am i the only one who feel pain in eyes during playing on reworked maps?

maps are so dark and muddy that i have to overconcentrate my eyes to see anything, but in addition to that something in this new graphic style makes my eyes almost bleed, idk mb this is a combitation of brown,gray stocks of garbage, brown earth, brown-gray sky.
i think playing on those maps makes my eyesight worse, its been almost 20 minutes since i finished playig and i dont feel comfortable at all.
I read a lot, i spend many time at my PC i never have any complains and feeling that i overconcentrate my eyes for the expeption when i see some ancient document with a very very bad quality
I'd get that checked out.
While I am not a fan of the Autohaven green tint, it doesn't cause me any headaches.
In fact, I find the reworked MacMillian and Ormand easier on the eyes. Pre-Shelter woods was an eye strain.
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now i realize that it is hard to watch not even my own gameplay but a stream of someone playing on reworked autoheavens
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They're fine for me, only issue I have is scratch marks for me at least are harder to see on Ormond than before.
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They’re fine for me.
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Turn graphics down to low and it makes the reworked maps much brighter and less straining on the eyes. If you have access, you can get geforce experience and customise a filter to make the game less intense to look at or whatever your problem is with the new maps
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Yeah, I'm colourblind and used to struggle to make out scratchmarks at the best of times; I'm finding it worse now.
Personally, my most hated realm has always been Yamaoka. If I'm killer, I'm happy if I get my stacks on BBQ.
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They look fine to me, McMillan is much darker but it's still fine
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Suggest changing your screen settings, brightness, tint. Screen position. Are you playing on PC within a couple feet of a monitor, or something bigger and sitting further back. Try either screen adjustments, sitting further or closer to the screen. Screen position. If a monitor usually better to have the eye level be near the top edge of the screen, good ergo. So many variables. I would look at your setup first. Can also adjust the game brightness... Screens do lose brightness as they as so many when you first setup the brightness was 1000s of hours ago.
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Just some person trying to get maps reversed because they don't like change. IT SENT ME TO THE HOSPITAL!
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my eyes dont like the chage, i feel pain , and i dont like chage in general yes, autoheavens realm was the best realm, now i feel sick playing it
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I'm really enjoying the reworked maps so far. They added new structures this time, new tiles and Maurice looks better than ever before! They opened up the Game which is going to make finding gens a lot easier too and bloody hell does the map look good.
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The only reworked map that I can't stand playing on is Autohaven and that is just because the green haze on the map is WAY too intense. Other than that, every other reworked map looks good to me.
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You may want consult an eye fairy...
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If you lower your quality, your game will brighten up. It sucks not having a brightness scaler, but maybe that could help?
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