Advice Needed PC Killer Main Moving to Console

So after struggling with my gaming PC for multiple weeks straight and having multiple blue screens of death I am strongly considering selling my PC and moving to console. I have a PS4 Pro and I am okay with re buying some killers and re earning BP/perks. My biggest concern is if the game is good/playable on PS4 Pro for playing killer. If I can get my PC repaired I will later sell it and get a PS5, but for a few months I will likely have to make due with my PS4 Pro. Does the game currently run well on PS4 Pro and is it possible to play well as killer with a controller against PC survivors. I am at my wits end with PC gaming and have come to learn it’s not for me. The only game I really enjoy playing on my PC is DBD so if it runs well on PS4 Pro/PS5 I will probably sell my PC but before doing so I need to know how the game runs on these platforms. Any input from console players on these subjects would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have ps4 pro, just normal ps4. Runs at about 30 fps or less. Game freezes for a second whenever anything happens (gen finishes, gain bloodlust, get hit with sloppy butcher, etc). Heard ps4 pro is slightly better, but not by much. I've personally found controller at low fps significantly easier to play than m&k at low fps. Dbd runs 60fps on ps5 with no real lag. Console survivors that get used to the lower fps play essentially the exact same as pc survivors, if you can beat good console survivors on console you can beat good pc survivors
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Huntress and nurse don't play well on controller unless you practice with different sensitivities alot. Aside from that maybe you'll get spun alot more at first but not much different besides the glaring fps loss.
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I have a Pc, switch, and ps4 pro and I can confirm that it does run well on the ps4 , it's not as smooth as pc but it's not a gigantic difference like some people make it out to be
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If u have PS4 pro, u have to use SSD and get rid of the stock hdd.
It's night and day difference.
It works well enough but at the end of the day, console is inferior to PC version of dbd.
That's why matchmaking will never work correctly, cuz there are technical difficulties that will never be addressed across different platforms.
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Don't do that, if you play killer you will regret till the end of times. It's absolutelly horrible to play with a controller
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Nurse, Blight, Huntress, Slinger, and Oni will require a butt ton of practice and trying to do flicks with them are near impossible to pull off. If being spun becomes annoying I usually take a step back then swing, often works.
As others have said, frame drops can lead to many misses, so I recommend restarting the game every 3-4 matches or so to bandaid it. These drops can occur whenever a status effect triggers (applying Sloppy, Myers teiring up, Exposed popping, a gen popping nearby, Lithe triggering, Bloodlust triggering, so many more).
Oh and I should say something about the indoor maps............
............................ yeah effff all of the indoor maps.
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Isn't it possible to attach keyboard/mouse to PS? Or is that not supported in games?
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I wish more PC killers would borrow a friend's PS4 or whatever and see what being a Console Killer is all about. Pretty please, with Cherry flavored Afterpiece on top. Please!
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I used to play dbd on a ps4 pro, don't do it.
It is horrible if you play killer, more auto aim than on pc, bloodlust cucks you when it kicks in, maps with bad fps unless you have a ps5 I don't suggest switching.
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I went in the other direction and I wouldn't play killer on a controller again if you paid me. There's also a lot of performance issues, I was in base ps4 bit I've heard a lot of the same complaints from those with a pro.
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I have never played the game, or any game on PC so I don't know how good that is. But getting to red ranks with controll is no problem with crossplay and the only killer that I feel is frustrating to play is Blight. The Blights I play against as survivors are much better than what I am on Xbox and I can't turn like they can it's not possible. The rest of the killers and survivors is good enough.
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I played on switch, and good lord what a miserable experience. A Claudette spin me around the corn for about 30 seconds before i could land a hit. Turn is too slow, FPS is horrendous... not for me
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Yeah i feel for our Switch cousins
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The game is 100% playable on console but you will likely experience unwanted FPS drops/lag spike with a base ps4. It doesn’t always happen but a good example I saw mentioned already is bloodlust.. I’ve literally had my entire camera spin around when the icon pops up. Over the years I’ve encountered situations where players using balanced landing or lithe suddenly freezes you for even just a split second but now you’re facing who knows which way.
I played a Myers hit tier 3 on me once from like 50 feet as I was running away and the moment the exposed icon popped up I went from running away to running right at him.
I would hold off on buying dlc until you’re sure you want to continue on console. There is the possibility of cross progression someday, unlikely mind you but possible. I’ve heard the ps5 runs dbd silky smooth but I can’t say from personal experience. Also mouse and keyboard is compatible with ps4 and ps5 but it’s up to game developers to incorporate it or not and currently BHVR hasn’t implemented m&k binding on console.