Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How is legion currently?

Taking the buff of deep wound into affect, with everything legion has right now what are your opinions on him? Is he the worst killer. Is he the middle of the pack.


  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    High end... of low tier.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    He is on the weaker side. But when you run his best addons (the one that destroys pallets when vaulting, and the green one for faster frenzy recharge) + perks like Thana, Ruin, Undying... he can become very strong.

    But i barely play him myself. I think you need some experience with him to be fully effective.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited January 2021

    M1 killer with a slightly more threatening deep wound is still an M1 killer that losses to basic looping.

    Low tier garbage best left for newer players who can be afforded the luxury of not having gens pressured 24/7. I recomend picking anything else bar irridescentless trapper.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    The strenght of his power doesnt really come from how much time you have to mend, because in the end you can be on Deep Woods for the hole match.

    He has bigger problems like his full power depleats after a regular M1 and his movement speed in FF is just not enough if you want to catch someone who is revealed at about 30m if that person starts running.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Legion only needs to be fast enough to have a small stabbing spree. Considering the other mobility bonuses they get during FF, I would only say maybe a LITTLE faster or a LITTLE more time with FF is actually needed. The point of Legions power is to keep the Survivors wounded so the next time they show up, the Killer can slap them on the ass and say "Good game" as they are tossed on a hook. The Deep Wound affect is really just there so they can't immediately try to hop on a gen after getting prison shanked. If Legion was much faster, or had a considerably longer FF duration, their power would be too all-encompassing. I can't think of a Killer (BESIDES FREDDY FFFFFFFFFFFFFBRAAAAAAAP) that can instantly hit all Survivors with their power with a single use regardless of the Survivors actions.

    Also TOTALLY not saying you meant for that kind of buff, just bringing it up for the sake of accuracy.

    Legions biggest issues are how much they are punished for playing the game correctly. As you mentioned, they lose 50% of their power each time they M1 someone. For why? On top of this, Legion eats a DS every time they turn their power off. So the only good way to use it is to either shut it off the moment you autograph someone's butt and don't hear a heartbeat, or try to be clever and body block someone while your Killer has a cluster headache.

    Deep Wounds really isn't a thing at all. It's a poopy mechanic that needs to be hot-swapped with something that isn't poopy. I don't know what, but I recommend not looking in a toilet to find a replacement. Sadly, I don't see that being a thing. If the other issues were addressed, however, Legion could easily be boosted to properly being mid-tier.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    Legions biggest issue is that hes always bugged. Like rn with his lunge

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

    As a Legion main I quite enjoy them. Play around with different perks see what works for you and your play style. Currently I'm running Mad Grit, Sloppy Butcher, Discordance, BBQ & Chili.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Legion is doing well right now. Had a bit of a rough patch at work, and some relationship troubles, but okay! Thanks for asking.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Legion is alright. Certainly not the best or worse just a low-mid tier killer. You can absolutely succeed against good survivors if you know how to play them well.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    did they fix the bug yet?