Devs, give us one good reason not to just quit against SWF.

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited January 2021 in General Discussions


Your entire game is built for the solo 4v1 experience. Why should we deal with SWF cheating over comms? Your rank system is a joke, there is no incentive to rank up at all (and it's ironic because you lazily made all deterrent based on rank). You put killers of all ranks against rank 1 SWF, and then they use comms to perfectly daisy-chain their gens, they tell each other what you are doing because they just say what they see when hooked, and it's simply a joke of a game when SWF is involved.

Survivors wait 3-6 minutes for a game, killers wait 3-6 seconds because no one playing killer. almost like SWF has truly killed the killer side of the community (and if you're going to blame broken matchmaking, just leave because that has been the go-to excuse for literally years now)

There is nothing but reasons to quit against SWF.



  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Unless I am playing with a very weak killer I like the challenge. I don't really feel bad for losing against good swf teams since I'm at the disadvantage but playing against them is good practice in my eyes.

  • f4ipl4y
    f4ipl4y Member Posts: 12

    Im quite new but does swf mean like they are speaking on discord of something

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Don't call that cheating, talking with your friends isn't an unintended feature, that is why SWF exists. If you are struggling that much with SWF I think you aren't playing as well as you can, and you can only solve this by facing these teams and learning. Yes, good SWF are unfair for the killer but it isn't as bad as you put it.

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    SWF means that there are at least two or more survivors who are playing together. It doesn't necessarily they are on voice chat, but usually that's what people mean.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,481

    SWF means "Survive with Friends" as thats what it use to be called before they added crossplay between Windows Store and Steam. But yeah, most people who refer to "SWF" theyre talking about people who use discord or any other third party software to communicate

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Go ahead and quit.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    You know to be honest... SWF is ANNOYING at times but it is not the problem. It's the broken mechanics around it. The DS and other meta perks make it unbearable at times (key coordination, DS at exit gates and other baits, borrowed time swaps with hook blocking while 2 guys point a flashlight in your face lol.) Many things just are overwhelmingly unpunishable when a team carries spine chill + kindred or Object of Obsession and can constantly reveal your location at ALL TIMES.

    It's a little unfortunate that the "horror" part of this game fades far too quick as you either have comms or perks that alert you and give so much info, plus offensive perks that erase your mistake constantly.

    My own example today is a 4 man ttv squad. Finished the game after 4king them (all red rank but they just kept slipping up with my pig traps so RNG pretty much was in my favor for once.) But I knew they were a toxic SWF, so I had to tunnel... hook 2 next to each other... periodically hit boxes to slug a ticking hat wearer, and really just be annoying.

    So I go to the stream of one after to rewatch the footage to see if I can learn something. And 3 of them HAD EACH OTHERS STREAMS OPEN so they didn't need info perks. And bragged/laughed about it. Thankfully, again... the horrible design of pigs RNG played in my hand lol.

    There are major issues on BOTH sides (killer/survivor) and when you play against a decent SWF... it is amplified and ruins your perspective of the game. This game is in need of major balancing/tuning as well as updated mechanics. Til then we get charms <3

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I can kill 2 or more on the average SWF team as a red-rank killer. but it's in no shape or form fun nor engaging gameplay. It's four people min-maxing and using comms to cheat in ways I have no system to counter with. I cannot do anything against a survivor who is telling his friends where I walk after I hook him because he can still see me 50 meters away, I can't damage gens anymore because they tell each other I did it to get someone to come stop regression asap whilst I chase. Most game mechanics are completely nullified by the inclusion of SWF.

  • f4ipl4y
    f4ipl4y Member Posts: 12

    Oh yes I remember just I dont know the shortened versions

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Can’t improve if you don’t play

    you have the same mindset as people who dc against slinger and spirit because they have no counterplay

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Because it is not hopeless 100% of the time, no dev needed for this one.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I am someone who has tried for years to find a good reason to play against SWF. I average rank 2-3 as killer main and I can even hold that as Shape, doesn't mean it's good or engaging or, though subjective, even fun.

    There's no counter to most of what SWF brings to the table as options for advantageous cheating. It's why I quit the game for like 10 months at a time, because each time SWF has only gotten worse and devs have let it fester more. There's a reason killers wait 5s to matchmake and survivors wait 5 minutes.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    And how will you know it is a SWF? A lot of matches that the killer loses he says me and the randoms were SWF even though we weren't. Is SWF just a term now for teams who don't get stomped on?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,953

    My survivor matches take seconds and my killer lobbies are much slower - time taken to find a match is due to rank/region/time of day. Nothing to do with player levels. During the day for me, super fast survivor lobbies but long killer ones, and that reverses during the night.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited January 2021

    I can get extremely long survivor queues and extremely fast killer queues no matter the time (including middle of the night). Still, SWF is the issue, and outside of "lol I like having the difficulty totally ramped up" no one can give a reason for them

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Until the cross-platform crap you could tell just by checking steam friends. SWF that wants to be a meme would actually set themselves as offline so it was more annoying to search for them but still possible. Now with cross-platform stuff it's tougher but you can still tell. Teams don't get that kind of magical info without SWF. randoms don't know that a pallet they never saw was put down but never broken 10 minutes ago.

  • thicc_iguana
    thicc_iguana Member Posts: 5

    It just means the survivors are playing in a party together.. like ain ps party or Xbox party. Or... Discord if they are on mobile or Pc

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Most swf aren't even good. Mine is an example: I and my friends mostly all play super bad and bring our meme perks. But sometimes the killers are even worse than us... it happens.

    About queues, I struggle finding killer games, not survivor ones.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Yup same here, Survivor takes anywhere from 1-10 minutes throughout the day. While killer is instant around the clock. North America of course.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Once you see it's swf just stop using hooks, let them 4 man facing the ground. You can't stroke their egos by playing their way.

  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    Imagine calling people who wanna play with their friends cheating. Yes it sucks when survivors are more coordinated than you like them to be but this is a multiplayer game. Nowhere does it say that this game was exclusively 4 individual survivors against 1 killer. Solo q is miserable 9/10.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I mean, the 1% elite god squads will always stomp you into the ground, but even the good swfs still lose to a top tier killer. I for one love taking down swfs, even more so when they are cocky and run typical meta perks. Is it extremely hard to come out on top? Yes it is, but oh boy it feels good when you win. Also on a side note, you get better at the game when you vs people who are good instead of stomping randoms who all think urban is a good perk.

  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    agreed even the DEVS THEMSELFS have admited that balancing the game with SWF would be near immpossible and they said this on their dev stream way back before SWF was implimented

    i would say go watch it on their YT channel but oddly enough its the 1 of the 2 only missing dev stream vods

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Tldr: "i didn't 4k devs do something reeeeeeeeeee"

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747
  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Its funny people like you whine about SWF. I've had killers like you quit and leave the match or come to end game chat complaining that we're SWF when i primarily play solo and we're not SWF we're just not stupid and know how to play the game and you dont like it so you come here and shout about SWF killing the game when you're just not as good as you think. or you simply just got outplayed and can't accept it. Quit all you want it honestly just makes me laugh to know i made you that mad.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Here's a perk idea: Broski-Vision

    Any time you see the killer, any teammates that also have this perk see the killer and vice-versa. Any teammates that have this perk know the progress of the generator you're working on and vice-versa. All survivors with this perk can see each other survivor with this perk. All survivors with this perk will also see the hatch if someone else with the perk sees it.

    Does that sound OP? Well that's what SWFs have and it doesn't take up a perk slot

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Because it would make you a quitter and a coward (killer main here, I never quit, I just turn off the tv and leave the game running if I need to step away.)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    I know how you feel, but honestly solos are too easy most of the time. You may have to play different against SWF like dropping chases often and slugging more, but if you can do those things it's not that much harder than going against 4 good solos. If it's a toxic SWF, get over it and let them have their fun because we all know they're nobodies.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    SWF with voicecom is cheating, there is no voicecom in dbd for a reason.

    Easy argument that sets all checkmate: Just bring a casual killer vs 4 random surv mode vs. a swf vs. killer.

    They don't do that, because every killer knows, how unfair SWF is and would not play against them. Checkmate, easy, your argument that swf are not that strong are invalid.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    When I see a group join the lobby all on the same platform and roughly the same time, I just find a new lobby. Chances are they're a SWF. Killer Q is quick so no loss for me. SWF is just objectively imbalanced.

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    not arguing about the swf is strong Part, we all know swf is strong but saying its cheating is stupid. an argument against your voice com isnt a thing ingame, why is it the devs themselve created a discord for Players to Talk to each other while playing dead by daylight. In other words no swf is NOT cheating. No Developer would create a Big Platform to "cheat" right?

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    good swfs are objectively imbalanced but there are a lot that arent good, just wanna add that

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    cuz of the dc timer u get

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    ok first of all it should be changed a bit because its not exactly what swfs "shows", u should change it to makes every other Survivor see the Killer if one mate see's the Killer because your Statement sounds like having wallhack 24/7 which swf isnt, everyone that say's "no I know always where the Killer is" is just stupidly lying, especially if the Killer uses perks like tinkerer + a fast Killer.

    Second. being able to see every Gen another Person sees + progressions, doesnt sound broken at all because all it does is create a lot more counterplay for the Killer (perks like discordance or surveillance will get a buff), it decreases pressure by the survivor because a lot of people would do gens together because they see Who is doing which gen. ofcourse you could say that they would still do gens alone but then this feature is almost unnecessary. About the hatch Part, yes it may be strong especially if they use a Key but first of all if they dont use a Key it wont be a big thing because it doesnt change if you get a 4k or 3k because of the hatch, secondly if they have a Key and find the hatch u never had a Chance to get more than 1 or 2 Kills in the first place because of the Design of keys.

    All your "OP" perk is doing is give Information that changes NOTHING about how good youre playing. what does it help you to have all these information if your team cant last more than 20 sec in a chase (a lot swfs are that bad), I will tell you what is going to happen, the Killer will either always kick the gen with Pop or Plan B start to camp a gen because he knows the survivor now know the Progression and a lot of survivors are too stupid to do another gen because they want to finish the gen they almost finished. and with this you will create a simular scenarion like 3 gen tactic and you know what if the Killer plays it right he always wins.

    All im trying to say is yes it would be a good perk but swf or lets say the communication with each other in the game doesnt mean someone is cheating and its definitely not impossible to win against them.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Sure, i once played vs players with the names "chocolate icecream", "vanilla icecream" and "strawberry icecream" which where in each others friends list, but it COULD have been a coincidence and they played solo and just ended up in the same lobby. Like you said, there is no way to tell 100%. Very good argument.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yeah, i hear brightness filters to see better as a killer so that claudette cant hide and streched resolution to look over loops are not cheating either. Yet, there are people who believe otherwise, because, just like voice chat, there is a reason those things are not an ingame option.

    Also, by your arguement, you actually validate another argument i heard. Using exploits is not cheating, because they were created by the devs, and its their responsibility. No developer would create spots only survivors or killers can go to to cheat, right?

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2021

    stop acting like sweat squads are that common, when they're not.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868