New concept art for next graphical update revealed

The Game and Crotus Prenn Asylum:
I really like the look of the Game, it looks closer to the movies now.
Remember these are concept arts so it's likely to look a bit different in game...but I really love the look on Asylum.
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Really curious what they do balance-wise to The Game. IMO one of the worst Maps in the game, it starts being pretty survivor-sided when it comes to Pallets and shifts to killer-sided once the Pallets are gone in an area, since there are mostly Pallets to work with for the Survivors. Simply super-boring gameplay for both sides.
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Thanks @MandyTalk, I've edited to the title of the discussion to reflect this.
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Wow I'm impressed im shure you all will do great with the graphical rework (like normally)
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I'm not surprised Asylum is getting updated this mid chapter, because Clown's map is in that realm. I am surprised that The Game is getting updated before the original realms.
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I hope BHVR get the balance right with this indoor map, I find Midwich to be full of unsafe pallets and I hope it's not the same for this map.
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i rather have them fix bugs first but this looks nice
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As long as The Game won't be safe pallet city anymore and one is able to finally see something downstairs i'll be happy with it
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So being someone new to the game, how does it work with these guys? Do they just pick one map and release an update or is it both? And how soon would a mid-chapter patch be with some changes to the game?
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The Game looks like it's getting a mega glow up omg it looks GOOD.
No offense but these look wayyy more promising than Azarov's. They did an amazing job with Ormond to be fair but man I hope we never get a gross green everything mess like Azarov's again I actually legit despise going there as killer and survivor both.
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Well, they did something similar last time, acting like it was a competition but then they just did both, so I'd say both are getting done. We never know, though. The mid-chapter PTB, which is like a test build rather than a full update, will probably come out on Tuesdays. BHVR likes to put their updates out on Tuesdays.
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huh? Someone that considers BOTH sides and not just ONE side for balance? I thought it would never happen! Finally, a reasonable person
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The bottom of the tweet says "New concept art for the next graphical update". That's basically just saying that both realms are being updated.
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Fixing the darkness on the game would be great
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They release both. Judging by their past releases we will see the PTB in the next week or two.
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I would have preferred coldwind being updated in all honesty.
However if Crotus Penn gets updated I want to see what happens with Father Campbell’s Chapel. Given that clown is getting some updates soon it seems only fitting.
I feel they should really push the carnival aspects of that; it would be actually incredibly cool to see that theme expanded on, I hope they don't waste the opportunity to do so.....
Edit: many ideas come to mind....imagine having a large tent that is like a "hall of horrors" you see at some amusement parks but it's actually all sorts of messed up when you go through it; or an actual functioning merry go round or something set up that you can actually run onto and it is constantly in motion making for some unique much could be done here that honestly the idea deserves it's own damn map but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've learned to keep my hopes and expectations much lower than that.