Everyone wants to talk about killer matchmaking...
How about survivor matchmaking? Isn't the matchmaking supposed to be at least around your rank? As a rank 1 I have died too many times lately because I was queued with rank 17-20's who just sat in lockers and wouldn't do gens. Even when playing SWF with a white rank the matchmaking is supposed to take an average right? So wouldn't that put us around green rank? This is an issue that needs to be fixed. It honestly makes me not want to play the game seeing as how I never have a full squad of 4
That doesn't fit the killer main agenda on here. As both Survivor and Killer I have gotten lobbies with low rank Survivors that made the game basically unwinnable for the 1-2 higher rank Survivors thrown into the mix.
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I doubt anything will be done about it, but there is definitely less threads about it. Just tired of deranking because of the terrible rank system