How to use "Block" in the lobby

A few updates ago you could click someone's name and block them, but I havent been able to use it in the past month or so. Is there a trick to it, like hold the CTRL or something?

(this is not if they should have a "Block" option, it is already there, but not working. Either fix it or remove it, but it should work if it is there)


  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    What do you mean by "not working" exactly? You can still click anyone's name and then click "block". Although I have no idea what this "block" actually does, the interface for that works.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I'm pretty sure all it does is prevent them from sending you an in-game friend request. Not a Steam one or whatever other platform you're playing on, but for the in-game friends list, the one with the Discord-like ID's that are like Name#xxxx.

    Pretty sure it still works if you just click their name, but it can be a little bit weird at times and you might have to find the "right place" to click.

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    did you click on their name and it shows "Unblock" mine does not, has not for about a month now. I doubt it does anything useful, in the game, but, as a Killer, you can see who you blocked before because they were toxic or whatever, lets you know to be prepared for another toxic game.

    Yes, there are some "Overlap" issues, but, this has been around since before I stared, 3+ years ago, so, i know how to work around that... BUT... test it out, see if you can actually block someone ("Block" then and look to see if it says "Unblock", mine will not, but it did a few updates ago)