Tier List IMO

This is my personal Tier List, I have been playing DbD for a long while and feel like I have significant experience to make a good list, the killers however are not ranked in their own tier, all killers in C tier for example, are not ranked better or worse then each other in that tier. This is my opinion so please keep it civil and polite.
EDIT! I did not rank the killers within the individual tiers, just because huntress is in first of A tier does not mean i believe she is stronger then the rest of A tier. i just believe she is a A tier killer
Ghostface C tier?
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I'd bump Hag up to S tier and Pig up to C tier but aside from that, I agree with this tier list.
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Well C tier for me represents killers who don’t really have a good chase power and or their power can be controlled by the survivors, a killer who can win and do well with in certain situations but can more then likely lose when going against a competitive team of survivors. Ghostface can be very strong especially with the hit and run strat but he does get hurt alot from spine chill which is a fairly popular perk, I would say he is stronger then Michael and maybe one of the strongest in C tier, honestly in C tier i believe Demo to be the strongest since his portals do provide really good map pressure and shred is good in chase, but he is add on dependent with his shred and his portals can be closed by survivors
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Blight above Doctor?
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I'd definitely move Blight and Oni up, but that may just be bias. Both of them can feel much more oppressive than Pyramid Head and even Huntress imo.
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Hag needs to be higher, probably next to Spirit. Ghostface is definitely should be around A-B tier, his stealth is strong. Pig definitely doesn't deserve D tier, she has innate slowdown that can even get kills if you play your cards right, at least C tier. Wraith with addons is also definitely a lot more oppressive than Trapper, maybe even D tier for him too.
Otherwise pretty accurate.
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Any chance you're a Huntress player? Pretty unusual to see her in top 3.
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Yea ignore the individual tiers, they aren’t ranked in their own tiers.
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Ignore individual tiers, I didn’t rank them in the tiers, this isn’t a perfect ranking. For example huntress simply shares same tier as Oni, I didn’t rank oni or huntress better then the other
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Ah, got it. Pretty accurate then. I'd maybe move Hag and Pig up, but not by much.
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I agree with most of it, but it still hurts to see people underestimate Demo so much because they don't know just how good his shred is at loops. I don't agree with Deathslinger's placement either.
This would be my tier list, the boxes just mean all killers that I've grouped up in that box are as strong as each other and I can't be bothered ranking them individually because there are too many variables to consider.
Haven't updated it for the new patch but I'd put the Twins just below Billy.
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I don’t underestimate Demo at all, his shred is very good at loops and can be very strong if given the option, however his mobility can be countered by survivors cleansing his portals, his shred Doesn’t work at all loops or is difficult to get a option to use, and then of course his shred is straight up only useable at most loops with rat liver add on. Deathslinger I have where he is because he has a great chase power but he gets around the map very very slow, causing gens to fly and pop in his face.
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people usually overrate Hillbilly... he is way below the average killer now. He is on clown/trapper level somewhere...
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I'd def lower Huntress to B tier, Demogorgon as well. Demogorgon can have his portal sealed pretty fast to halt his map control, where as Twin gets smashed and respawns incredibly fast to continue their map control. Huntress is very predictable, they rely on you dropping pallet for easy throws, sometimes they have very good aim at a distance but even then, I find myself dodging the throws a lot more than they are hitting. Just IMO.
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If you place your portals correctly and hide them well, they're not gonna get cleansed. If you're putting them in the open, near gens and not behind objects and other walls that's not a good use of your portals and you're using them wrong.
And it's not hard to get a shred at almost every loop. You don't run them the same way you run loops as a normal M1 killer. You want to make them run in a straight line so you can get an easy shred, and there's very little survivors can do if you zone them properly with rat liver. And shack, which is considered to be the strongest generic structure in the game, is just a death zone against him. And rat liver is a brown add-on so it's not like you're gonna be running out of them, it's a really cheap add-on. I haven't used rat liver in a very long time and have no issues with shredding survivors at most loops.
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Bump spirit up to ss tier and hag up to s tier and I personally think it'd be perfect. But that's just my opinion.
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It might be my personal skill and my encounters with him but in my experience with the killer Blight is garbage tier, i think i agree with all the rest.
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Honestly, this is pretty accurate, besides the weird amount of killers in A tier. I think Twins and Plague should be switched though.
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Not on console.
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Yes even on console,
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I'm guessing the survivors were boosted. Like Oni, you can simply dead angle his rushes and you'll never get hit. Console Blight usually means your ability is just gonna be for movement, not damage. I guess you just got lucky.
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Nope, this is my usual with blight, he isn’t garbage on console, he is just harder to play and requires more skill :)
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this is a very late response i know but just wanna say.. :( I’m running out of rat livers.
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move them all to S tier, all killers are too strong
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Placing Clown anywhere below A tier right now is pretty much indicative of not having played enough with Clown. He's insane right now.
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Nurse, Spirit and Hag all have strong abilities. Nurse and Spirit can get very quick downs, while Hag doesn't care about gen pressure at all.
Huntress has range. Freddy has a LOT of powers, though he's a little weaker in the end game. Oni has a one shot ability, with great snowball potential. Pyramid Head can control a chase very well, and counters perks like DS.
Deathslinger is pretty strong, but lacks mobility (but has strong stealth). Blight has amazing Mobility. Doc has good tracking and slowdown. Leatherface has a good one-shot down. Plague is criminally underrated. She pretty much ensures the players either play broken, or give her a very strong power. Plague is very strong.
Ghostface has a decent power, but it takes too long for it to recover making him a tad add-on dependent. Reduce the time for him to recover, and he'd be A tier. Billy's cooldown hurts him a little, but he's still very strong with good mobility. The Twins are amazing at slugging, but they have to slug to do much.
Clown's buff moves him up a tier IMO. But just barely. Legion's power still can't down anyone. Demogorgon is very add-on dependent. Myers tier 1 is too restrictive.
Wraith is too add-on dependent. Trapper is too add-on dependent. There's just too many times he'll be stuck without a power without a very specific add-on. Pig is at the bottom, despite being fairly lethal. Her power is pretty strong, trouble is against really good survivors you won't get much use out of it. She doesn't have much help ending chases, and her stealth clocks in at weaker than Wraith's. The thing about Pig is that she doesn't even have any add-ons that will help if you're really struggling in a match. Most of her addons depend on you actually getting helmets put on survivors heads.