devour hope will be nerfed

as soon as they change undying people will run hope till a point survivors cry about the 1 shots and the moris so the devs nerf that perk as well
Actually, this is the one thing i dont think devs will touch. DHo is strong, but unlike most hex perks its use doesnt kick in until a bit into the game, even sooner with more aggressive survivors
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I love when a perk discourages camping
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i legit think they are going to change undying or hope in the end
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They won't tho
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Doubt. They'll just tell whiners to do bones which is exactly what they should tell them. Nerfing DH wouldn't really accomplish anything unless they were to remove the mori ability or the one shot and they're not going to. If anything (which won't happen) They'd make it require more tokens
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People constantly complain about NOED and they're told to cleanse totems. Devour Hope will be fine.
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afaik there are no plans to change Devour Hope
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I doubt they will change Devour Hope. It's in a good place.
Even with Undying giving it a big boost it's not something that breaks the game. It's like Myers Tombstone only you can bust it.