As an experienced huntress main I still struggle with this

I've played huntress for a while now and she's practically my main main (if you know what I mean :P)
However I still struggle to this day with hitting hatchets at juking survivors at close range.
I used to be able to hit these shots easily, but recently survivors jukes are so random and annoying it's hard to even hit one.
Anyone got any tips on how to hit back riding // close range juking hatchets?
I used to be a huntress main and I had the same exact problem. I honestly don't know how to help other than practice close range shots more.
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Aim at a location and throw when they cross it
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If you're on PC, invest in a monitor with built in crosshair overlay. Makes a huge difference.
Other than that, hold the hatchet for a moment to see how the survivor jukes.
You can also try running Shadowborn. That perk makes Huntress more comfortable to play (imo).
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This approach should cover 70-80% of your hatchet throws untill you learn to flick consistently, and even then most long range hatchets should be used following it.
You don't move your imagenary crosshair, you wait for survivor players to move themselves into it, and release the hatchet when it happens.
Some specific notes - most survivors follow similar patterns that you can learn and recognize as you play more games. Majority of players able to fake turns when juking are not good enough to not overuse it.
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So basically cheat.
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There's free options to do this with software. You don't need a monitor with this function
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Is it also cheating if I put tape on my screen forming crosshairs?
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Honestly, in 2021... she should have a tiny dot lol. Btw, it's not cheating. And if it was, should EAC detect discord as well?
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I agree. Playing huntress is stressful enough given literally everyone knows where you are at all times thanks to your singing, and the slow speed makes you even easier to loop at certain objects unless your hatchets are on point. I don't think giving her a cross hair is overpowered.
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Discord is for communication. Its purpose is not only related to DBD or playing DBD or SWF. Putting a crosshair in the middle of your screen has a clear purpose: to help you do better as Huntress than you would normally. This is the textbook definition of cheating.
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This logic makes 0 sense.
Discord is for intended for communication yes, used in tandem with DBD which is not designed for communication, it gives you a clear advantage.
A crosshair overlay is intended to overlay a crosshair, on tandem with DBD which does not have a crosshair, it gives you a clear advantage.
It's definitely equivalent so if one is cheating, both is.
But neither is cheating as I'm pretty sure BHVR have said both are fine.
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back of a little and predict where they will strafe next (right or left)
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Ik you have a lot of time in her it just comes with effort you will get good at it
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Step back.
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I used to miss those too. I did two hings that helped me. First I equiped shadowborn. Although you need to get used to it and its just a FOV thing it worked for me pretty good. Second and I can only recommend this, is to practice flickshots. Thats all I do close range and I rarely miss one. But you have to invest a lot of time into it.
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Problem is if the survivor zips and doesn't cross that location. It'll work against predictable survivors but not against those that like to mindgame the dodge. There is no substitute for learning how to flick.
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Nah I put a dorito in the center of my screen. Whenever I get a hit I eat that chip then put another.
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Dunno why this made me laugh lol
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Using a software program could be risky. The anti cheat system might detect it.
Monitors are nice because you can just press a few buttons.
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If you say so. Those type of monitors have been around for a little while now.
They are really nice to have for certain games. I also use a crosshair for Star Wars Battlefront 2. Some of the heroes have really wonky crosshairs, so being able to add your own is convenient.
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I'm a beginner killer and I don't play Huntress much so this may be a stupid statement, but if they're that close then why not just M1 lunge? Okay if you've got a hatchet ready to throw give it a fling. If it hits great, if not they're in bopping range and it seems like that'd be quicker.
I freely admit I may be missing the bloody obvious! :)
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I figured out that walking backwards with a fully charged Hatchet tends to help a lot when a Survivor is running around in your face.
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Sounds like a thing to try, I'll give it a go :)
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Because if you manage to hit them with a hatchet, they gain very minimum distance whereas basic attacking them grants them lots of diatance for a loop, which is especially bad for a killer with less speed than the average killer
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Uh? Did you read this yourself? Or no? Your logic is... hilarious.
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You M1 a survivor you have to wait for Huntress to wipe off the weapon. If you hatchet a survivor there's no waiting period. Skilled Huntresses will leverage hatchets close range to quickly down a survivor at full health.
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I would use a small dot of sticky putty for sticking temporary things on walls.
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It's not you, it's the game. Bad fov plus survivors clipping into your model means you can't land the shot.
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I deserve a treat whenever I do a good job.