We Need More Daily Rituals
I like having a reason to jump on other killers and survivors other than my main ones and just the 1 daily isn't enough in my opinion. Something like 5 per day would be better or even just a constant flow. I can't really see any downsides to this as it rewards people to keep playing, switch stuff up and reduces the grind I've seen mentioned a lot.
Anyone else want this or have any other ideas?
More variety to daily’s as well.
just reuse some of the tome challenges maybe in smaller scope.
eg usage of perks (that you already have access to for at least one character) or even those dumb but kinda funny ‚disturb x crows‘
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I mean, personally, I don't do my daily rituals unless they're ones that I'll just complete during a match anyways, like healing 3 people etc. It's often because I'll get a killer daily and I don't really play killer or it'll be for a character who I don't like playing very much or don't want to play at the time. However, I'm not against the idea of adding more daily rituals, I think if that's what people want, then I don't see anything particularly wrong with it.
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I haven't done a daily in months. I have been ignoring them for a while now.
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Having more would definitely help lessen the bp grind.
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I'm a survivor main that has taken the time to make sure Nea has all survivor perks. I've not bothered to do the same for any other survivor. I don't play killer. I don't use any survivors other than Nea. I don't have any reason to spend bloodpoints on another survivor when the difference between survivors is purely cosmetic.
I would like the option to choose to never receive any killer rituals or survivor specific ones. It's nowhere close to a big deal but it would be nice to be able to select to only receive rituals that are relevant to the way I play.
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Maybe tailor it to your personal game style: if you play killer main give killer daily and survivor for survivor? I'm sick of having to pass days worth of challenges because I don't main killer...
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That's great for you, but for people that are new to the game, the BP grind is a bit daunting, especially if you want to try out a lot of different characters. Any opportunity to gain more BP is a welcome addition and you can go right on continuing to ignore them if you so choose, so it doesn't hurt anything.