Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Chapter Idea: The Last of Us

Tayte Member Posts: 65

Killer: The infected

Name: Bloater

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hair colour: Unknown

Eye colour: Unknown

Power: Spores

Weapon: Arms

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.


Darwin Watson lived a peaceful and healthy life, until the worst case scenario would happen. The outbreak was all over the news. Darwin struggled hard to survive, but the bite from his wife would soon succumb him to the infection. A growing fungus slowly taking over his brain, with only one motive in mind. Spread the infection. Over the years Darwin would grow into a senseless creature who evolved into a monsterous bloater. An easy grabbing for the entity.



Ability: Spores.

-Primary attack: The bloater is granted the ability to throw spores at survivors that infects survivors and puts them in injured state, and potentially in dying state if infected enough. (would look similar to plagues infection state, except it will not grow infection over time. Only by inhalation of spores. So the more you inhale. The more it goes up. Otherwise the infection bar stands completely still.)

The survivors can still heal health states by the help of others. Not by themselves. Which sets back the infection bar a little. Any item, generator, locker, pallet and window, will be infected when interacted with or thrown spores on for 15 seconds. Once hooked, the infected bar resets completely.

-Secondary attack: Plant spore nest in one area of the map. Survivors walking into the nest area will become infected overtime. The nest will have a 1 minute cooldown per plant. Can be removed by the survivors with the punishment of being infected.

(The survivors do not get covered in any goo, cough or vomit. Only the spore infection particles.)

Mori: Grabbing the survivor by the head and ripping their jaw up.

(I am aware its a bit of a mixture of clown and plague. Sorry about that. I'm also very uncertain how this would work from a balance point of view. If anyone has an idea as for how to tweak it or replace it, let me know)


Killer Perks:

1. Hex: What's that smell?:

3 totems will cause a rancid smell that makes survivors gag and cough when near it. Gives a noise notification every 10 seconds for any survivor standing within the totem's proximity, while also making the survivors much more noisy and gives distorted vision until it's broken or they are out of its 25 meters range.

2. Hex: Gotcha!:

A hex totem infects every other totem until destroyed. Whenever a totem that isn’t the hex totem is broken, blind that survivor for 3-5 seconds, with a quick aura reveal.

3. Tooth for tooth:

reach bloodlust 1 in a chase to gain a stack. if 3 stacks are collected, you get the ability to destroy a pallet by standing next to it and holding a button down. Has to be 3 different chases so that you can't farm stacks in 1 long chase



Survivor: Joel Miller

Age: early-mid 50’s

Gender: Male.

Hair colour: Black (and gray)

Eye Colour: Hazel.


Joel’s conscience slowly dwindles away as he shuts down his emotions to cope to his new life. Having lost family and friends to the newfound world of a pandemic plague and savages. He longs for a purpose in life. A purpose he finds in Ellie. Through years of hardships they both cross the lines of many enemies.

In Jackson Joel thinks he can finally escape it all until a mysterious meet up brings him together with a stranger. A stranger who has a personal vendetta with Joel.

As Joel gets held against the window by the strangers' associates.The stranger takes out a golf club, and starts smashing in his head. The world swirls before him as he finds himself in a new place within the entity’s grasp. The wound against his head had healed.

(Gun not included)


Survivor Perks:

1. It's a deal:

Trading items with another survivor gives back 50% durability for you and the person you traded with. Can only be done once per game.

2. Every bit counts:

Finishing a generator by your own hands gives a small amount of durability back to your item.

3. Bombatage:

The first generator you touch becomes planted with a small bomb. Whenever a skillcheck should be failed, and the killer stands near, would trigger a small stun explosion that lasts for a few seconds. The stun and bomb can only be successfully achieved once. Will slow down gen progression slightly. Can be attempted again at the next generator if not successfully performed.



New Map: The Dinosaur Museum

Would be night time to make it more spooky.


Since we’ve gotten Silent hill and l4d in dbd, I think it could work with The Last of Us. The Last of Us also had a deal with Diablo once, where they got their monsters in that game. Which means they are likely open to the idea. I am aware some people may never have played tlou or be familiar with it.

I also know someone will question how an instinct killer like the bloater could hook anyone, but we have the demogorgon, so I don't think that's too much of an issue.


  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985 a villain

  • Tayte
    Tayte Member Posts: 65

    Yes and no. He did what it took to survive, so more of an anti-hero, and he changed for the better by the second game. So much so he put faith into strangers, which ultimately became his demise. He tried to be a better person, and that is the Joel I want in Dead By Daylight

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    You're right, I got carried away by what that murderer Abby said, Joel is my anti-hero.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    The power seems to be perfectly fine. Kind of unoriginal in what exactly it does, but in how it'd look it definitely would be very unique.

    Hex: What's That Smell isn't well explained. 3 Hex: What's That Smell totems, or 3 random totems? Other than that, I can't think of anything overly wrong with it.

    Hex: Gotcha is just a worse Undying, and even after Undying's nerf it still will be. Blindness is an awful status effect, and it's even worse when it only works for 5 seconds max.

    Tooth For Tooth on Wraith. Farms stacks infinitely and breaks every pallet on the map. Other than scenarios like that, this perk is pretty cool! It would actively be bad on better Killers who end chases quickly, like Nurse, Spirit and Oni, while being good with worse Killers like Legion and Trapper.

    It's a Deal is a cool perk with an interesting mechanic, I like it.

    Every Bit Counts is entirely dependent on how much it brings back. If it requires you to complete a generator for it to activate, then it should be around 30/40/50% in my opinion.

    Bombatage is very interesting and kinda bad based on how it was explained. Perks relying on Skillchecks are generally pretty bad. Ex. Autodidact seems like a busted perk, but it's entirely rng based, so it's one of the worst perks in the game. Maybe when the Killer kicks it, it explodes, decreasing progress by 5/4/3% but stuns the Killer for 5 seconds? With a cooldown of 100 seconds or something? Otherwise, another perk to add to a chainstun build, it's amazing.