My killer tier list (CONSOLE)

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

Tell me what you think.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853
    edited January 2021

    I’m a PC player so I can’t really make too many comments about it. I have heard how painful it can be playing blight on console is.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I'm curious about your criteria for this list (vs one for PC) - is it mainly the maneuverability factor (keyboard+mouse vs controller)? I mean, the biggest "gripe" I have going against PC players (as a Killer on console) is the circle-jerking/spinning survivors that spin their way out of my attacks. It's a legit strategy, it's just high sensitivity movement, I get it, but it is annoying.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Blight: He is a nightmare to play on console, I've play'd over 30 games as him, and it is hard with a capital H. Wonky controller movements and constant frame drops make him near impossible to play, I still think he's better than wraith though, solely because of his mobility.

    Nurse: She is still very good on console, and she just barely didn't make it to S tier. Again the controller movements and frame drops really hold her back. It feels like every time I blink it lags the game at least a little.

    Oni: He's a pretty good killer, but I don't think he's S tier. His early game is his weakest area, and he still be ran by good survivors even in Blood Fury. I'm by no means calling him weak, he's very strong, but again, not S tier. With ST I'd say he can make it to S tier, but I'm not counting add-on's.

    Huntress: Even with a controller, I still think Huntress is at least A tier. Honestly though, I can see her in B.

    Billy: Like Oni, I think Billy is still pretty good, but not A tier. Where Billy shines is out in the open. In chase, thanks to overheat, he can no longer go for as many chainsaws during a chase, and he can still be ran by good survivors. Because of this is chasing ability is still pretty good, but not amazing.

    Regardless, thank you for your opinion.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I took into account the poorer controls and the awful frame drops.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
    edited January 2021

    The following comments are specifically about console.

    1. I would put nurse at F tier. At 100% sensitivity she still turns very slow for snap reactions after blinks. I’ve played this game since ps4 launch and still haven’t faced a god tier (or for that matter a super good nurse) that is on console. The frame rate on console also hinders nurse play. Nurse as a concept is SSSS tier, but console is F.
    2. I agree with your spirit ranking for console. She isn’t limited by frame rate or optimization. Learn to play killer and have a headset and spirit is the best on console.
    3. the rest are kind of whatever though I think I would move huntress down 1 tier.

    in any case, I agree with a lot of it.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I forgot to add blight to the F tier list for very similar reasons as nurse.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    Spirit remains S tier playing her on console doesn't make her better than other killers to the point of having her in the nurses spot. For me only Hag and spirit are S tier with freddy also being there if you want but he is the weakest of the three.

    You can pretty much play those 3 killers the same way on either PC or console so logically their ranking remains the same, only killers that are harder to play on console go down the ranks as there isn't a killer that is easier to play on console to PC.