff.
It's less boring and more not interesting.
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The follow-up question is "Does anyone have fun playing AS Legion?"
Mr run and stab is fun but Mr miss and migraine is just one click away
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I'm with my boy Frank all the way.
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He's the most boring killer to play as and the most fun to play against. Why? Because he's so EZ to beat!
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He's certainly more fun to play against than Doctor or Freddy (Similar forced slowdown killers) in my opinion.
My only issue with Legion is they tend to be very mean. Camp, tunnel, slug, noed, toxic in chat etc. like bro, who hurt you.
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Nah he's kinda boring, but not in a dumb way like other killers. He's just...."meh". You don't have any chase power to think about so chases against him are extremely basic after the first hit which he gets for free if he's in Frenzy. It's like Plague but there's never a threat of an actual power so it's really dull (You also don't get any visual satisfaction running Legion, they're just a bunch of dumb teenagers. At least Plague looks interesting, same with Myers).
And holding M1 to mend is the most mind-numbing thing to do in this game and a good Legion will make you do it a lot to stall the game and keep you annoyed.
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I personally don't mind facing Legion. Still a better experience than a handful of other killers like Deathslinger, Freddy, Nurse, etc.
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I don't super dislike Legion, but I do find them monotonous sometimes. You hear the heartbeat and it's not that you're afraid -- it's more that you're like, "Oh, man. Legion's doing the thing again." And then you get stabbed and you have to pretend to run away so they don't cancel their power and stab you again, and then you have to stand there and mend. It's less deadly than being in a chase, but also less exciting.
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Holy #########. Just got out of a 30 minute game vs Legion. Not an exaggeration. I kms on 2nd hook because I couldn’t take it anymore. Jesus Christ.
Legion/Ruin/Surveillance/Thana/Dying Light/Game offering. Ruin lasts for 10 minutes somehow.
If you need 30+ minutes to get 7-9 hooks in one match, uninstall the gd game instead. #########. And people weren’t playing immersed.
How about a timer in games? If you can’t finish the game in 15 minutes tops - the game ends. Goodbye, on to the next one
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Nothing wrong with Legion imo, yeah I have plenty fun going against them
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Nobody said “the most unfun thing about legion is dying”
so, yeah...
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I love playing against Legion. Maybe it's because he's kind of my main, or maybe it's because I love making them lose their whole power from dodging a hit and hearing that funny "AUGH!" when it happens, I don't know.
Mending doesn't bother me much, personally.
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I really don't mind playing as or against Legion. Yes it can be a bit of a mend simulator at times, but mending doesn't take long and I don't heal because that's pretty much a waste of time, so it's quick mend and back to generators or saves etc.
I also enjoy playing as Legion, I do quite enjoy zooming around the map, smacking a survivor then rushing off to smack another.
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I don't get the whole thing with mending. Like who cares lol. It's 12 seconds. Playing against Legion is just looping an m1 killer injured and mending from time to time, which sure, I'll take a mend when I'm injured. At least he didn't down me. More time to loop.