PTB is buffing Mangled Add Ons

Now every single source of Mangled works like Sloppy Butcher and inflicts it until the Survivor heals. That means that Huntress, Wraith, Legion, Bubba, Deathslinger, Trapper, Pig, and Clown all got at least one of their add ons buffed.
This could be absolutely huge. Anyone else excited about this?
I'm excited! Let's see if they updated those add-on descriptions aswell! (I have a bad feeling that they forgot, but let's wait and see until the PTB is out!)
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That's how it always should have been. Timed effects were pointless.
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I'm also big sad that Vigil was nerfed thanks to this change.
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In other (well actually same) news: Vigil was just nerfed. lol
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Their also getting rid of exhaustion none of reworked clowns addons give it anymore.
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I mean... yes... but did anyone run Vigil for anything besides recharging exhaustion faster? That part of it is still the same.
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Can someone send me the patch notes for this PTB I need to see what it is
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That's true, literally nobody used vigil without an exhaustion perk, so I guess it's fine.
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It was still a nice side effect I would say.
not that I ever used it, but it’s still a (minor) nerf to a perk that is already super underused. And is in dire need of a rework.
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what about hemorrhage?
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You're not wrong. However I'd say about 80% of the time you got hit by mangled it was from Sloppy Butcher which already wasn't effected by Vigil. Meanwhile, we're giving a pretty nifty buff to ~10 add ons that kinda really need it.
On the plus side, a bunch of not great perks got buffs this PTB so hopefully Vigil will get its turn soon.
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Yeah kinda. Maybe not for Wraith who already has a ton of good add-ons, but I am very interested in Deathslinger and Legion mangled add-ons.
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That's just to make sure survivors slam gens even harder.
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Sure but there's a reason why I frequently run Tinkerer on Deathslinger and M&A and Trail of Torment on Legion. You don't heal? Fine I'll just use my stealth perks to put your butt on the floor without you being able to react.
They usually start healing in spite of Mangled after that.
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I hope this signals a greater change to some status effects and perks. Namely Hemorrhage. It's honestly worthless as an effect.
IMO Hemorrhage should make blood glow like Bloodhound. That would make it INCREDIBLY useful. Then change Bloodhound to just say "Inflict Hemorrhage on up to 2/3/4 survivors at one time" and then change Sloppy to only inflict Mangled (on up to 2/3/4 survivors at a time).
Both perks are effectively the same, and now Hemorrhage is actually a useful status effect to put on survivors.
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This is a great change, considering the recent changes to Thana.
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To be fair, the fact that they were doing this was not in the Developer update a few days ago. I wasn't one of the ones saying it was overall a killer nerf but with the info we had, I can see getting that impression.
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Wait... does that mean they get the blood drip increase too?
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the extra bleeding is a separate effect called Haemorrhage. So no. But the Survivors not being able to just wait out your mangled effect and not having it tick down while their hanging on a hook or in chase is still incredibly nice.