Why would Clown EVER lure with antidotes?

Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

"Or you may want to lure a Survivor to an area with no pallets remaining with a juicy Antidote. But remember: If the two gases collide, they will neutralize each other and disappear."

This makes no sense. Why would I ever run to a bottle thrown by the killer? I'm not going to assume Clown is gonna toss me a bottle to benefit me.

I understand the idea of the tonic being a negative, and the antidote being a positive, but...The fact that the yellow bottle was thrown by the killer MAKES it a negative, even if it has a positive effect. I'm just simply not going to run to the yellow gas because the KILLER threw it. His intent is negative. Thus, it's no longer a positive to me. What IS positive are MY actions, and I'm going to simply ignore his bottle because it's meant to benefit him, not me. The only way I'd run into an antidote is where I'd be forced to, like at a loop. And he's probably going to have some type of strategy to make sure HE gets the benefit of that antidote and not me.

I'm never going to see yellow gas and think to myself "Sweet, thanks Clown! I'm so glad you just threw a bottle to help me get to the next tile!"

The argument could be that THAT'S the mindgame. By throwing that positive, the survivors are going to assume that it's not going to help them and that Clown is just trying to lure them, so they'll stay away from it.

My argument to that: If I want to keep a survivor away from an area (or make an area dangerous) why wouldn't I just...throw my negative bottle?

I would love for someone to explain to me how anyone but someone who just bought the game is ever going to run towards a bottle thrown by the killer. I see any experienced survivor player being happy that Clown completely wasted a bottle, and then continuing on with their loop.

I'd like to add that I do see other uses for the antidote (as a very slightly mobility boost, and in a chase), but this whole luring thing? Cmon. You can't be serious.

Watching this video back....

"So, if there's a dead-end over here, and there's a pallet over here, you throw a yellow here, and the survivor's like 'Do I go for the pallet? Or do I go for the yellow'"

The pallet. The pallet is always going to be the answer. The example shown in that video isn't realistic past rank 20. A survivor runs past an extremely strong long-wall jungle gym pallet into yellow gas that THE KILLER THREW, that only gives a 10% speed boost. The answer is literally always the pallet. The pallet is there to help survivors. The gas was thrown by the killer. Thus, the pallet is the answer. How could anyone realistically assume that the Clown would throw something to help them, so they ditch a pallet, which the literal purpose of a pallet is to ALWAYS help you. Please, please, please help me in understanding how this makes an ounce of sense.
